GENERAL INFORMATION for the 6th year medical students

At the Faculty of Medicine the following criteria will be taken account in selecting the foreign clinical practice positions and accepting the practice period spent abroad:

1, In the Member States of the European Union (and in Switzerland and Norway), clinical practice is accepted and recognised if it is earned at state-accredited university clinics or teaching hospitals. The legal ground for this is the mutual recognition of diplomas issued by accredited institutions.

2, List of teaching hospitals accredited by the Hungarian accreditation Commitee (HAC)

-KonkukUniversityMedicalCenter (Szöul, Korea)

-ChungnamNationalUniveristyHospital (Daejeon, Korea)

-MeirMedicalCenter (Petah Tiqva, Izrael)

-RabinMedicalCenter (Petah Tiqva, Izrael)

-KaplanMedicalCenter (Rehovot, Izrael)

-SorokaMedicalCenter (Bersheva, Izrael)

-CarmelMedicalCenter (Haifa, Izrael)

-Ha EmekMedicalCenter (Afula, Izrael)

-Bar ZilaiHospital (Ashkelon, Izrael)

-RambamMedicalCenter (Haifa, Izrael)

-ShebaMedicalCenter (Tel Aviv, Izrael)

-HadassaMedicalCenter (Jeruzsálem, Izrael)



Conditions for practical training within the EU/USA

a, The hospital must be an accredited teaching hospital of an EU/USA university which trains medical students or the hospital must participate in the teaching of medical students of an EU accredited university.

b, The training provided in the EU/USA site mentioned above must comply with the competence list approved by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee for the teaching of medical students in the clinical rotation year.

c, The foreign training site must evaluate the performance of the student and must certify, with the signature of the respective department head, the completion of the tasks detailed in the competence list.

Deadline of paying the tuition fee in the 6th year: the first part is to be piad until September3, 2012, the second part until February 1, 2013.

Students who only complete the compulsory 2 weeks of Pediatrics in Hungary can ask for20% reduction of their tuition fee under conidition they hand in all the acceptance letters– that first have to be approved by the relevant Clinical Departments of SemmelweisUniversity as well – latest until December 15, 2012. Please write a letter of request addressedto the Academic Program Director when applying for the 20% reduction! The reduction will

be made from the 2nd part of the tuition fee. (If the tuition fee is paid in one sum, the reductionwill be made in September.) The professor responsible for the student’s instruction during theclinical rotation outside Hungary is requested to give a detailed certificate of the student’sperformance. It is requested to be done in the Student Handbook! This certificate in the StudentHandbook must be signed by the professor, the Head of the Department as well as by the director

of the hospital or the Dean of the University the hospital is affiliated to. Semmelweis Universityreserves the right to accept a certificate or refuse it in justified cases. Students have topresent these certificates to the concerned departments. After the departments have acceptedthem, students have to retain the originals and hand them in at the English Secretariat.


2nd Department of Internal Medicine / Dr. Lídia Sréter / / 266-0926/55559
1st Department of Internal medicine / Dr. Ferenc Szalay / / 459-1500/51554
Infectology / Dr. János Sinkó / 455-8100
1 Department of Surgery / Dr. Péter Kokas / / 313-5216/52167
Traumatology / Dr. Tamás Gál / / 461-4723
Vascular surgery / Dr. Zsuzsanna Járányi / / 458-6700
2nd Department of Pediatrics / Dr. Hauser Péter / / 215-1380
1st Department of Pediatrics / Dr. Horváth Erzsébet / / 334-3186/52728
OBST/GYN. / Dr. Nagy Gyula Richárd / / 266-0473/54228
NEUROLOGY / Dr. Debreczeni Róbert / / 210-0330/51123
PSYCHIATRY / Dr. Polgár Patrícia / / 210-0330/51243
Ms. Székely Ilona / / 210-0330/51322
FAMILY MEDICINE / Dr. Torzsa Péter / / 355-8530, 214-0841
PREHOSP. EMERG. M. / Dr. Márton Erzsébet / / 350-6931