Phone Number______


Fill in the blank or circle Yes/No/Don’t Know to complete questionnaire

Interviewer______(Initials)Date of Interview___/___/___

Patient’s Name (last, first):
Parent’s Name (if child)
DOB:____/____/____ Age: Sex:
Race: (Circle) Caucasian/African American/Asian/Other
Home Address: City: State& Zip:
Name and Address of Employer, daycare, or school:

Have you been ill with in the last 10 days? Y N DK


Nausea Y N DK / Chills Y N DK / What was the first symptom?
Vomiting Y N DK / Headache Y N DK / Date of onset:(mo/day/yr)
Diarrhea Y N DK / Backache Y N DK / Time of onset:(military)
Blood in Stool Y N DK / Muscle Aches Y N DK / Date of onset of diarrhea:
Cramps Y N DK / Fatigue Y N DK / Time of onset of diarrhea:
Constipation Y N DK / Other: ______
______/ Duration of diarrhea: (days)
Fever Y N DK
Temp______/ Date of recovery:
Time of recovery:

Please check Yes/No/Don’t Know and complete blank spaces as requested.

  1. Have you been seen by a physician?

 Yes  No  Don’t Know

If yes,

Name of Physician______


Phone ______

  1. Was a stool culture done?

 Yes  No  Don’t Know

Date culture taken: ____/____/____

Stool culture results: ______Lab: ______Date:____/____/____

If no, would you be willing to submit a stool culture?

 Yes  No  Don’t Know

  1. Were you hospitalized?

 Yes  No  Don’t Know

If yes, give name of hospital:______How long? ______days

  1. Did you travel anywhere in the week prior to your illness?

 Yes  No  Don’t Know

If yes, give places(s) that you traveled to:______


If airline travel, what airline?______Flight No.______

  1. Did you came into contact with any animals, or did you visit a farm with animals during the week before you became ill?

 Yes  No  Don’t Know

If yes, where?______When?______

What kind of animal(s)?______

  1. Did you go swimming in the week before you became ill?

 Yes  No  Don’t Know

If yes, where?______When?______

  1. Did you participate in group gatherings, parties, field trips or other group activities in the week before your illness?

 Yes  No  Don’t Know

If yes, list activities:______


  1. Do you know anyone else who has been ill with diarrhea during the past week?

 Yes  No  Don’t Know

If yes, who (relationship and name)?______

  1. Did you have contact with young children in a daycare setting during the past week?

 Yes  No  Don’t Know

If yes, when:___/___/___ Name of Daycare:______

Phone number of Daycare:______

  1. Where did you shop for groceries eaten during the week before your illness?


  1. Did you eat in any restaurants during the seven days before your illness?

 Yes  No  Don’t Know

  1. Name______Address ______Date___/___/___

Time______Foods Eaten______

  1. Name______Address ______Date___/___/___

Time______Foods Eaten______

  1. Name______Address ______Date___/___/___

Time______Foods Eaten______

d. Name______Address ______Date___/___/___

Time______Foods Eaten______

e. Name______Address ______Date___/___/___

Time______Foods Eaten______

Open-Ended Food History Name: ______Onset Date:______

Day/date prior to onset / Meal /

Ate at home

/ Ate outside
of home / Outside location / Foods Eaten
___/___/___ / Breakfast /  / 
Lunch /  / 
Dinner /  / 
Other /  / 
___/___/___ / Breakfast /  / 
Lunch /  / 
Dinner /  / 
Other /  / 
___/___/___ / Breakfast /  / 
Lunch /  / 
Dinner /  / 
Other /  / 
___/___/___ / Breakfast /  / 
Lunch /  / 
Dinner /  / 
Other /  / 
___/___/___ / Breakfast /  / 
Lunch /  / 
Dinner /  / 
Other /  / 