Media Release

Wednesday24 July 2013


Burnside Council has endorsed a $5m capital upgrade to the Glenunga Reserve.

At last night’s Council meeting, the visionary Glenunga Reserve Community Hub Master Plan was endorsed.

City of Burnside Chief Executive Officer Paul Deb said Council has a vision for Glenunga Reserve as being a key ‘community hub’ where people of all ages can gather to experience a range of high class sport, recreation and community activities.

“Glenunga Reserve is very well patronised by the local community and resident sporting clubs,” Mr Deb said.

“The proposal aims to improve and expand upon our current facilities to create additional opportunities for community involvement.

“We have considered all feedback gathered through the various rounds of community consultation and after receiving significant positive feedback, a cost-effective proposal has been produced that reflects the needs of our community.

“We have also listened to members of our communitywhohave voiced concerns, and believe that the proposal balances their needs and considerations.

“Feedback received over the development included limiting the cost as far as practical, and the potential visual height impact upon the Reserve.”

From earlier concept plans, the footprint of the building has been reduced, the overall cost of the project has been scaled back, and Council has favoured a one-storey facility that will be designed in sympathy to its parkland setting while still providing the communityfacility required.

The proposed footprint of the centralised Community Hub is in the order of 900m² - a reduction of approximately 200m²when compared to the total size of the Reserve’s previous buildings footprints (inclusive of the change rooms and Progress Association Hall which have been demolished).

Ourproposal includes:

  • Undertaking priority works on the sporting fields to install new drainage and irrigation systems for all users (Stage 1)
  • Building new clubrooms and improving sporting fields to cater for existing and possibly new sporting groups
  • Building a new multi-purpose community centre for all age groups, from young people to senior citizensand
  • Improving recreational and visual amenity of the reserve with new picnic and BBQ facilities, access paths, public toilets, lighting and car parking.

The capital project is estimated at $5millionandwork will commence on the reserve irrigation and drainage later this year.

Building worksare proposed to commence in 2014 and be completed in 2015.

Council Administration will also endeavour to minimise any inconvenience caused by construction at the site on community groups and residents.

Details are available on Council’s website (

Contact: Maggie Wood 8306 4229 or 0408271281.

Issued by:

Paul Deb

Chief Executive Officer

City of Burnside