A.M. (9.30) / DATE / P.M. (1.30)
GCSE / Wednesday
6 May
AS / OCR D&T Innovation Challenge 6h
(9) 9.30-12.30 / OCR D&T Innovation Challenge (contd)
GCSE / Preparation for Working Life 1 AQA
1h 45m (218) / Friday
8 May / Preparation for Working Life 2 AQA
1h 15m (218)


A.M. (9.30) / DATE / P.M. (1.30)
GCSE / RE (Rel/Life/Rom.Cath.Christy) 1h 30m (207) / Monday
11 May / Sociology 1 WJEC 1h 30m (3)
AS / Economics 1 AQA 1h 15m (28) / Psychology 1 AQA 1h 30m (55)
GCSE / French Edexcel (160 in total)
Foundation – 25m
Higher – 35m
Foundation – 35m
Higher – 50m / Tuesday
12 May / Biology Unit 2 AQA 1h
Foundation – 14
Higher – 181
Biology Unit 3 AQA 1h
Higher - 57
AS / Geography 1 AQA 2h (53)
Film Studies WJEC 2h 30m (6) / Sociology 1 (Soc, Cltr & Idnt) OCR
1h 30m (22)
GCSE / ICT Edexcel 1h 30m (14) / Wednesday 13 May / RE Rel/Society Edexcel 1h 30m (120)
AS / Maths Core 1 OCR 1h 30m (54)
Maths Mech 2 OCR 1h 30m (6)
Health & Soc Care OCR 1h 30m (16) / History Modern OCR 1h 30m (31)
GCSE / Add Applied Science Unit 1 AQA 1h
Foundation – 14
Higher – 11
Chemistry Unit 2 AQA 1h
Foundation – 21
Higher – 174
Chemistry Unit 3 AQA 1h
Higher - 57 / Thursday
14 May / Sociology 2 WJEC 1h 30m (3)
AS / Maths Further Pure 1 OCR 1h 30m (7)
RE New Testament OCR 1h 30m (42)
GCSE / Spanish 1 AQA
Foundation – 35m (2)
Higher – 45m (22)
Spanish 2 AQA
Higher – 50m (24) / Friday
15 May / Physical Education (Theory) 1h 30m (47)
AS / English Lang/Lit 1 AQA 1h 30m (17)
English Literature 1 AQA 2h (29) / Geography 2 AQA 1h (61)


A.M. (9.30) / DATE / P.M. (1.30)
GCSE / English Literature 1 AQA 1h 30m
Foundation – 24
Higher – 183 / Monday
18 May / RE (Rom. Cath. Christianity) Edexcel
1h 30m (71)
AS / Business Studies 1 AQA 1h 15m (22) / Psychology 2 AQA 1h 30m (49)
GCSE / D&T Textiles 1 AQA 2h (10)
D&T Electronic Edexcel 1h 30m (14)
Latin 1 OCR 1h
Foundation – 3
Higher - 5 / Tuesday
19 May / Geography 1 AQA 1h 30m
Foundation – 24
Higher – 109
AS / Physics 1 AQA 1h 15m (28)
Spanish 1 AQA 2h (4)
RE Ethics OCR 1h 30m (51) / Economics 2 AQA 1h 15m (27)
GCSE / Business Studies Edexcel 45m (64) / Wednesday 20 May / Physics Unit 2 AQA 1h
Foundation – 22
Higher – 173
Physics Unit 3 AQA 1h
Higher - 57
AS / Maths Core 2 OCR 1h 30m (56)
Maths Decision 2 OCR 1h 30m (3) / History Modern 1783-1994 OCR 1h 30m (36)
GCSE / Application in Maths 1 Edexcel 1h 45m (39) / Thursday
21 May
AS / French 1 AQA 2h (9)
Sociology 2 (Soc, Cltr & Idnt) 1h 30m (21) / Biology 1 Edexcel 1h 30m (24)
Biology 1 WJEC 1h 30m (1)
GCSE / English Literature 2 AQA 1h 15m
Foundation – 25
Higher - 184 / Friday
22 May
AS / Media Studies 1 AQA 2h (9)in S9
Chemistry 1 Edexcel 1h 30m (29)
Law (English Legal System) OCR 2h (34)


A.M. (9.30) / DATE / P.M. (1.30)
GCSE / History (Aspects INT Rel USA) OCR 2h (129) / Monday
1 June / D&T Food Technology 1 2h (8)
AS / ICT 1 AQA 1h 30m (7)
Government & Politics 1 Edexcel 1h 20m (20) / Biology 2 (Dev, Plants & Env) 1h 30m (27)
GCSE / English/Eng Lang AQA 2h 15m
Foundation – 50
Higher - 176 / Tuesday
2 June
AS / English Lang/Lit 2 AQA 1h 30m (21)
English Language 1 AQA 2h (15)
D&T Adv Innvtn Test OCR 1h (9) / Chemistry 2 Edexcel 1h 30m (28)
Law Sources of Law OCR 1h (34)
GCSE / Computing OCR 1h 30m (6) / Wednesday
3 June / Geography 2 AQA 1h 30m
Foundation – 24
Higher - 109
AS / Maths Prob 1 OCR 1h 30m (19) / ICT 2 AQA 1h 30m (8)
GCSE / Mathematics Non-Calculator Edexcel
1h 45m
Foundation – 40
Higher – 156
Applications in Maths Edexcel 1h 45m (39) / Thursday
4 June
AS / Business Studies 2 AQA 1h 30m (27) / Physics 2 AQA 1h 15m (25)
Government & Politics 2 Edexcel
1h 20m (20)
GCSE / Business Studies (Economic Understg)
1h 30m (64)
Music Listening OCR 1h 30m (20) / Friday
5 June / Biology 1 AQA 1h
Foundation (15)
Higher (206)
AS / Maths Decision 1 OCR 1h 30m (7) / PE An Introduction to PE OCR 2h (12)
A2 / Media Studies 3 AQA 2h (12)in S9
Maths Prob 2 OCR 1h 30m (3)


A.M. (9.30) / DATE / P.M. (1.30)
GCSE / Mathematics (Calculator) Edexcel
1h 45m
Foundation – 40
Higher – 156
Methods in Maths (Non Calculator) Edexcel 1h 45m (39) / Monday
8 June / D&T Resistant Materials 1 AQA 2h (13)
A2 / History Modern 1789-1997 OCR 2h (20)
D&T Product Design Paper 1 & 2
1h/1h 30m (4) / Biology (Nat Env) Edexcel 1h 30m (9)
Government & Politics 3 Edexcel 1h 30m (11)
GCSE / Child Development AQA 1h 30m (12) / Tuesday
9 June / Chemistry 1 AQA 1h
Foundation – 32
Higher - 189
AS / Maths Mech 1 OCR 1h 30m (52)
A2 / Health & Soc Care OCR 1h 30m (14) / Psychology 3 AQA 1h 30m (29)
GCSE / History (British Society) OCR 1h 30m (129) / Weds
10 June / Latin Prose Lit OCR 1h
Foundation – 3
Higher - 5
A2 / Business Studies 3 AQA 1h 45m (14)
Spanish 3 AQA 2h 30m (2)
*Musical Understanding Edexcel 2h (2) / Chemistry 4 Edexcel 1h 40m (7)
GCSE / Polish Unit 1 AQA 50m (3)
RE Mark’s Gospel Edexcel 1h 30m (15) / Thursday
11 June / Methods in Maths (Calculator) Edexcel
1h 45m
Higher - 39
A2 / English Lang/Lit 3 AQA 2h 30m (17)
English Literature 3 AQA 2h (17)
Physics 4 AQA 1h 45m (11)
Physical Education OCR 2h 30m (5) / Economics 3 AQA 2h (12)
Economics OCR 2h (1)
GCSE / Dance Unit 1 AQA 1h (7) / Friday
12 June / Physics 1 AQA 1h
Foundation – 34
Higher - 187
A2 / Maths Core 3 OCR 1h 30m (19)
Film Studies FM4 WJEC/GCE 2h 45m (11)


A.M. (9.30) / DATE / P.M. (1.30)
GCSE / Monday
15 June / Media Studies 1 AQA 1h 30m (56)
A2 / French 3 AQA 2h 30m (6)
Geography 3 AQA 2h 30m (29)
Drama 4 Theatre Text Edexcel
2h 30m (5)
Law Criminal Law OCR 2h (16) / Chemistry 5 Edexcel 1h 40m (7)
Sociology Power & Cntrl OCR 1h 30m (6)
GCSE / Polish 2 AQA 1h (1)
Polish 4 AQA 1h (1) / Tuesday
16 June
A2 / Psychology 4 AQA 2h (30) / Maths Core 4 OCR 1h 30m (19)
GCSE / Wedesday 17 June
A2 / Biology 5 Edexcel 1h 45m (9)
Government & Politics 4 Edexcel
1h 30m (12) / Business Studies 4 AQA 1h 45m (14)
RE Ethics OCR 1h 30m (21)
RE New Test OCR 1h 30m (21)
GCSE / Thursday
18 June
A2 / Physics 5 AQA 1h 45m (11)
Sociology (Explr inequlty & diff) OCR 2h (4)
GCSE / Friday
19 June
A2 / Economics 4 AQA 2h (11)
English Language 3 AQA 2h 30m (10)
Economics (Econ of work & Leis) OCR 2h (1) / Geography 4 AQA 1h 30m (30)
Law Crim Law Special Stdy OCR 1h 30m (16)


A.M. (9.30) / DATE / P.M. (1.30)
GCSE / D&T Product Design 1 AQA 2h (11) / Monday
22 June
A2 / Maths Further Pure 2 OCR 1h 30m (3)
AS / Tuesday
23 June
A2 / ICT 3 AQA 2h (3)