Wafaa Tawfik Islam, Ph.D.
Title / Professor Pharmacognosy, Department
E-mail /
Phone / 02-23632245 / 02-23639307 / 02-2567457 / 02-23624917
Most Recent Degree / Ph.D.
Title of Thesis / “A Pharmacognostical Study of Cynanchum acutum L. Growing in Egypt”
Specialization / Pharmacognosy
University Attended / Cairo University
Year / 1991
Teaching Experience
Course Title / Course Code / University / Academic years
Undergraduate Courses /
- General pharmacognosy
- Phytochemistry
- General pharmacognosy
- Botany & Medicinal Plants
- Botany and Medicinal Plants
Postgraduate Courses / 1. Diploma of Medicinal
Plants / Cairo University / 1998
2. Diploma of Quality Assurance & Drug Analysis / Cairo University / 1999 -2006
3. Medicinal Plants for Master students / Cairo University / 2008/2009
Publications and Presentations
- "Estimation and isolation of cardenolides of Cheiranthus cheiri L. growing in Egypt", Proceedings of XXI Conference of "Pharmaceutical Sciences”, 1990, 349-353.
- "Composition and antimicrobial activity of the floral concrete and absolute of Cynanchum acutum L. (Asclepiadaceae)", “Az. J. Nat. Prod.”, 1990, vol. 5.
- "Macro- and micromorphological study of the root and rhizome of Cynanchum acutum L. (Asclepiadaceae)", “Az. J. Nat. Prod.”, 1990, vol. 5.
- "A macro- and micromorphological study of the flower, fruit and seed of Cynanchum acutum L. (Asclepiadaceae)", The XXII Conference of "Pharmaceutical Sciences”, 1991.
- "Preliminary investigations on some Pharmacodynamic actions of Cynanchum acutum L", “Vet. Med. J., Giza”, 1993, 41(1), 117-121.
- "Certain Pharmacological studies on the underground parts of Cynanchum acutum L", “Alex. J. Vet. Sciences”, 1993, 9(2), 107-112..
- Pharmacognostical Study of Zizyphus Spina- Christi L. Willd. Growing in Egypt. Part I: Macro- and Micromorpholigical Study of the Stem and Leaf", "Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ.", 1993, 31(3), 433-440.
- "Pharmacognostical Study of Zizyphus Spina- Christi L. Willd. Growing in Egypt. Part II: Macro- and Micromorphology of the Flower and Phytochemical Screening of Different Organs of the Plant", "Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ.", 1994, 32(1), 95-101.
- "Cytotoxic Cardenolides from Cheiranthus cheiri L. Flowers", Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ.", 1998, 36(3), 147-149.
- "Phytochemical and Biological Study of Ficus mysorensis B.", “Az. J. Pharm. Sci.”, 2000, 25, 86-100.
- "Coumarin constituents and Biological Study of Ficus pseudosycomorus D", “Az. J. Pharm. Sci.”, 2000, 25, 101-115.
- "Cytotoxic cardenolides from Thevetia neriifolia Juss roots", Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ.", 2000, 38(3).
- "Comparative Macro- and Micromorphological Characters of Certain Ficus Species Growing in Egypt", "Alexandria Second International Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology", 2000.
- "Pharmacognostical Study of Plumeria rubra L. var. alba Fruits, Cultivated in Egypt", Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ.", 2002, 40(2), 75-84.
- "Phytochemical and Pharmacological Study of Cassia tora L. Roots and Leaves, Grown in Egypt", "Egypt. J. Biomed. Sci.", 2003, 13, 135-153.
- "Quantification of Flavonoids in Different Organs of Opuntia dillenii (Ker-Gawl) Haw., Growing in Egypt", Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ.", 2004, 42(2), 247-258.
- "Macro- and Micromorphology of Different Organs of Opuntia dillenii (Ker-Gawl) Haw, Growing in Egypt", Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ.", 2004, 42(2), 259-287.
- "Composition and Bioactivity of the Essential oils of Twigs of Four Pinus species, Cultivated in Egypt", "Egypt. J. Biomed. Sci.", 2004, 15, 452-464.
- "Antihyperglycemic Effect and Nutritive Value of Opuntia dillenii (Ker-Gawl) Haw. Fruits, Cultivated in Egypt", "Bull. NRC, Egypt", 2005, 30(2), 159-177.
- "Anti-inflammatory Flavonoids from Opuntia dillenii (Ker-Gawl) Haw. Flowers, Growing in Egypt", "Phytother. Res.", 2005, 19, 807-809.
- "Phytochemical Investigation, Pharmacological Activity and Nutritive Value of Zizyphus Spina-christi L. Willd., Cultivated in Egypt", "Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ.", 2005, 43(1), 107-117.
- "Volatile Oils from Needles and Cones of Egyptian Chir Pine (Pinus Roxburghii Sarg.)", "Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ.", 2006, 44(2), 77-83.
- "Phytochemical and Biological Study of the Flower-Heads of Gaillardia aristata Pursh., Cultivated in Egypt", "Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ.", 2006, 44(2), 105-116.
- "Chemical Composition and Bioactivities of Volatiles from Ocimum basilicum L. var. minimum, Cultivated in Egypt","Egypt. J. Biomed. Sci.", {& Al-Azhar 4th International Conference for "Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences", February, 2006.}, 2007, 24, 218-231.
- Prize of the late Professor Dr. Abd El-Azim Hefny Saber, for the best “Scientific Research” in pharmacognosy, 1999.
- Prize of the late Professor Dr. Abd El-Azim Hefny Saber, for the best Ph. D. thesis, 2000.
- Prize from "The Arabic Company for Medicinal Plants" for the best master thesis, 2004.
Attended Workshops
- Teaching and Educational courses – Cairo University, 1985.
- "Management of Time and Work Stresses", arranged by Faculty and Leadership Development Project [FLDP], 2005.
- "Decision Making and Solving Problems", arranged by FLDP, 2005.
- "Scientific Research", arranged by FLDP, 2006.
- "Teaching Using Technology", arranged by FLDP, 2006.
- "Course Design", arranged by FLDP, 2007.
"Literature Survey of 164 Plants Growing in South East Egypt", 2004–2005, Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology.