Tustin Ranch Elementary School PTA

General Information Guide 2017-2018

1)THANK YOUThank you for giving of your time to benefit all of the students at TRE. We all have different things going on in ourlives. Whether we work in or out of the home, have one or three children. Giving the extra hours can sometimes be a heavy lift. It is appreciated not only by the PTA, but by the TRE teaching team, but especially by the students. So keep in mind why we are here- it is for the kids!

2)MEMBERSHIP In order to service as a volunteer your need to be a PTA member. Please make sure you have completed your PTA Membership. I would encourage all of our Executive Board and Committee chairs to join PAWs for The Cause; however, giving of your time is just as valuable as a financial contribution.

3)PTA “Office”—The PTA office is located in the school office just left of the conference room by the Principal’s office. This is often referred to as the “phone closet.” This is a small space to store frequently used items: PAWS for the Cause, key hospitality items, etc. We need to keep this area functional, so please do not store large items and boxes in this closet that are not used on a daily basis. Those items should be store in the PTA storage room.

4)PTA STORAGE ROOM—The PTA storage room is located outside the school’s lobby at the end of the hall. This is locked at all times and the key is located in the PTA office on a hook by the door. This key should be returned promptly after use. The room is very organized; please help to keep it that way.You will not be reimbursed for the purchase of any of these supplies.


  1. Please check the closet for the following key items before purchasing. This year goal is to use what we have. I have included a complete list of supplies at the back of this packet.
  2. Utensils, cups, serving wear, hot serving dishes
  3. Luau, Hollywood, Beach, Paris, International, Fall Décor
  4. Vases
  5. Frames
  6. Event Signs
  7. Table Covers

5)PTA MAILBOX—There is a mailbox in the front office with a lock on it. This mailbox is used for any and all correspondence with the PTA from the students and parents. Please help us remind everyone to label everything turned in, specificallyso we know, if money is involved, where the money should be deposited. Each Executive Board Member will have a key to the box. If you need access to the box, please arrange to have an Exec Board member open it for you.

6)MASTER CALENDAR/FACILITIES REQUEST FORM—For any event or meeting at TRE, a master calendar form needs to be filled out and turned in to Sumitra at the front office. She will make sure that we do not have conflicts for your desired event and place your event on the master calendar.

7)MEETINGS/ATTENDANCE—Please attend all PTA meetings. Attendance is very important to keep you informed as well as for the purpose of having a sufficient quorum of members (13) present in order to conduct the meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please let the PTA President and Secretary know. Please be prepared to give a report during the meeting for your committee if it is proper timing to do so. If you are uncomfortable speaking or cannot attend the meeting, you written report will be attached to the meeting report.

8)MINUTES—Minutes of the PTA General meetings will be kept by the Secretary. If you would like to review the minutes, please see Michelle Lockwood to do so. The minutes are made available before each meeting for review and accuracy.

9)CONTRACTS—All contracts with outside vendors/services/companies need to be signed but the PTA President. If you are planning an event where a contract needs to be signed, please be sure to include the PTA President in the process.

10)PHOTOCOPYING—The PTA has an access code for the copier. There are 2 copy machines.

1.This year’s code:1117

2.When possible, please use the Riso copier. As we are going paperless- We are limited to 150 copies per month on the other machine, so please use the Riso for any copy jobs over 30 copies.

3.When possible, please try to minimize the number of copies made—total student headcount by teacher list should be posted on the wall just inside the workroom near the mailboxes.

4.PTA has colored paper for flyers in the inside PTA closet—please see the President about obtaining the paper.

5.If you need to make more than 30 copies, please use the rizzo.

  1. COMMUNICATION: Before sending out any PTA communication, please make sure that your message has been reviewed and approved by both the PTA President and the Principal. It also needs to be signed and contain the following wording: “PTA Sponsored, document not printed at TUSD expense.”


1.E-MAIL BLASTS—The PTA sends an e-mail blast weekly with reminders and current events. Mike Ginty will be in charge of this and he needs your input by Thursday, so the blast can be sent on Sunday evening. Articles about upcoming events or follow up after an event are a great way to keep parents connected. Please e-mailMike at .

2.MONTHLY NEWSLETTER—The PTA sends out an electronic newsletter each month. This newsletter tends to be more in depth than the weekly e-blast, which often is just calendar items.

3.WEBSITE—All flyers and communications can be posted on the PTA website, weekly update and teachers haiku page. This approach will help limit our paper use.

4.BLACKBOARD CONNECT: These are the phone messages that Tracy sends out to remind parents of important upcoming events and other information. If you have a message that you would like Tracy to send out, please write what you would like her to say and e-mail to the President at or approval and then the President will send your request to Tracy.

5.FACEBOOK: PTA has a Facebook page! Please contact hen you would like to post an announcement from TRE.

6.ELECTRONIC MARQUEE: Monita Tam updates our marquee. Please submit requests for messages on the marquee to .

7.ROOM PARENT MESSAGES: If you are a Room Parent, please make sure that all communications (to teachers or parents) are approved by the Room Parent Coordinator, Lupe Inutan, the PTA President and the Principal.

8.FLYERS—Each chairperson is responsible for preparing and distributing their own flyers.

  1. ALL FLYERS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE PTA PRESIDENT AND PRINCIPAL FOR APPROVAL. Submit flyers via e-mail to and e PTA President and Principal will review. If approved, Sumitra will submit for translation services.
  1. ALL FLYERS MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING DISCLAIMER AND TRACY’S INITIALS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE. The disclaimer will read “PTA Sponsored, document not printed at TUSD expense.”
  1. All flyers that go home in the Friday folders must be approved, copies made, and placed in teachers’ boxes no later than 9:00 a.m. on Thursday morning to be included in that week’s Friday Folder. Please include a note to teachers about what you need them to do with the flyers.
  1. Give yourself plenty of time for this process by starting the week before would like to send the flyer.

12)COMMITTEES—Most of the PTA work is done by committee, i.e. the discussion of alternatives, proposed solutions, and event planning is done by committee rather than at a general meeting.

1.At general meetings, the chairperson gives a status report and presents the best alternative for approval by the group. If the committee is not sure of the best solution, contact the PTA President to determine if a special executive board meeting is required.

2.If you are the chairperson of an event or project and need assistance, try to get friends involved in your committee early—the more the merrier! Many hands make light work—and there is plenty of work to go around.

13)VOTING—ALL PTA activities, programs, spending, etc… must be approved by the general membership by the use of the motion process outlined in Robert’s Rules of Order. The steps are as follows:

1.Someone makes a motion at a general meeting (e.g. “I move that we approve the deposit of $1000 needed for the Back to School Bash”)

2.Someone seconds the motion

3.The motion is then open for discussion (questions are raised, answered, etc..)

4.Then a voice vote is taken. A simple majority approves a motion, as specified in the by-laws.

5.Any PTA member except the President may make a motion.

14)BUDGETING—A budget is prepared during the spring/summer prior to school starting and is then approved by the general membership at the September PTA meeting. Our TRE fiscal year runs from July 1-June 30. The budget consists of both projected revenues and expenses for the coming year, broken down into major categories. The budget is only a guideline for the annual spending, NOT an authorization for paying bills. It is your responsibility as a Chairperson to know your budget and operate within that amount unless approved to spend more at a general meeting. (see SPENDING below)

15)SPENDING—After the budget has been approved, a purchase may be made. All required forms can be found in the workroom in a file holder on the wall next to the mailboxes. All forms must be submitted to the Treasurer’s mailbox by the Friday before our General Meeting to be included in the monthly bills. Keep in mind all cash requests and reimbursements require the signature of the President and Secretary.

1.CHECK REQUESTS: Prior to disbursing the funds YOU MUST prepare a “CHECK REQUEST FORM” and submit it to the Treasurer. A check request can be prepared indicating the payment directly to a vendor or to an individual as a reimbursement. The check request form must be filled out completely and have all original receipts attached. The Treasurer will then “present the bills” at a general meeting for approval. Once approved, the check can be written.

2.SPENDING OVER BUDGET: If an item is not included or exceeds the original budget, you MUST make a separate motion at a general meeting to have the item approved, then the check request form can be submitted for approval. BEWARE: If you spend first and additional unbudgeted amounts are not approved, you will be responsible for the expense…so please have all spending pre-approved.

  1. CASH ADVANCES: If you would prefer to receive cash in advance of your purchases in lieu of being reimbursed, you may fill out the cash advance form and receive the amount that is within the budget. Keep in mind, once this cash is given, it is your responsibility to keep track of every penny and document everything with original receipts. The PTA is not responsible for any cash that is lost if distributed to you in a cash advance. If you need a cash advance, make sure you request your advance with a completed form at the PTA meeting prior to your event for approval.

As a rule, TRE PTA prefers to disburse checks once a month at the meetings scheduled. For cash boxes see below

  1. CASH BOX—If you have an event that requires a cash box, please fill out the form for a cash advance and let the Treasurer know in enough time so that the cash can be withdrawn and placed in our own school safe until the time of the event. These forms can be found in the workroom. Submit all requests to Christina Minesakiin the Treasurer’s mailbox.

16)VOLUNTEERS—The PTA has the responsibility to try and contact every volunteer to make sure they know they are welcome and needed. Where do we get our volunteers?

1.The membership committee will provide a volunteer list that should be used and kept updated as new parents are contacted or as parents interested in helping contact the PTA.

2.We now use signup.com as a central hub for all volunteer requests and opportunities for PTA activities. If you have a volunteer need please submit your request to your VP and we will add it to the master volunteer schedule. This will be included in all PTA communications. This will allow the entire TRE family to actively engage in all volunteer opportunities.

3.Keep your eyes and ears open for potential volunteers and include new parents in any committees that you are forming.

4.Don’t be afraid to ask, sometimes that is all someone needs—a quick call or conversation expressing the need for help.

5.Remember that you are a role model to the rest of the parents—please remember to always follow school protocol, i.e. no “drop in’s” to your child’s classroom except when volunteering to be there, no walking through the office to get your child to their classroom in the mornings, etc…)

17)MOST IMPORTANTLY—Please remember that we are working for our kids and the school. If your job becomes too much at any point, please ask other members to help you. Each job has its peaks and valleys and we all need a little extra help at different times. Let’s all work together to make this enjoyable and rewarding for all!