Gary Storey

Dr. Gary Storey is Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics at the University of Saskatchewan. He retired in 2000. He joined the Department of Agricultural Economics in 1969 after completing a Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin. Other degrees held include a BSA and MSc University of Saskatchewan and a MA University of Wisconsin. His areas of specialization include marketing, trade, policy and development.

In the last several years he has completed studies on the marketing of small fruit and conducted studies on the economic feasibility analysis for northern vigour of strawberry crowns in Saskatchewan. He is currently with James Lokken updating that latter analysis. He has completed studies on the coordination and vertical integration of the pork industries, one of the authors of barley marketing under the Canadian Wheat Board. In 1999 he completed a study for the CWB on the cash marketing of wheat. In 2003 he was instrumental in preparing a report for the restructuring of the Saskatchewan Organic Directorate, which is a sector organization of the organic industry in Saskatchewan. In 2004-05 he co-authored twenty papers with Shon Ferguson and Simon Weseen on the economics of organic agriculture in Saskatchewan and Canada.

Internationally he headed a marketing project (1984 and 1990) in Lesotho for the International Development Research Centre. He has worked in Swaziland and Tanzania. He is currently working on a CIDA sponsored project in China, Small Farmers Adapting to Global Markets. This project is centered through the Centre for the Study of Cooperatives. Since 2000 he has given lectures to government and various universities in China as well as developing and teaching a new course on Futures and Options Markets and Supply Chain Management at Tsinghua University in Beijing as part of a new Agriculture MBA program.

He has served as President of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, and two years on the Council of the Agricultural Institute of Canada. Between 1993 and 1996 he served as Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture where he led the College through a major revision of its undergraduate degree program. He served as director and Chairman of the Board of Prairie Plant Systems. He has also served on the Boards of Saskatchewan Agricultural Credit Corporation and IPSCO Inc. He has been until this past year member of the Management Board of the Centre of the Study of Cooperatives. One of his most pleasant responsibilities has been to Chair the College of Agriculture Committee on Art where he has worked to develop the College’s growing art collection.

Dr. Storey served as a member of the Editorial Board for The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan, which is showcased in the 2005-06 University Authors Exhibit.He penned the introduction, gathered, edited and personally wrote twelve of the entries for the Agriculture and Food segment of the Encyclopedia.

He has operated and managed a 250 ha grain farm for 30 years. He is married (Joelle) with two married daughters (Kristin and Lauren) and has two grand children (Luke and Kendall). His hobbies include painting, gardening, music composition and a number of sports.