Daddy’s Neck Tie
Proverbs 3:3-4
Today, we Fathers are celebrated. And, it’s almost a sure thing, money in the bank that one of us, possibly two of us, will receive that wonderful gift. That very famous father’s day neck tie! Did you know that Americans spend $1 billion dollars each year to buy a staggering 100 million ties for Daddy on Father’s Day? That’s one tie for every American man over the age of 20. Oh yes! Somebody in here is going to get one.
And, no matter what it looks like, whether it’s too fat, too skinny, too short, or too long and clashes worst than a black suit worn with blue socks and brown shoes you better wear it! And, you just don’t put it on! You wear it with distinction, pride, and honor. In other words, you wear it like you bought it! Why? Because that tie represents a child’s love for his or her father. That tie denotes an appreciation of you always being there. That tie conveys a sense of sweet and innocent boastful ownership. “That’s my Daddy!”
It’s not blue jeans almost dragging to the floor, but a tie! Not handcuffs around writs and behind backs, but a tie! Not orange or green jumpsuits, but a tie! We are living in age, in an era, and in a time where 2.3 million people are incarcerated in the US; 60% of them are racial and ethnic minorities, and 1out of every 8 of those are Black Males. Today is not only a celebration. But, today should also be a call to arms. Today should be a call to fight for our families, our future, and our faith in the godly ordaining of the father which is being combated by today’s ideology which says you don’t need one. daddy’ neck tie might be an old tradition. But, what it represents should never ever go out of style.
Within this scripture, as well as all of Proverbs, the audience is made up of primarily young men who were in preparation for adult responsibilities (fatherhood is an adult responsibility). In this particular chapter there is a series of positive and negative commands given by a father for the point of motivating his son to live a respectful, reputable, and responsible life. His advice echoes the Torah in Deuteronomy: “love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soul, and with all thy might and keep these words of God within your heart and teach them diligently to your children.”
We fathers teach our children so many other things, especially to our sons. We teach them how to tie a tie. We teach them how to shave. Weteach them how to throw that ball, bait that hook, and cast that line. We even teach them how to use our old “pick up” lines that never worked!
But, when we teach them that prayer works and that hope helps; faith moves mountains, love conquers all; Jesus saves from the uttermost to the gutter most and that with God all things are possible, then that is when boys and girls will become men and womenafter God’s own heart. That’s when the institution of the family will no longer be endangered by financial pressures, parent absenteeism, role reversals, a lack of communication, and nasty divorces. Truth is: that the recovery, the reestablishment, and the revitalization of the family (from God’s divine origin) must start with the FATHERS!
How and where does it start? It begins with our attitude and our actions.
The wise father in the text exhorts the learning son to make sure that loving kindness and faithfulness (reliability) never leaves you. Bind them (tie them up) so that they never abandon you. These two words are important because they describe God’s character.Our attitude as fathers should reflect God’s nature and spiritual make up. We should be wearing God 24/7/365.
When God’s love and faithfulness are tied together in our lives they make up the knot in a father’s day tie which should never be loosened, untied, or taken off. When do we stop being daddy? When do we stop being provider and disciplinarian? When do we stop helping with home work and initiating bath time? When do we stop changing diapers and fixing dinner? When do we stop praying, fasting, worshiping, praising,bringing our families to church, and being priest in the home? The answer is,NEVER!
Being daddy is not a punch in/ punch out job. But, it’s a passion and it’s a purpose which a man never quits or retires from. Some of us may have lost our jobs, but we are still daddy! Some of us may have gone through a nasty divorce, but we are still daddy! Some of us may have used poor judgment and brought forth a child out of marriage. No child is illegitimate! God has purposed and ordained their lives. So, accept it, claim it, take care of it, and be a father to your child!
Tie love, tie faithfulness, tie passion, tie purpose in a knot and wear your Father’s Day tie proudly!
Finally, there are some benefits towards our attitude and actions of love and faithfulness. In verse four of this chapter it says we’ll find favor and understanding in the sight of God and man. I have come to realize that I’m not only daddy in my own household, but I’m daddy to some in my church, and I’m daddy to some in my community. Many people don’t realize it but that is the favor of God! When other children run to you,askyou for advice, and call you daddy that is a giftworth more thangold. In the midst of the Anthony Weiners and the John Edwards, clergy scandals, school sex offenders, and a courtroom drama over the death of a 2 year old little girl…being a father to many is not just a glory it’s a NECESSITY!
Our country needs godly fathers! Our communities need righteous men!
Our schools need prayer warriors! Our governments need ambassadors of Christ! Our churches need Spirit filled brothers! Our homes need sanctified priests! This world needs fathers who are not ashamed to wear the gospel of Jesus Christ around their necks and in their hearts. The world needs fathers who are not ashamed to stand in the midst of criticism and judgment and declare what thus saith the Lord! The name “daddy” is a great name! But, there is a name greater than “daddy”. I heard the hymnologist say, That there is a name I love to hear I love to sing its worth; It sounds like music in mine ear, The sweetest name on earth. O how I love Jesus, O how love Jesus, O how I love Jesus…Why? Because He first loved me!
Men and women of God, there’s a necktie of love, faithfulness, passion, and purpose. Fathers, let us wear it with distinction, honor, and humility unto the glory of God. Happy Father’s Day to us all. Amen!