May 16, 2016
Present: Representative Gelbsman, Representative Kennedy, Representative Stammel
Absent: Representative Oberacker, Representative Stuligross
Also present: Board Chair Clark and Brian Pokorny
The committee contacted Jim Guzewich from CFO for Hire via conference call and Sean Carroll from Onondaga County Purchasing was unable to join the conference call. Brian Pokorny gave a status update on the OnondagaCounty projectincluding but not limited to Connectivity, Credentials, Data Transfers, Procedure, Overall Project and Timeline and Milestones. Jim Guzewich added that once Onondaga County has completed their Peoplesoft upgrade, then they will start training Otsego County on the new software as well as they will be training departments on the RFP and bid process. Representative Gelbsman asked that Jim Guzewich act as the liaison between the two counties during the process to help facilitate that steps are being completed by each county in a timely manner. Board Chair Clark asked ifOnondagaCounty could give us written guidelines as related to RFP’s and bids prior to the training. Brian Pokorny asked that OnondagaCounty give him tentative dates associated with the following timeline and milestones to insure he has the resources available when needed:
-Connectivity configured and tested- completed 4/22
-Onondaga County Peoplesoft upgrade-TBD
-User Account setup-TBD
-File transfer setup and testing- TBD
-Workflow setup and testing -TBD
-End User training- TBD
Board Chair Clark stated that OtsegoCounty needs to revise their internal procedures to insure that funding is included in the respective department budget prior to a RFP/bid being submitted to OnondagaCounty.
The committee asked for an update on why the order of approvals for a PO changed from what was originally discussed. Mr. Guzewich said that he did not have that information readily available but will follow up with the committee.
Brian Pokorny gave an update as related to cell phone/data device usage, other phone plan options available to the county and recommendations of plan changes as discussed and/or recommended by the county’s Verizon Wireless representative.
The committee asked that a survey be sent out to all departments with county owned cell phone and data devices.
The committee agreed that new cell phones or data devices shouldnot be purchased until further notice.
There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned.