Chairman: Cllr ChrisPhillipson
Acting Clerk: Mrs FMA Farman. Three Greens, The Green, Gateforth. YO8 9LF.
Official Notice of ordinary meeting of Burn Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 22November 2011 at 7.00pm in the Methodist Church room.
Meetings are open to members of the public and press except for any item labelled as Part 2 under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960
Public and press may not speak when the meeting is in progress; when Councillors are discussing council business; when Councillors are in the process of decision making.
- Comments by the public and press relating to agenda items may be made at agenda item 111102 for no longer than 15 minutes.
- Comments on the meeting may also be made at agenda item 111117 before the meeting closes.
- Comments may also be made in the early stages of discussion only with the permission of the Chairman and Council
- Any elector is entitled to attend this meeting and raise any concerns or questions they may have with the
- Decisions on items not on the agenda cannot be made at this meeting
NOTE: Councillors must make a declaration of interest, either personal or prejudicial, on any agenda item and are reminded that:
- Personal interest is: If a matter affects the well-being or financial position of you, members of your family or of people with whom you have a close association
- Prejudicial interest is: If the matter does not fall within the exempt category of decisions; affects your financial interests or relates to a licensing or regulatory matter; a member of the public, who knows the relevant facts, would reasonably think your personal interest is so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgement of the public interest
-a) Attendance book: All present to sign the attendance book
-b) Welcome: Chairman to welcome all to the meeting
-Comments: To receive commentson agenda items from electors/press present: no discussion; Clerk to make notes of comments
-Questions: To deal with any questions/concerns raised prior to the meeting by electors
-Apologies and reasons for absence: Councilto receive apologies, consider reasons for absence and resolve whether or not to accept the reasons
- Declarations of personal or prejudicial interest: Chair to remind members to make any such declarations
- Minutes of the last meeting: Council to discussand resolvewhether or not to accept these as a true and accurate record
- Signing of minutes: Chairmanto initial each page and sign the accepted minutes
- Points arising from minutesand not included on the agenda:Councillors to bring any points arising from the minutes to the Council’s attention. No discussion, Clerk to make notes
111106. Reports:
- Chairman – on council’s activities since the last meeting
- County Councillor
- District Councillor
- Any other officers
111107. Christmas Festivities:
-Council to receive update on progress, discuss and resolve any further action.
111108. Policies:
- Standing Orders:To discuss and resolve whether or not to accept
- Financial Regulations: To discuss and resolve whether or not to accept
- Financial Risk Assessment: To discuss and resolve whether or not to accept
- Clerk’s Risk Assessment: To discuss and resolve whether or not to accept
111109. Data Protection:
- To discuss implications for 1998 Data Protection Act for individual Councillors; see Appendix A
- To resolve whether or not to register the Parish Council with the Information Commissioner
111110. Planning Applications:
- Applications received: To discuss and agree comments on any applications received
- Planning decisions: To receive any decisions made; for information only; no discussion
111111. Clerk’s report on correspondence and action since last meeting:
- Alleged anti-social behaviour; discussion with police
- Request to Highways; for ‘welcome to Burn’ signs
- Southern Area Community Engagement Forum; the next meeting is Thursday 24 November at Eggborough Social Club: 6 for 6.30pm. See Appendix B
- Charity forms; Councillors to sign forms; clerk to post.
- Precept notice request for 2012- 2013; see agenda item 111114
- Funding request; received from Citizen’s Advice Bureau
- Funding request; received from Selby and District DIAL
111112. RFO’s report:
-To receivereport on current state of the Council’s finances
a)Current account:
£2,650.00 @ 4October 2011 – no November statement received by acting clerk @ 14.11.11
b)Savings Account:
£4,342.05 @ 4 July 2011 – no quarterly statement received by acting clerk @ 14.11.11
No income since last meeting
d)Payments to be made:
- £25.00 – Clerk’s expenses; 5 weeks, as agreed, for use of home, computer, ‘phone, broadband etc.
- £168.00 – external audit. (VAT £28.00; cost to Council £140.00)
111113:Acceptance of report
-Council to discuss and resolve whether or not to accept the report, payments as itemised and any payments made at the meeting and not on the agenda
111114. Budget planning:
-Council to discuss suggested budget proposals for the financial year 2011-2012 and resolve precept
111115: Questions:
-To deal with any questions notified in advance of the meeting by any Councillor to the Chairman or Clerk
111116. i. Minor items: (as defined in Standing Orders under delegated powers)
ii. Items for the next agenda: To take any points from Councillors and note urgent
items of interest
111117. Comments on the meeting:
-To take further comments from public/press on the meeting. For information only; no discussion; Clerk to make notes of comments
111118. Next meeting:
-To agree date, time and place of next meeting
111119. Closure of meeting
Signed: F M A Farman Date:14November 2011
Acting Clerk to Burn Parish Council.
On-going matters
- Swings – confirm whether or not the safety check has been done
- Possible anti-social behaviour – see agenda item 111111 i.
- Accidents on A19 – check whether any information has been received from the ambulance service and the police
- Christmas – see agenda item 111007
- Spring bulbs and planters
- Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
Appendix A – Data Protection Act 1998/Information Commissioner
- Councillors who process personal data as representatives of residents in their parish should register; the current fee is £35 per year.
- Every data controller, i.e. each parish council, who is processing personal information in an automated form, ought to notify the Information Commissioner and register.
- Failure to notify is a criminal offence.
- Registration for a parish council is £35 per year, renewed annually
Appendix B – Southern Area CEF Meeting; Eggborough Sports & Leisure; 24 November; 6 for 6.30pm
- Posters for display on notice boards
- Stalls and Information available on:
Non-emergency patient transport services
How to get funding
How to help with winter gritting
How to use community transport
Have your say about the Site Allocation Development Plan Document
- Updates from Fire and rescue service and the Police
- Main Topic – Wind farms and the Development Plan Document
Burn Parish Council - AgendaPage 1