PURPOSE: To provide financial assistance to deserving scouts planning to participate in a long term summer camp, high adventure or jamboree experience.

  1. Camperships are only made available to registered Boy Scouts or Venturers in the Mississippi Valley Council who will attend our long term summer camps, high adventure bases or National/World Jamboree.
  1. Campership applications should be sent to theWilson Foundation by May 1st, to allow sufficient time for all parties concerned to be notified. However, requests for campership grants can be considered after this time period, as long as funds are available.
  1. Camperships are granted on verified need or hardship, and available funds. Filling out question number 1 on the application is important. "Going to camp is fun" is not a need.
  1. Each application is reviewed individually and must stand on its own merit. Completion of an application does not guarantee a Campership grant.
  1. It is the belief of the Wilson Foundation that every scout should have the opportunity to attend camp. The scout law states that "a scout is thrifty" and that every scout pays his own way; therefore Scouts should make every effort to earn as much of the camp fee as possible.
  1. No full Camperships will be approved. Each Scout is expected to earn and pay a portion of their fee. The need will determine the amount of the Campership grant to be provided, but in no case will it exceed 50% of the total fee. Camperships do not include the cost of a medical examination, equipment, transportation, or other camping related needs.
  1. An application for a Wilson Foundation Campership grant must be made and signed by the Parent/Guardian or Scoutmaster, on the Foundation's official Campership Application. All information requested on the form must be completed in full with the appropriate signatures, before the application can be reviewed.
  1. Unit leaders will receive written notification regarding those Scouts who have been approved for a Campership grant and the amount of the grant.
  1. If the Scout fails to attend or cannot attend summer camp, the grant money must be returned to the committee.

Application for camperships must be fully completed to be considered. Submit to:

Wilson Foundation

1700 River St.

Burlington, Ia52601



Scout’s Full Name______E-mail ______

Mailing Address ______Crew or Troop Number ______

City ______Zip ______Home Phone: ______

Date of Birth: ______Grade______

Name of Parent or Guardian: ______

Name of the event Scout is attending:______Date(s): ______

Total CampFee: ______Total amount Scout can/will pay: ______

Total amount earned from fundraising: ______Amount of grant requested: ______

Scout Information :

Current Rank ______# Merit Badges earned:______

Are you an Order of the Arrow or Silver Tomahawk Lodge member? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Current Leadership Position (if applicable): ______

List Troop/Crew/OA positions held: ______


How many times have you been to Summer Camp? ______

How much popcorn did you sell this year to help support council operations?______

The following information is required and must be completed:

  1. Please provide any information relating to the need (hardship) for the campership: ______



  1. Efforts the Scout has made to pay his own way:______


This application can be submitted/signed by either Parent/Guardian, Scoutmaster or both.

Parent/ Guardian Signature ______Date: ______

Scoutmaster Signature: ______Date: ______