October 14, 2012

20th Sunday after Pentecost

GATHERING & WELCOME (Please sign the red pad in the pews.)



L: We cry out to God, but no one answers.

P: We feel forsaken and lost, abandoned and alone.

L: We search for God before and behind us, but God is not there.

P: We search for God above and beneath us, but come away empty.

L: We look for God on our left and on our right.

P: We cannot perceive the One we seek. Our source of help is far from us.

L: Yet, even now we will commit ourselves to the Lord.

P: Even now we will put our trust in our God.

L: For Christ sympathizes with us in our weakness, offering grace and mercy.

P: With boldness, we look to the throne of grace inour time of need.

*HYMN OF PRAISE No. 98 “To God Be the Glory”


Elusive One, be near us in our need. We are poured out like water. Our bones are out of joint. Our hearts are like wax, melted within our breasts. We lie in the dust of death. Since our birth you have watched over us, as a mother watches over her children in whom she delights. Come to us swiftly and be with us now, for the darkness threatens to swallow us whole. Help us in our weakness, that we may receive your mercy and grace in our time of need. Amen






L: The Peace of Christ be with you.

P: And also with you

L: Please pass the Peace of Christ to your neighbor.

CHILDREN’S MOMENTS (Hymn No. 2233 “Where Children Belong”)


10:45 “Give Me a Servant’s Heart”– Chancel Choir



Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. AMEN


OFFERTORY “We, Your People, Praise You”

*DOXOLOGY (tune – “Lord of the Dance”)

“For the gift of creation, for the gift of your love,

And the gift of the Spirit by which we live,

We thank you and give you the fruit of our hands.

May your grace be proclaimed by the gifts that we give.” Amen


Almighty and most loving God, we approach your throne of grace with boldness, knowing that the gifts we bring are gifts that came from you. Not a fraction of what we have, but all that we have belongs to you. We give thanks for the love that has filled our lives with good things. Yet no gift can match the gift of your Son, our High Priest who intercedes for us, Jesus the Christ. In that holy name, we boldly pray. Amen.

*HYMN No. 474 “Precious Lord, Take My Hand”



*HYMN OF PARTING No.400 “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”


*MUSIC OF PARTING “Triumphant Finale”

*Those who are able, please stand.





PASTOR APPRECIATION SUNDAY: Today we will recognize Rev. Lake at both services for Pastor Appreciation Sunday. After each service, there will also be a coffee/drink reception where individual members can show their appreciation in what ever way they want ... cards, well wishes, etc.

Everyone is welcome!



10/14, 21 & 28/2012 – The Zimbabwe Mission Projects

As part of our partnership with Zimbabwe, the Greensburg District has selected two projects to support. The projects are two congregations which have initiated building projects and need to have their roofs completed. The churches are Kariba and Kajokoto United Methodist Churches in the Harare West District. The total cost of these two projects is $16,000 and the goal was to raise these funds be the end of 2012.

We have struggled ourselves to find ways to fund the things that we need for our buildings. We have plenty and need to give out of our abundance for those who are making disciples in the midst of a great challenge.

Let do our part with the other churches in our District and raise this $16,000 for our sisters and brothers who are with us in ministry.


CELEBRATION OF NEWLY APPOINTED PASTORS: On October 21st, the third Sunday in October, the Greensburg District will be having an official welcoming service of those who were appointed to the Greensburg District. The service will take place at First United Methodist Church of Manor at 4 o’clock. All pastors and laity are urged to attend. Light refreshments will follow the service.



October 15th – December 7th

1-800-262-2103, ext. 4213 (by appointment only)

All Medicare Beneficiaries will have an opportunity to review their healthcare and prescription plans and make changes if they wish. In an effort to provide the beneficiaries of Westmoreland County with information and assistance during this period, the APPRISE Program will be holding comparison and informational events throughout the county. APPRISE counselors will assist beneficiaries in comparing health or prescription plans in order to make informed decisions for 2013. We also provide information and counseling concerning assistance programs available in the state of Pennsylvania. APPRISE is the State Health Insurance Counseling Program that provides free, unbiased information. APPRISE does not sell or endorse any healthcare plans.

Again, these events are by appointment only. Call 1-800-262-2103, ext. 4213 to schedule an appointment.

You must bring your Medicare cards, Insurance cards, and a list of your current medications including the dosage.

A flyer listing the meeting locations and times is on the bulletin board as you exit the church into our parking lot.


TOBY MAC, MANDISA, BRANDON HEATH, BRITT NICOLE, GROUP 1 CREW, JAMIE GRACE, and CHRIS AUGUST. December 15, 2012 at the Consol Energy Center. If you love Christian Music you will be guaranteed to have an awesome up lifting night.

Contact Wendy or Jack and Carolyn for more information.


CHRISTMAS IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER and we are looking for families who need some help. If you know of a family with children who could be put on our Angel tree (and of course they would also receive a Christmas food basket) please contact the church office no later than November 4th. We would love to help them have a great family Christmas.

Thank you! The Outreach Committee


YOUR CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES: We are including church addressed envelopes in the back of your envelope packet. This should help anyone who likes to mail in their contribution. You can just include a check and a stamp. Any checks received without a designation go into general fund.

To aid in the correct processing of your donations, please include any special designation on the front of your contribution envelope. The financial secretary enters your donations into the computer by using the contribution envelopes, not the checks.

Also, the envelope company will occasionally put the envelope for the 1st Sunday of the month in with the previous month’s packet, and again include the 1st Sunday envelope in the new packet. They do this in case there is a time delay in getting out the new set of envelopes. Do not feel obligated to fill both envelopes with the same date.


A REQUEST FROM OUR FOOD BANK: The Westmoreland County Food Bank has been cut back on funds and donations and the cost for items they buy has gone up. So, that means that we at our local food banks are also receiving less to give to our needy families.

We at our Food Bank, are asking the congregation for assistance. We are especially in need of pasta, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, canned potatoes, boxed potatoes of any kind, and anything else you care to share. A shopping cart will be in the Narthex on Sundays for you to put these items in. Please help if you can.

Thank you for your continued support of our Food Bank.

God bless, Your Local Food Bank


SOUP LUNCHEON: We are again having our annual Soup Luncheon on November 4th and are in need of soup makers. If you have a delicious soup you would like to share we would love to hear from you. We are also in need of bakers to bake a cake, pie or cookies (your choice). If you’re not a soup maker or baker come and support our luncheon after 2nd service and taste all our great soups and desserts. Thank you so much!

The Outreach Committee


NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: All information for the November Newsletter is due to the office by Monday, October 22nd. Please email your articles to or drop a written copy off in the office. Articles not received by October 22nd will be published in the December/January Newsletter.
