GARY W. COOPER, Associate Professor

Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, MSC 01-1120

The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM 87131


1976 Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

1972 M.S., Nuclear Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

1970 B.S., Engineering Physics University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas


Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico (1988 to present)

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico (1979 to1988)


Principal research interests include the development of neutron and gamma-ray diagnostics and their application to measurement of inertial confinement fusion plasmas and non-destructive assay techniques for safeguards applications.


G.W. Cooper and J.T. Verdeyen, “Recombination-Pumped Atomic Nitrogen and Carbon Lasers,” Journal of Applied Physics, 48, 1170-1175, 1977.

R.R. Peterson, G.A. Moses and G.W. Cooper, “Cavity Gas Analysis for Light-Ion-Beam Fusion Reactors,” Nuclear Technology/Fusion, 1, 377-389, 1981.

G.W. Cooper, “Conceptual Design of Hydrogen-Fluoride Chemical Laser Driver for Inertial Confinement Fusion,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron, OE-17, 1840-1847, 1981.

A.L. Camp and G.W. Cooper, “Time-Dependent Energy Deposition in Inertial Confinement Fusion-fission Hybrid Reactors,” Fusion Technology, 6, 83-92, 1984.

S. Humphries, Jr., S. Coffey, M. Savage, L.K. Len, G.W. Cooper and D.W. Woodall, “Gridcontrolled Plasma Cathodes,” J. Appl. Phys., 57, 709-713, 1985.

C. Burkhart, S. Coffey, G. Cooper, S. Humphries, Jr. and D. Woodall, “Vacuum Arc Arrays for Intense Metal Ion Beams Injecting,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B10/11, 792, 1985.

L.K. Len, C. Burkhart, G.W. Cooper, S. Humphries, Jr., M. Savage and D.M. Woodall, “Generation and Measurements of Ion Species from Vacuum Arcs,” IEEE J.Plasma Science, PS-14, 256-260, 1986.

R.J. Leeper, W.A. Stygar, J. Maenchen, C.L. Ruiz, R.P. Kensek, J. Bailey, G. Cooper, D.J. Johnson, J.R. Lee, T.R. Loekner, T.A. Mehlhorn, L.R. Mix, and R. W. Stinnett, “Intense Ion Beam Diagnostics for Particles Beam Fusion Experiments on PBFA--II,” Review of Seientifie Instruments, 59, 1860-1865, 1988.

R.J. Leeper, W.A. Stygar, J. Maenchen, C.L. Ruiz, R.P. Kensek, J. Bailey, G. Cooper, D.J. Johnson, J.R. Lee, T.R. Loekner, T. A. Mehlhorn, L.P. Mix, and R.W. Stinnett, “Integrated Diagnostic Package for Intense Proton and Lithium Beam Measurements on Sandia National Laboratories PBFA II Accelerator,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B40/ 41, 973-977, 1989.

S. Lapin, G. Cooper, L. Davis, J. Bailey, W.A. Stygar, A. Carlson, and P. Reyes, “Range and Straggling Effects in the CR-39/Range Filter Ion Energy Measurements,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 63, 4895-4897, 1992.

M.T. Collopy, P. Carpenter, C.D. Harmon, J. Vandenberg, G.W. Cooper, C.L. Ruiz, P. Reyes, W.A. Stygar, and A. Schmidlapp, “Calibration of CR-39 for Detecting Fusion Neutrons,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 63, 4892-4894, 1992.

C.L. Ruiz, R.J. Leeper, A. Schmidlapp and G.W. Cooper, “Detector Calibration of Fusion Neutrons by the Activation of Indium Isotopes,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 63, 48894891, 1992.

Evans, C.B., G.W. Cooper, Ruiz, C.L., and R.J. Leeper, “An Intense Proton Beam Diagnostic Using the 7Li(p,g)8 Be ® 141Pr(g,n)140Pr(b+) Nuclear Reaction Sequence.” Review of Scientific Instruments, 66, 309311, 1995.

JD Kilkenny, MD Cable, CA Clower, BA Hammel, VP Karpenko, RL Kauffman. HN Kornium, BJ MacGowan, W Olsen, TJ Orzechowski, DW Phillion, GL Tietbohl, JE Trebes, B Chrien, B. Failor, A Hauer, R Hockadabf, J Oertei, R Watt, C Ruiz, G Cooper, D Hebron, R Leeper, J Porter, and J Knauer, “Diagonstic systems for the National Ignition Facility (NIF),” Review of Scientific Instruments, 66, 288295, 1995.

C.L. Ruiz, G.W. Cooper, G. Chambers, F.A. Schmidlapp, “Calibration of Direct Nuclear

Activation Diagnostics for Measuring Intense Proton, Lithium, and Fluorine Beams, Rev.

Sci. Instrum. 68, 347-349 (1997).

C.L. Ruiz, G.W. Cooper, G. Chambers, F.A. Schmidlapp, “Measurement of Hydrogen and Lithium Ion Energy Densities on PBFA II Using Direct Nuclear Activation Diagnostics,” Rev. Sci. Instrum., 68, 344-346 (1997).

G. D. Chambers, G. W. Cooper, M. E. Savage, C. L. Ruiz, and F. A. Schmidlapp, “Calibration of a direct nuclear activation diagnostic which uses boron nitride to measure energetic deuterium ions”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70, 1205- 1208 (1999).

G.W. Cooper and C.L. Ruiz, “NIF total neutron yield diagnostic”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 72, 814 – 817 (2001).\

J. E. Bailey, G. A. Chandler, S. A. Slutz, G. R. Bennett, G. Cooper, J. S. Lash, S. Lazier, R. Lemke, T. J. Nash, D. S. Nielsen, T. C. Moore, C. L. Ruiz, D. G. Schroen, R. Smelser, J. Torres, and R. A. Vesey, “X-Ray Imaging Measurements of Capsule Implosions Driven by a Z-Pinch Dynamic Hohlraum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002).

S.A. Slutz, J.E. Bailey, G.A. Chandler, G.R. Bennett, G. Cooper, J.S. Lash, S. Lazier, P. Lake, R.W. Lemke, T.A. Mehlhorn, T.J. Nash, D.S. Nielson, J. McGurn, T.C. Moore, C.L. Ruiz, D.G. Schroen, J. Torres, W. Varnum, and R.A. Vesey, “Dynamic hohlraum driven inertial fusion capsules”, Phys. Plasmas, 10, 1875-1882 (2003).

J.E. Bailey, G.A. Chandler, S.A. Slutz, I. Golovkin, P.W. Lake, J.J. MacFarlane, R.C. Mancini, T.J. Burri-Mog, G. Cooper, R.J. Leeper, T.A. Mehlhorn, T.C. Moore, T.J. Nash, D.S. Nielson, C.L. Ruiz, D.G. Schroen, and W.A. Varnum, “Hot dense capsule implosion cores produced by z-pinch dynamic hohlraum radiation”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 92, 085002-1 (2004).

C.L. Ruiz, G.W. Cooper, S.A. Slutz, J.E. Bailey, G.A. Chandler, T.J. Nash, T.A. Mehlhorn, R.J. Leeper, D. Fehl, A.J. Nelson, J. Franklin, and L. Ziegler, “Production of thermonuclear neutrons from deuterium-filled capsule implosions driven by Z-pinch dynamic hohlraums”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 93, 015001-1 (2004).

T.W.L. Sanford, T.J. Nash, R.E. Olson, D.E. Bliss, R.W. Lemke. C.L. Olsen, C.L. Ruiz, R.C. Mock, J.E. Bailey, G.A. Chandler, M.E. Cuneo, R.J. Leeper, M.K. Matzen, T.A. Mehlhorn, S.A. Slutz, W.A. Stygar, D.L. Peterson, R.E. Chrien, R.G. Watt, N.F. Roderick, G.W. Cooper, J.P. Apruzese, G.S. Sarkisov, J.P. Chittenden, and M.G. Haines, “Progress in z-pinch driven dynamic-hohlraums fro high-temperature radiation-flow and ICF experiments on Sandia National Laboratories, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 46, B423-B433 (2004).

SA Slutz, JK Peterson, RA Vesey, RW Lemke, JE Bailey, W Varnum, CL Ruiz, GW Cooper, GA Chandler, GA Rachau, and TA Mehlhorn, “Integrated two-dimensional simulations of dynamic hohlraum driven inertial fusion capsule implosions”, Physics of Plasmas, 13, 102701 (2006).

CA Coverdale, C Deeney, AL Velikovich, RW Clark, YK Chong, J Davis, J Chittenden, CL Ruiz, GW Cooper, AJ Nelson, J Franklin, PD LePell, JP Apruzese, J Levine, J Banister, and N Qi, “Neutron production and implosion characteristics of a deuterium gas-puff Z pinch”, Physics of Plasmas, 14, 022706 (2007).

CA Coverdale, C Deeney, AL Velikovich, J Davis, RW Clark, YK Chong, J Chittenden, S Chantrenne, CL Ruiz, GW Cooper, AJ Nelson, J Franklin, PD LePell, JP Apruzese, J Levine, and J Banister, “Deuterium gas-puff Z pinch implosions on the Z accelerator”, Physics of Plasmas 14, 056309 (2007)

AL Velikovich, RW Clark, J Davis, YK Chong, C Deeney, CA Coverdale, CL Ruiz, GW Cooper, AJ Nelson, J Franklin, LI Rudakov, “Z-pinch plasma neutron sources”, Physics of Plasmas 14, 022701 (2007)

BT Meehan, EC Hagen, CL Ruiz, and GW Cooper, "Praseodymium activation detector for measuring bursts of 14MeV neutrons", Proc. of SPIE, 7449, 744912-1

M.E. Cuneo, et. al.,"Magnetically driven implosions for inertial confinement fusion at Sandia National Laboratories, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 40, (2012).

G.W. Cooper, C.L. Ruiz, R.J. Leeper, G.A. Chandler, K.D. Hahn, A.J. Nelson, J.A. Torres, R.M. Smelser, B.R. McWatters, D.L. Bleul, C.B. Yeamans, K.M. Knittel, D.T. Casey, J.A. Frenje, M. Gatu Johnson, R.D. Petrasso, and J.D. Styron, "Copper activation deuterium-tritium neutron yield measurements at the National Ignition Facility",Rev. Sci. Intrum, 83, (2012).

A.J. Nelson, C.L. Ruiz, G.W. Cooper, G.A. Chandler, D.L. Fehl, K.D. Hahn, R.J. Leeper, R. Smelser, and J.A. Torres, "A novel method for modeling the neutron time of flight detector response in current mode to inertial confinement fusion experiments", Rev. Sci. Instrum., 83, (2012).

K.D. Hahn, C.L. Ruiz, G.W. Cooper, A.J. Nelson, G.A. Chandler, R.J. Leeper, B.R. McWatters, R.M. Smelser, and J.A. Torres, "Calibration of neutron-yield diagnostics in attenuating and scattering environments", Rev. Sci. Instrum., 83, (2012).

C.L. Ruiz, G.A. Chandler, G.W. Cooper, D.L. Fehl, R.J. Leeper, B.R. McWatters, A.J. Nelson, R.M. Smelser, C.S. Snow, and J.A. Torres, "Progress in obaining an absolute calibration of a total deuterium-tritium neutron yield diagnostic based on copper activation", Rev. Sci. Instrum., 83, (2012).

D.T. Casey, et. al., "Measuring the absolute deuterium-tritium neutron yield using the magnetic recoil spectrometer at OMEGA and the NIF", Rev. Sci. Instrum., 83, (2012).

M. Gatu Johnson, et. al., "Neutron spectrometry- An esssential tool for diagnosing implosions at the National Ignition Facility", Rev. Sci. Instrum., 83, (2012).

D.L. Bleuel, et. al., "Neutron activation diagnostics at the National Ignition Facility", Rev. Sci. Instrum., 83, (2012).

Student Mentoring


Alan Camp (1983) Pulsed effects in inertial confinement fusion reactor blankets

Lawrence Sanchez (1984) Ablation of carbon particles in fusion plasmas

Mark Savage (1989) Magnetically insulated relativistic electron flows

Howard Sanger (1991) Time and spatially dependent gamma-ray spectra

Mike Miller (1997) Neutron detection and multiplicity measurements

Jennifer Jacobs (2001) – Effects of Thermoradiation Treatments on the DNA of Gacillus Subtilis Endospores

James Soukup (2001) – Analysis methods for non-destructive assays of radioactive materials

Boian Alexandrov (2007) – Temperature effects in NaI scintillation detectors

Alan Nelson (2011) – Unfolding scattering and detector response of current mode neutron time of flight scintillator

M. S. Theses

Wang-Chang Gu (1982) Simulation of Ar-Na flow

Jay Weingardt (1986) Non-destructive analysis of highly enriched uranium hexafluoride

Steve Clement (1987) U-235 two gamma-ray container thickness gauge

Samantha Lapin (1988) Cr-39 ion range filter diagnostic

Bret Simpkins (1988) Evaluation of nuclear safeguards SAVI code

Michael Collopy (1992) Efficiency calibration of CR-39 for detecting dd and dt neutrons

Susan Vosburg (1993) Quantification of ion activation of structural materials

Brad Evans (1993) Indirect, ion-beam activation diagnostic based on praseodymium

George Simion (1993) Nuclear power plant value-impact analysis

James Winter (1997) Dose hazards from ion activated stainless steel and titanium

Alan Nelson (2003) – A new neutron diagnostic based on the activation of lead

Scott Walker (2004) – New dosimetry activation technique for measuring high energy neutron spectra at LANCE

Gilbert Rendon (2004) – Photonulcear Activation of materials

Jenny Tobin (2005) – Public perceptions of nuclear power

Jason Starner (2006) – Neutron scattering effects in ICF fusion experiments

Willie Montoya (2007) – Plutonium chemical processing techniques

Shawn Tornga (2009) – A gamma ray Compton spectrometer for non-destructive assay

MS Radiation Protection Practicum’s

Greg Sanchez (2008) – Expected radiation doses from the Hermes accelerator operating in ion mode

Patrick Beall (2012) – Plutonium monitoring of Z experiments

Course work Master’s projects

John Stanke (2009) – Procedures for homeland security measurements laboratory

Linda Bayliss (2011) – Investigation of several activation diagnostics for NIF

Professional Organizations

American Nuclear Society