GBV STWG Meeting Minutes
5thJan 2012
GBV Sub-Cluster Meeting
5th Jan 2012
ARC Intl. Office, Islamabad
Chair: Renuka Swami, UNFPA Minutes: Renuka Swami, UNFPA
Agenda Item / Discussion / Action Points / Person Responsible1. Review of action points of last meeting / After a formal welcome by Renuka, round of participants’ introduction took place, followed by review of action points of last meeting.
2. Update on 2011 flood response / Renuka shared a note from Sujata that stated that:
As per the recent developments, the flash appeal produced on Sept 18 will not be revised. The HCT undertook a huge process in an effort to achieve the revision. Protection Cluster, along with the GBV Sub cluster, once activated, called proposals from member agencies, vetted them and presented them to the HCT and then to the NDMA. However the Government had differing views as to the priorities for the clusters, therefore, the HCT decided to cease the revision, but to instead pursue an Early Recovery Framework. While much of the work done for the appeal revision, the Government have insisted on further review of the projects to fit the framework. As a result, each agency whose project was selected for the Revised Appeal was requested to present revised proposal adopted for early recover framework to the PDMA Sindh and PDMA Balochistan. We have confirmation that all projects presented PDMA Sindh have been accepted. However, we are yet to hear back from PDMA Balochistan. Hopefully, there will be a meeting between the NDMA and the Humanitarian Country Team in the coming weeks to finalise the decision on this.
A quick update on recent developments regarding the Early Recovery Framework for Flood Response 2011 and a CERF allocation for the Complex Emergency, from the underfunded appeals window.
1. Early Recovery Framework for Flood Response 2011:
After the decision of moving towards Early Recovery Framework for Flood Response 2011 instead of revising the Flash appeal, the following process was ongoing:
A. In Sindh:
Following DG PDMA Sindh request that all the projects be presented to him by each clusters, as of that day,the status is:
- Protection Cluster: All projects accepted after presentation
- Nutrition Cluster: All projects accepted after presentation
- Food Security Cluster: projects accepted with revision from FAO and OXFAM;
- Health Cluster: all project accepted except a few changes to be made
- WASH CLuster :
- UNHABITAT: Asked to submit only Sindh specific projects without Balochistan input
- UNICEF: asked to make minor changes and to only include specific information on government declared calamity hit areas (UC level)
- ACF: projects to be re-submitted with specific information on areas of intervention at UCs level
- WHO: Asked to concentrate only on calamity hit areas and submit specific projects accordingly
- Education Cluster: All projects accepted except
- World vision: asked to revise project and include calamity hit areas (Talukas and UCs)
- Community Restoration: all projects accepted except
- Institute of Rural Management (LRI): rejected as its interventions focused on the districts that are not declared calamity hit areas
- Shelter cluster: Presenting on January 5th 2012,
B. In Balochistan
In Balochistan, all eight clusters/working groups have been reviewing/updating their projects and presenting them to DG PDMA for his written endorsement, before next Steering Committee meeting. Following is the status as of today:
- Protection cluster: Projects presented earlier in November, final endorsement expected today
- Nutrition Cluster: Project endorsed
- Food Security Cluster: Projects now endorsed
- WASH Cluster: Projects endorsed
- Health Cluster: 5 Projects already endorsed. Addition project proposals will be finalized by today
- Education Clusters: Projects endorsed
- Community Restoration: 2 projects already endorsed in November. Now pursuing DG PDMA written endorsement.
- Shelter Cluster: Further revision of one project (NRC) will be finalized by today
It is expected that once all presentation of all projects by clusters is completed both DGs (Sindh and Balochistan) will be sending their consolidated listing of all the projects to NDMA, MoFA and EAD for further discussion before consolidating the Early Recovery Framework. The vetting process has taken longer than originally anticipated but it was hoped that the final proposal will be presented to the Steering Committee by mid January.
2. Central Emergency Response Fund allocation of USD 15 million for Complex (i.e. Conflict) Emergency in KP and FATA
The Under Secretary General, Valerie Amos has allocated USD 15 million from CERF (Under funded emergency window) for the conflict emergency in KP and FATA. / Contact Shelter Cluster / Sujata
3. Update on 2010 early recovery / North Sindh
GBV referral pathway session for North Sindh conducted (after long gap) on 15 Dec 2011 at UNDP Field Office Sukkur. Objective was to discuss referral pathway and coordination after phase of early recovery fo r 2010 flood affected districts.
Outcome: For continuation of information sharing after early recovery phase for 2010 flood affected districts, it was to agreed to form an email group for North Sindh GBV actors led by Deputy Director Social Welfare Department Sukkur and WADO Women’s organizations for future communication and coordination on GBV Issues of 2010 districts and 2011 district of North Sindh.
Referral pathway for 04 (Sukkur, Kashmor, Jacobabad and Larkana) districts of North Sindh were finalized after discussion in referral group meeting and input sharing by members.
GBV Training session for 78 participants from 26 organizations of North Sindh 2010 districts was conducted with the support of CCHD. GBV focal points and Thematic group members facilitated the GBV session in two parts for Kashmor and Sukkur on 12 and 15 Dec 2011.
4. Overview of the GBV event by UNFPA / Renuka presented a quick overview of the event in which 120 people participated and 19 organisations set up stalls to display their GBV materials. IPs shared of gender specific interventions in humanitarian settings while presentations were also done at each stall by every participating organization. .
Member Ahmad Kamal from National Disaster Management Authority and Mr Javed Khan, Director General, Ministry of Disaster Management chaired the event. / Sujata to circulate the presentation / Sujata
5. Presentation on training manuals by Rozan
1. / Irum shared a comprehensive presentation, covering the key contents and scope of the 4 training modules developed by Rozan. C:\Users\rswami\Desktop\modules presentation.pptx.
Members appreciated Rozan for putting up comprehensive information and expressed interest to have staff capacity built around the similar areas. For any capacity development support, direct liaison with Rozan was recommended. / Renuka to circulate the action plan from the data collection workshop. / Renuka
6. Presentation by Care Pakistan on the GBV integrated livelihood projects / Hadya presented CARE – CIDA
Community Infrastructure Improvement Project (CIIP), C:\Users\rswami\Desktop\13 Jan docs\CARE –CIDA.pptx, which focuses on Enabling women to lead economically empowered lives. Strategy, implementation steps and methodologies, challenges outcomes, observations related to the project were shared in detail. The project strategy got attention of members and ARC was keener as they have a similar intervention in pipeline for KP. Interest to learn of the risk analysis conducted before implementing the project in South Punjab and Sindh and learn from the best practices and specifically the challenges faced and strategies employed to overcome the hurdles in successful implementation of the project was seen. Based on that, Care offered to do a focused presentation on above lines in the GBV context alone.
7. Discussions on the Proposed Action Plan on GBV Data Collection and Use for Pakistan. (group comes prepared with queries, suggestions and responsibility sharing)
4. / Taking on from the last GBV meeting on 8th Dec, agenda was taken a step further to see the role of members in collectively seeing the feasibility of the plan. However there were queries related to the context in which the plan, the human and financial resources involved needed to discussed, since that correlates with expected role of the group. Though re-briefed as some members were not present in the last meeting, due to time shortage each step in the plan could not be discussed. It was agreed that by the next GBV meeting members will discuss the plan within their teams and organizations and the agenda will be taken forward in the next meeting.
7. / Rozan updates by Irum:
1. 4 modules on which Irum presented will be available for public sharing.
ARC updates by Pashmina:
1. ARC completed project with UNFPA which ended on 31st Dec 2011. The needs on the ground were great in terms of GBV and support needed for the survivors and prevalence of issues being on rise. Unfortunately there has been no donor who was willing to support it further and so this project had to be closed.
2. ARC also briefly highlighted their forthcoming project on GBV for which they have submitted expression of interest with UNHCR under protection sector. If approved, ARC will be initiating this in Baluchistan where they had already implemented UNFPA’s GBV initiative.
3. ARCrequested for information (if available) on focal persons in the National and Provincial government who are engaged with Women’s Development. After 18th amendment, the situation is unclear as who to liaise with in government ministries. UNFPA recommended that AURAT FOUNDATION would be a good resource to connect with and find out more details on this aspect of coordination.
Shifa Intl. updates:
1. Umerkot, Mirpurkhas, Sanghar
· MSUs: 12
· Antenatal Consultations: 7,220
· Postnatal Consultations: 486
· Deliveries: 507
· Family Planning Consultations: 6,441
Shaheed Benazirabad:
· Children De-wormed: 601
· Children under the age of 5 years screened for malnutrition: 5,450
· Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLWs) screened for malnutrition: 2,242
· Tents Distributed: 353
· Jerry cans distributed: 353
· Kitchen Sets Distributed: 353
· Blankets Distributed: 1,412
Shifa and Shirkat Gah to follow up on the idea to liaise on having legal aid associations in the rain affected areas of 2011.
Care updates by Hadya:
1. One proposal integrating GBV sent to the Norwegian govt. and response awaited. Considerable modifications expected as the needs in September when it was written, have changed incredibly to what the situation is on ground now.
FPAP updates by Jamshaid:
1. WHO Ethical and safety recommendations for researching, documenting and monitoring sexual violence in emergencies, Guidelines for Gender Based Violence Intervention in Humanitarian Settings with Poster, Hand Book for Coordination on Gender Based Violence Intervention in Humanitarian Setting, has been translated and printed in Urdu language under GBV Project as required. / Share IRF and update on response and support to the GBV survivor. / Khalida
5. Any other business / Queries for response
1. If a national plan for UNTF proposal exists, as members interested to submit their proposals find it crucial to have a national plan based on which they can prepare their proposals.
2. Is early Recovery Framework endorsed by govt? Though the mail from Jean Luc states the r update, there was common concern on formal endorsement.
Requests for action:
1. GBV Referral pathway for 2011 districts
2. Care Pakistan to do an experience sharing on the GBV issues arising in the course of implementation of the Community Infrastructure Improvement Project (CIIP). Those GBV issues that posed challenge to the execution and steps taken to address those challenges.
3. Shelter Cluster to do a presentation in the GBV SC meeting on updated shelter needs and concerns of 2011.
4. FPAP to do a presentation on health initiatives as an entry point to GBV.
5. GBV Data Collection & Use Action Plan to be discussed by line in next meeting
Next meeting date was left open for third week of Jan after Sujata returns / Renuka will check with UNWOMEN and Aurat Foundation
Renuka to confirm from NDMA
Will be shared
Renuka to coordinate with Shelter Cluster
FPAP to be present
Renuka to resend the Action plan again / Sujata
GBV members
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