August 4, 2017
General Meeting Agenda
Village of Hoffman Estates
1900 Hassell Rd
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
Lunch and Networking Hour (12 pm – 1 pm)
General Meeting (1 pm – 2 pm) - Start time:
Welcome and Introductions
Committees and Reports
Treasurer Report (Peter) - Dues on Oct. 20th account $26,538.65
Guidelines (Kati): Need nominee for guidelines and don’t have dates for guidelines
Professional Development (Crystal): Need speakers and interested let Crystal know
Student Development (Bonnie): Students from last 2 years from last year still want to be involve and will reach out to TD to see if they can recruit more students.
Bylaws Committee – on hiatus
Old Business
• Assessment Task Group – update - Eunice and Audra are on the committee in addition to Chris and will call for grant proposal soon.
o Need to determine who will qualify (ACEPT member only and having current diagnostic site, or a plan for diagnostic students)
o Need to develop a form and sub categories for what qualifies and
o Purposed timeline is early fall semester and before practicum applications go out.
• Masters Programs Match- summer survey - will be rolling out survey by beginning of fall for feedback about pros/cons and how helpful to sites and students.
• Community Training Partnerships Sign Up – during previous meeting it was discussed having training sites share didactics and seminars to be offered.
• Sign up sheet was passed out and if interested can list your name and the topic you are interested in presenting.
New Business
• 2017-2018 Election Results and Positions
o President - Kati Heffron
o President-Elect -Chris Rector
o Secretary - Kathy Emery
o Treasurer -Miki Koyama
• 2017-2018 Meetings
o Nov. 3rd: Location TBD
o Feb. 2nd: Location TBD
o May 18th conference Loyola
▪ Need to decide if to have meeting before or during the conference.
• Practicum Fair
o Dec. 1 at Roosevelt
Open to Members:
• Thank you to ACEPT
Kati’s Objects as President:
• Kati wants to make sure ACEPT is helpful beyond the guidelines and want to bring the community to come together and expand Skype meeting
• Send out e-mails interesting article or blog post or have someone contribute to the website. Get people more interested.
• Create more social opportunities or mentoring for new sites and have people more included.
• Send out another e-mail and send us an e-mail for people who want to add to the e-mail list beyond identified representative of the site.
• Set up subscribers to listserv.
Please share this with your site’s colleagues when e-mails are sent from ACEPT.
Any post-docs that are looking for assessment-based let Kati know.
Allendale has a post-doc position, therapy-based, with increased salary to 40k.
Noted that it is harder to fill post-docs now compared to the past.
Presentation and 1 CE Event (2pm-3pm)
Intrusions in the Therapy Room- Dr. Audra Marks