Gaza Education Cluster Meeting Minutes

18thSeptember, 201710:00am – 12:00pm

UNICEF office – Gaza

# / Item / Discussion Points / Action Point / By When
1. / Presentation on the Humanitarian Need Overview (HNO) for education and the caseload figures for 2018 and the projection figures for 2019 and 2020. / A presentation made by Baha on the HNO for the education cluster and the education caseload including explaining the process and the methodology that used to identify the PiN; and discussed with the cluster members as follows:
  • The HPC will be multi- year planning and single- project submission.
  • Each cluster has to project the PiN for the 2019 & 2020 as per the three scenarios developed by OCHA (que status, best case scenario, worst case scenario)
  • The cluster coordinator in Gaza and WB in cooperation with MoEHE, UNRWA and cluster partners identified and did the projection for PiN based on pre- identified and agreed criteria.
  • The total caseload for the education cluster at Opt level 490,145 students and teachers (450,192 in Gaza, 39,953 WB including EJ).
  • The following are the identified the Humanitarian needs:
  • Children, especially children with disabilities and girls, lack safe access to school, quality learning spaces and/or essential educational services.
  • Lack of school-based psychosocial support for children in Area C and East Jerusalem and Gaza who face regular attacks and harassment to, from and during school, and for children still dealing with psychological distress.
  • The need of protective measures for schools, including material support (e.g. caravans, tents, stationary, fuel, winterization materials and security cameras) to vulnerable schools, transportation and protective presence to students and teachers on their commute to and from schools.
  • The need of provision of school uniforms, education and learning materials, stationary and other student supplies that support access to quality education of most vulnerable/ children.
  • The need of interventions focusing on access to education for schools in ARA/marginalized areas or children crossing the ARA to attend school.
  • The need for advocacy, reporting and legal support, to address the increasing trend of attacks against education across the West Bank, where there is little or no accountability for perpetrators of violations.
  • In addition, the HPC 2018 timeline was presented.
  • The Q2 report of the HRP 2017 results has been presented to the cluster partners.
/ Baha to share the HPC 2018 timeline with cluster partners
Cluster partners to prepare themselves for the project submission and ensure they are registered on OPS / ASAP
2. / Updates on Children in need of school bags, stationery and uniforms in schools managed by MoEHE and UNRWA and Education Cluster partners response plan /
  • An assessment has been done by MoEHE in PA schools for the children in need of school bags, stationery, uniforms and winter clothes. This assessment done based on MoSDA criteria for family hardship cases. 38, 318 children were found in need.
  • As for UNRWA still waiting to provide us with the results and numbers.
As for the cluster response plan:
  • The Society of Women Graduates: will distribute school bags and stationery for 600 KG children in all the Gaza Strip.
  • UNICEF: will distribute school bags and stationery for 13,000 children in PA schools from grade 1-6.
  • HI: will distribute school bags and stationery through their three partners to 250 children with disabilities in Special education Schools.
  • Ma’an: will distribute school bags, uniforms and shoes to 150 children in UNRWA and PA schools
/ Baha to develop a response matrix and share it in addition to MoEHE & UNRWA assessment figures with the cluster partners for response
UNRWA to share their assessment figures / Within one week
3. / AOB:
1-PECEP update on Rafah (A) KG
2-Education Sector visit to Gaza / PECEP informed the cluster partners that the mentioned KG is adjust to Al Awodah Mosque in Rafah, the Mosque local committee who are responsible to reconstruct the mosque are decided to demolish the KG in order to expand the mosque facilities using the KG land. This morning part of the KG was demolished. This KG is function since 60 years ago and serve from 60-70 children and it is the only KG in 1KM2. PECEP has an official letter from Rafah Municipality indicated that this land is located for the KG.
Baha communicate directly with Dr. Mohammad Siyam- DG of General Education Department for support and he promised to follow up.
  1. PECEP to organize an advocacy campaign using the social media, inviting the cluster partners to join.
  2. To communicate with PNGO/ education sector to support with the local authority.
  3. PECEP to inform the concern ministries in order to record all the actions against the KG and seeking for stop the demolishing.
  4. PECEP to publish a press release (Ar & Eng) and share it with the cluster to disseminate it wildly
Yousef Al Ejlah informed the cluster partners that on September 19th, 2017 a delegation from ESWG from Ramallah will visit 3 PA school in Gaza in the framework of the Annual Sector Review 2017. This visit coordinated by MoEHE in Ramallah and Gaza. / PECEP to share their action plan with the cluster seeking support / ASAP