November3, 2014
Department Goals are one of the eight Professional Competencies used to appraise non-teacher employees.Descriptions of each competency are included in the tables below. The non-teacher employee’s designation in PeopleSoft will determine which document will apply (manager or non-manager). Detailed rubrics are available that define the performance levels of each competency.
Please refer to the following guidelines regarding Department Goals:
- Department Goals should be communicated to the non-teacher employee no later than the Goal-Setting Conference.
- Principals and department heads will have the ability to customize assignment of department goals by individual non-teacher employees.
- In preparation for entering department goals into the PeopleSoft system later in the semester, principals and department heads should maintain a comprehensive list of all department goals assigned to non-teacher employees within their campus/department.
Professional Competency / Competency Descriptions For Employees (Non-Managers only)
Focus / Employee identifies and meets customer requirements, while serving their needs in a timely and professional manner.
2. Judgment and
Making / Employee defines problems, conducts analysis, and develops appropriate solutions, while exhibiting high standards of professional conduct and ethical practice.
3.Planning and
Organization / Employee supports the mission and beliefs of their organization, understands organizational matters, and aligns work accordingly by establishing effective processes, workflow, and integration with others.
4.People and
Development / Employee resolves conflicts, minimizes problems, demonstrates respect for others, uses team-building strategies, and inspires the team to be their best.
5. Interpersonal
Effectiveness / Employee communicates effectively, contributes to a positive work environment, holds self and others accountable for high standards, and addresses conflict situations with understanding.
Expertise / Employee completes the day-to-day functions and properly executes the technical aspects of the job, obtains proper training, and delivers high-quality, measureable, and timely results.
7. Standard
Expectations / Employee dresses in a manner that is appropriate for the job assignment, complies with campus/department/district policies, is punctual for scheduled meetings, and arrives to work on time.
8. Department
Goals / Employee meets department goals as assigned by manager.
Professional Competency / Competency Descriptions for Employees (*Managers Only)
1. Customer
Focus / Manager identifies and meets customer requirements, while serving their needs in a timely and professional manner.
2.Judgment and
Making / Manager defines problems, conducts analysis, and develops appropriate solutions, while exhibiting high standards of professional conduct and ethical practice. Furthermore, the manager involves staff and other stakeholders, as appropriate, in decision-making.
3.Planning and
Organization / Manager determines organizational goals and objectives that align to the goals of the district, understands organizational matters, and aligns work accordingly by establishing effective processes, workflow, and integration with others.
4. People and
Development / Manager resolves conflicts, minimizes problems, demonstrates respect for others, uses team-building strategies, and inspires the team to be their best. The manager will also address performance issues in a timely manner, identify individuals with leadership potential, and foster employee development.
Effectiveness / Manager communicates effectively, contributes to a positive work environment, holds self and others accountable for high standards, and addresses conflict situations with understanding.
6. Leadership / Manager leads change, articulates vision and direction, anticipates and plans a strategy to address problems, relates well to diversity, and is able to maneuver through complex situations.
7. Standard
Expectations / Manager dresses in a manner that is appropriate for the job assignment, complies with campus/department/district policies, is punctual for scheduled meetings, and arrives to work on time.
8. Department
Goals / Manager meets department goals as assigned by manager.
*A Manager is any non-teacheremployee who is responsible for the management and appraisal of other non-teacher employees.
All campus-based employees appraised under the non-teacher appraisal system will be appraised as non-managers.