Gator Run Elementary

SAC Meeting Minutes

January 20, 2016

Ms. Angela Daviscalled the meeting to order at 2:25pm.

Approval of December 2015 Minutes:

Margaret Garcia made a motion to approve the minutes. Sara Fletcher seconded it. The minutes are approved.

Principal’s Report (Mr. Peters):

Last year, Broward County mandated that twice a year, the BAFS assessment was to be administered to students in third grade and above. As it turned out, this was not a successful venture. The ability to administer the test was a disaster. Some students were able to take it on the computer. Others ended up having to take it using paper and pencil. Because of all the issues, the results were not given in a timely manner and therefore were not helpful in driving instruction. This year, schools were given the option to participate in the testing. Gator Run declined participating since teachers meet on a regular to discuss student progress, learning, achievement, and remediation. Students in the third grade will be given practice to be able to sit and focus on the lengthy tests they will be taking in the spring for the first time.

Assistant Principal’s Report (Ms. Felton)

The funds for the SMART technology bond was released. Last Wednesday, 481 computers were delivered and distributed to classrooms and teachers. Kindergarten, first, and second grade classrooms received six Lenovo student stations. Third grade classrooms received four student stations as well as a laptop cart for every three classrooms to share. The fourth grade is going Digital 4 so each classroom received a laptop cart. The fifth grade is already Digital 5 and each classroom now also has a laptop cart. Computer stations or laptops were also given to faculty and for use in the media center.

Assistant Principal Welcome (Mrs. McGreevy)

Mrs. McGreevy is very excited to work with the students and staff at Gator Run Elementary. She has experience with employee evaluations, as a math coach, with ESOL, as well as teaching 2nd and 4th grade. She is working part-time at Gator Run and will be at the school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and every other Wednesday.

New Business

School Recognition Program (A+ Funds)

A vote took place among both instructional and non-instructional staff using the ballot created at the last SAC meeting. The overwhelming results were to split the A+ funds evenly between instructional and non-instructional staff.

GatorAid Camp Funds

GatorAid Camp is a program designed to help recommended students be better prepared for the FSAs. It generally involves around 180 studentsin the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. Three options were proposed on funding the camp. One option was to not fund the camp. Option A was to spend $10,600 on the camp. Option B was to spend $9,700. The reason for the differences in amounts was paying the teachers $45 or $40 per session. A vote was taken and the majority voted for Option A.

Purpose Statement

The SAC committee was given the opportunity to review and produce a new Purpose Statement for Gator Run Elementary. After a collaborative effort, the new Purpose Statement is below:

“We will inspire our students with a creative, innovative, and challenging environment, while promoting confidence through collaboration, inquiry, and exploration.

Next SAC Meeting

Next SAC Meeting is scheduled for February 17, 2016 at 2:15pm.

Meeting Adjourned

Ms. Angela Davis adjourned the meeting at 2:58pm.

Respectfully submitted by Stacy Morse, SAC Secretary.