Tuition Waiver
Application forModern LanguagesDepartment
University of Central Oklahoma
Applications must be RECEIVED BY April 13, 2012to be considered.
***Tuition Waiver Eligibility Requirements: Must be an OKLAHOMA RESIDENTand a declared LanguageMajor or Language Ed. Major in good academic standing with demonstrated financial need. (Language Minors may be given secondary consideration).
(Refer to UCO’s Scholarship Guide for a complete listing of available scholarships as well as academic/talent based scholarships which require a separate application. )
1. The following MUSTbe attached to your completed application to be considered for UCO scholarships:
A UCO transcript (if you are a currently enrolled UCO student)OR
A High School transcript (if you are currently a High School Senior)OR
All transcripts from previous colleges attended (if transferring to UCO)
(Scholarship application and transcript(s) must be submitted separately from the application and transcript submitted to the UCO Admissions Office)
2. Mail or hand deliver completed applicationwith transcript by April 13, 2012, to: The Department of Modern Languages, Literature and Cultural Studies, Thatcher Hall Room 204.
Name:______SS#NumberorUCO Banner ID# ______
Please Check One: ____Current UCO Student ____Current High School Senior ____Incoming Transfer Student
Are you an Oklahoma resident? ____Yes ____No Will you pay in-state tuition? ____Yes ____No
What is your college (Please circle): Liberal Arts Education Math & Sciences Business Graduate
What is your declared major at UCO?______
Please list any declared minors:______
Mailing Address:______
City, State, Zip:______
Home Phone: ( ) ______Work/Cell Phone: ( )______
Email: ______Home County:______Are you currently receiving a UCO Academic Scholarship? ____Yes ____No (Please list):______
Do you feel you would be able to attend UCO without this tuition waiver? ____Yes ____No
____Prefer not to answer- please make a decision based solely on academic merit.
Total Cumulative GPA:______Number of college hours completed: ______
Number of hours enrolled in current semester: ______Expected graduation date: ______
Number of hours in which you expect to enroll for 2012/2013: Fall ______Spring______Summer______
This area to be completed by PROSPECTIVE TRANSFER STUDENTS only:
Semester transferring to UCO:______Phi Theta Kappa Member:____Yes ____No
Name of college presently attending:______
Campus Activities and Offices Held:
Awards & Honors:______
The following information is voluntary and requested only in accordance with the 1968 Civil Rights Amendment Act.
____1. White, non-Hispanic ___2. African-American____3. HispanicSex:____1. Male
____4. Asian or Pacific Islander ____5. Non-resident Alien____6. Native American/Alaskan ____2. Female
For information purposes, is your parent(s) or grandparent(s) a UCO/Central State graduate? _____Yes _____No
Applicant’s Signature Today’s Date
For Office Use Only
Meets Eligibility Requirements: ____Yes ____No
Awarded a tuition waiver for the 2012/13 school year in the amount of ______each semester