Gas Laws/Kinetic Theory Demonstration

Your group has been assigned the task of designing two demonstrations pertaining to this unit. One demonstration needs to pertain to gas laws. The second demonstration needs to pertain to phases, phase changes, or heat transfer.

The demonstration needs to clearly show the concept in action. An addition, a clear explanation of the concept(s) involved and how the demonstration shows the concepts will need to be written and presented.

A demonstration does not need to be performed, just a detailed “lab plan” for the demonstration will be completed. If your group does not actually perform the demonstration, you will need to describe in detail (preferable with drawings) the materials, set-up, and action(s) of the demonstration.

Gas Laws Evaluation Rubric:

Concept / Master
Instructor / Beginning
Teacher / Goof on the
Title / Clear title reflects both concept and action to be demonstrated
(3 points) / Title reflects either concepts or action, not both
(2 points) / Title does not reflect concepts or action
(1 point)
Plan / Clear and complete list of all materials
(3 points) / Most materials or list not clear
(2 points) / Few materials listed
(1 point)
Clear, detailed, step-by-step instructions
(3 points) / Instructions provided – not step-by-step, missing details, etc.
(2 points) / Incomplete or jumbled instructions
(1 point)
Detailed drawing(s) of set-up
(3 points) / Rough sketch of set-up
(2 points) / Incomplete/ unreadable drawings
(1 point)
Action / Clear, detailed description of expected outcome of demonstration
(3 points) / General description of expected outcome of demonstration
(2 points) / Vague description of what is expected
(1 point)
Concept(s) / Clear, detailed list and explanation of concept(s) demonstrated
(3 points) / General list or explanation of concepts
(2 points) / Vague list or explanation
(1 point)
Clear explanation of how the action of the demonstration shows the concept(s)
(3 points) / Explanation does not completely link action and concept(s)
(2 points) / Explanation of action, but no relationship to concept(s)
(1 point)
Report / Report neat, clear, without spelling/grammar errors
(3 points) / Some errors, report not always clear
(2 points) / More than 4 errors, report hard to read and follow
(1 point)
Presentation / Voices are clear, interesting, on task
(3 points) / Off task or hard to hear
(2 points) / Presentation rambles, hard to hear
(1 point)
EXTRA CREDIT / Demonstration works as described 1st time
(2 points) / Demonstration works
(1 point)
Demonstration is unique or entertaining
(1 point)

Phase/Heat Evaluation Rubric:

Concept / Master
Instructor / Beginning
Teacher / Goof on the
Title / Clear title reflects both concept and action to be demonstrated
(3 points) / Title reflects either concepts or action, not both
(2 points) / Title does not reflect concepts or action
(1 point)
Plan / Clear and complete list of all materials
(3 points) / Most materials or list not clear
(2 points) / Few materials listed
(1 point)
Clear, detailed, step-by-step instructions
(3 points) / Instructions provided – not step-by-step, missing details, etc.
(2 points) / Incomplete or jumbled instructions
(1 point)
Detailed drawing(s) of set-up
(3 points) / Rough sketch of set-up
(2 points) / Incomplete/ unreadable drawings
(1 point)
Action / Clear, detailed description of expected outcome of demonstration
(3 points) / General description of expected outcome of demonstration
(2 points) / Vague description of what is expected
(1 point)
Concept(s) / Clear, detailed list and explanation of concept(s) demonstrated
(3 points) / General list or explanation of concepts
(2 points) / Vague list or explanation
(1 point)
Clear explanation of how the action of the demonstration shows the concept(s)
(3 points) / Explanation does not completely link action and concept(s)
(2 points) / Explanation of action, but no relationship to concept(s)
(1 point)
Report / Report neat, clear, without spelling/grammar errors
(3 points) / Some errors, report not always clear
(2 points) / More than 4 errors, report hard to read and follow
(1 point)
Presentation / Voices are clear, interesting, on task
(3 points) / Off task or hard to hear
(2 points) / Presentation rambles, hard to hear
(1 point)
EXTRA CREDIT / Demonstration works as described 1st time
(2 points) / Demonstration works
(1 point)
Demonstration is unique or entertaining
(1 point)