APRIL 2018


General Data Protection Regulation – Latest Changes to Data Protection

PLEASE READ -From 25th May 2018 new legislation comes into force. In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation, we are seeking your consent to continue holding your personal information for the purpose of contacting you to advise of EHFN services to receive at least monthly communications. If you have any queries about the data held, please do get in touch. Please note this is an opt in request not an opt out request. If I do nothear from you by Friday 10th May 2018. I will have to remove you from our contact list to comply with legislation, and you will no longer receive the details of our EHFN services. Please copy and paste the following statement and reply to this email if you are happy to continue being a member on our email database - I am confirm that I am in agreement for Exmoor Hill Farming Network to hold my personal information for the purpose of contacting me to advise of EHFN services to receive at least monthly communications. I understand I can withdraw this consent at any time by advising them of this in writing.


Internal Parasite Monitoring and Control Meeting ( invitation attached) – Rearranged Date

Rearranged due to the adverse weather conditions in February. Working in conjunction with FWAG SW and Headwaters of the Exe Upstream Thinking Programme. Date: Monday 14th May 2018 Time: 10am – 12.30- places are limited. Venue: Westermill Farm, Exford by kind permission of Mr and Mrs O Edwards Guest Speakers: Mike Glover from Torch Farm Vets and Katie Bull from University of Bristol. This session will provide an opportunity to look at the control of internal parasites, wormer resistance and grazing strategies. The event will also include a practical demonstration of on farm faecal egg counting and a discussion of the environmental benefits of sustainable parasite control. Booking essential for catering purposes

Training Opportunities

Safe Use of Pesticides PA1– Thursday 10th May 2018 at (Molland Village Hall) 9.15am -4pm
We are coordinating the delivery of training on Exmoor for the City and Guilds courses: PA1 (Mandatory)- Foundation Course for all sprayer operators in safe use of pesticides; PA2 Foundation Course for Ground Crop Sprayers Mounted or Trailed; PA4 – Granular Applicator and PA6 - Hand Held Applicator training on ( Friday 11th May at Cutcombe Market). To register please contact the office for further information.

Emergency First Aid at Work Course (one day) PLACES ARE AVALAIBLE in May 2018 Cost: £50pp.

This course is run in line with Health and Safety Executive (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and is valid for 3 years. The syllabus includes:- First Aid Priorities

Managing Incidents Basic Life Support, Examination of a Casualty, Unconsciousness, Control of Bleeding Burns and Scalds, Regulations, First Aid Kits,Recording and Reporting For further information please contact the office.

NPTC level 2 Certificate of Competence in the Transport of Animals – Thursday 10th May 2018
Are you looking to complete your NPTC Level 2 Certificate of Competence in the Transport of Animals by Road (short journeys)? This is for anyone who transports animals as an economic activity on journeys over 65km in distance and up to 8 hours in duration. You have up to an hour to
complete the assessment in the form of a multiple choice paper of 27 questions ( 21 correct answers required to pass). We are holding the computer based assessments at Molland Village Hall Time: After 1.30pm (1 hour to complete) and a time slot will be allocated. Cost: 1 species: £ 79 and 2 species £ 99 (species listed below). Species (Please note that sheep and cattle are classed as 1 species): Cattle and Sheep, Pigs, Sheep, Cattle, Horses, Goats, Poultry, Game birds. To book please contact the office on 07970795808 or (please note the same assessors are used for the above spraying course hence the same day)

LEVEL 2 FOOD SAFETY IN CATERING – 25th May Course Fully BOOKED a further course will run in June 2018

Do you prepare or sell food? Do you run a B&B, Pub, Hotel, catering business or events incorporating food. Designed for anyone who handles food, particularly for catering purposes including B&B/guest houses, shoot lunches, fundraising events, parties, weddings etc. By attending this course it will ensure you cover your legal obligations. Cost: £40. Please contact the office to register for June 2018.

Latest news from NFU

NFU Vice President Visit – 2nd May 2018 at Raleghs Cross 7.30pm

NFU Vice President Stuart Roberts will be at Raleghs Cross on Wednesday 2nd May, 7.30pm to talk to all farmers (NFU members and non-members) about why he stood for NFU Vice President, what he hopes to achieve in his term in office – and to hear from you about your concerns as Exmoor farmers. This is the first time we’ve had Stuart to the moor since he was elected, so really hope you can join us. If you would like to attend, please call the NFU South West Regional Office on 01392 440700 or email

Farming Community Network (information attached )

We are here as volunteers and are ready to listen to all problems , big and small and to help and guide where we are able . The Helpline is available for calls (see poster) whenever you think that we might be of use and a volunteer will follow up the call with a visit , if appropriate . We have a team of volunteers throughout the country and although we are essentially county-based , we have an extensive team with wide life experience , in the southwest .FCN is fundamentally a Christian organisation , but we are available to all agricultural people and their dependents. We cover any problems which are causing stress , anxiety and difficulties , however minor they might seem to you , and recognise the challenges faced by rural isolation. Discussing and sharing a problem with an independent 'outside' person, is often much easier than with family or close friends. So , please use our Helpline if you , or someone you know , could do with a listening ear and someone with whom to walk through difficult times . And if you think that you could become one of those 'listening ears' , please contact myself or the EHFN as we would like another volunteer in the Exmoor area . There is always training and back-up for new volunteers and the time required is really a personal decision . Sue Rowland Phone. 07878 847257

Exmoor Young Voices – Self Build Seminar ( poster attached ) Saturday 26th May nr Exton between 4pm and 5.30pm

The aim of the seminar is to explain how self-build can be a solution to your housing needs - even if you have no previous building experience.

Help and advice is on offer for the whole process, from design, planning process with the National Park, all the way through to on-site advice – and at an affordable price! Please do get in touch by sending us an email to and we’ll give you joining details and postcode.

Bridgmans Agricultural Merchants – PORTE OPEN DAY (invitation attached)

You are invited to visit the new facilites at Porte Farm, Kentisbury on Thursday 3rd May from 11am – 9pm. FREE HOG ROAST from 3.30pm. EHFN will be in attendence from 4pm do come along and see us.

Office Closed

The office will be closed on Thursday 26th April and Friday 27th April due to staff hoildays.

To book or for further information please reply to this email or contact the office on 07970 795808