General ConsultingVoicemail Scripts

Below are some suggested voicemails for candidates who have requested general franchise advice, NOT information on a specific franchise. You will not always reach your candidates on the first attempt and be prepared, some you won't reach at all. But leaving the right voicemails can impact your return calls. You should plan to call each candidate 4 or 5 times, mixing it up between mornings, early afternoon and late afternoon attempts. Below is a good approach for call attempts and voicemails to be left with each call.

Call Attempt #1

Hello _____, this is (your name) and I’m a franchise advisor (or consultant) with (your company). I received your request and understand you are currently in the market for a new opportunity. My firm represents over 100 franchises, many of whom are interested in key markets in your area and would like to discuss a bit more about what you are looking for in a business and possibly bounce a few ideas off you. Please give me a call at your earliest convenience at (your number). Thanks – I look forward to speaking with you.

Call Attempt #2

Don’t leave a voicemail.

Call Attempt #3

Hello _____, it’s (your name) with (your company) again. I’d still love to discuss some possible franchise ideas with you. Give me a call at your earliest convenience at (your number). Thank you!

Call Attempt #4

Don’t leave a voicemail.

Call Attempt #5

Hey ____, It’s (your name) again. I’ve left you a couple of voicemails regarding your inquiry for some franchise information but have not heard back and wanted to try you one final time. With your permission I will be emailing you some great general franchise information that I think you will find useful but would still love to discuss some specific franchises with you as well. If you are serious about exploring new opportunities please give me a call at (your number).

Other Tips About Leaving Voicemails

  1. Don’t sound scripted. Be natural.
  2. Be professional, but business casual. You do not want your candidate to feel like they are returning a call to a sales person or about to engage in some rigid interview process.
  3. Sound confident! Leave your messages as you know they will be returning your call.
  4. Don’t waste time on your voicemails promoting yourself or the franchise. People hate lengthy voicemails. Be short and sweet.
  5. Mix up your call times. Try once in the morning, the next in the afternoon, etc.
  6. If you are calling during the day and it sounds like you are getting a residential voicemail plan to call at least once in the early evening. Your candidate may still be employed and doing their franchise research in the evenings.
  7. If you never reach your candidate, continue to email market to them with education based marketing messages.
  8. Try to call your candidate a few weeks later just as a final courtesy follow-up attempt.