2014 Mechanic Updates
General Mechanics and Signal Review
Mechanics are the method used to arrive at a position on the field to render a call, and the signal is the method used to communicate. Mechanics and signals go hand in hand. It is each umpire’s responsibility to know when a signal is needed (dropped third strike help) and when one is not needed (an obvious foul ball back to the screen). The following updates were not included in last year’s manual but were published on the Central Hub.
1. Infield Fly
The infield fly call should be initiated by the plate umpire. If the plate umpire does not make the call, the base umpire should make the call. The call does not need to be echoed by the base umpires.
The signal: right arm raised above head, with fist closed, left arm at side, and say “Infield fly. The batter is out, if fair.”
2. Checked Swing
The plate umpire, when asked to get help or if there is any doubt regarding a swing attempt, by rule shall ask for help from the open umpire. The open umpire must remain with the swing or action (bunt/slap) long enough to give help when asked, even if a runner is attempting to steal.
3. Dropped Third Strike
Base umpires will only signal to the plate umpire indicating that a third strike was not caught. It alerts all umpires to a potential play on the batter-runner. The signal is used when the batter, by rule, is entitled to run if the third strike is dropped.
4. Ball Four or Any Time First Base is Awarded
The plate umpires will remove their mask and observe the runner advance to first base. If the batter was hit by a pitch, trail the runner 10-15 feet up the line to ensure good sportsmanship by all players.
5. First Base Responsibilities When U1 Chases
With a runner on first, less than two outs and U1 chases, the plate umpire has tag responsibilities and all calls at first base. The plate umpire needs to read the play and obtain calling distance at first base. If the ball is not caught and there is not an immediate play at first base P will then move across the diamond for possible play at third base. U3 is responsible for all calls at second base and is a second set of eyes for calls at third base.
U1 chases - ball is caught less than 2 outs
P: move to a primary position 6-10 feet for a tag playfrom first base. Take the tag-up on R1. See R touch first base. Take any play at first base.
U3: move inside or stay outside the diamond to a primary position 6-10 feet from second base. Take all plays at second base.
U1 chases - ball is not caught less than 2 outs
P: move to a primary position 15-18 feet from first base. Take any first play at first base. See R touch first base. As R1 touches second base, move to a primary position at third base.
U3: move inside or stay outside the diamond to a primary position 6-10 feet from second base. Take all plays at second base. When P moves to third base, U3 is responsible for all plays at first base.
U1 chases - two outs
P: move out toward the pitching circle. As R1 approaches second base, move to a primary position at third base. Take all plays on R1 at third base and home.
U3: move inside or stay outside the diamond and take the initial play at first or second base.
Take all subsequent play at first or second base.