Friday 3rd March 2017 at 7.30 in the Corn Exchange, Melrose
Gary Donaldson Band Ticket £7
THE HIGHLAND RAMBLER (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Roy Goldring Leeds Silver Jubilee
1- 81s dance in & cast to 2nd place, dance RH across with 3s
9-162s & 1s dance LH across, 1W followed by prtnr cast up round 2W & dance down middle to 1W betw 3s & 1M betw 2s
17-241s, 2s & 3s dance down the middle & back
25-321M followed by prtnr cast down round 2W to 2nd places on own side & turn RH
33-402s, 1s & 3s circle 6H round & back
JENNIFER'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Silver City Bk
1- 81s, 2s & 3s set, cross over RH; set, cross back RH
9-161s & 2s double fig of 8 (1s cross down to begin, 2s cast up)
17-241s dance Inveran reels with 2s & 3s
25-321s followed by 2s lead down for 3 steps, turn RH, 2s lead up followed by 1s to new places
CHERRYBANK GARDENS (S3x32) 3C set John Drewry Bankhead Bk 1
1- 81s & 2s set & petronella in tandem twice
9-162s & 1s set, 2s cross over RH while 1s cross over LH; 1WRH across with 2s, 1Mwith 3s
17-241s & 3s set & link and circle 4H round to left
25-322s, 3s & 1s grand chain (2s crossing to commence)
FESTIVAL FLING (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) L Davidson RSCDS Bk 44
1- 81s set, cross RH, cast 2 places & dance up to face 1st crnrs
9-121s set to 1st crnr & change places RH, 1st crnr persons pass LSh to face 2nd crnrs
13-16Orig 1st crnr persons set to 2nd crnrs, change places RH & 2nd crnrs pass LSh to face 1st crnr
17-20Orig 2nd crnr persons set to 1st crnrs (1s), change places RH & 1s end facing opp sidesasfor double triangles
21-24All set, crnrs chase 1 pl cl’wise while 1s PdB round each other to face down (man with prtnr on left)
25-321s dance down betw 3s, cast up to 2nd pl, dance up betw 2s & cast to 2nd pl
THE FIRST RAIN OF SPRING (J3x32) 3C Wouter Joubert RSCDS Bk 49
1- 81s dance down, cast up round 3s, meet, dance up to 1st pl facing out. 1s & 2s ½ turn (Men LH, Ladies RH)
9-162s & 1s dance double figs 8 (1s cross up, 2s cast to start)
17-201s & 3s ¾ turn RH into line up/down in middle facing prtnr & set
21-281s & 3s dance ½ Celtic Reel:-
21-22 1s & 3s pass prtnr RSh
23-24 1M & 3W dance cl’wise while 1W & 3M dance ¾ round each other LSh to face prtnrs in line across
25-26 1s & 3s pass prtnr RSh
27-28 1W & 3M dance cl’wise while 1M & 3W dance ¾ round each other LSh to face prtnrs in line up/down set
29-323s & 1s ¾ turn prtnrs RH to side-lines. 2s, 3s & 1s set
THE MINISTER ON THE LOCH (S3x32) 3C set Roy Goldring 24 G & S Dances
1- 81s & 2s dance Diamond Poussette
9-161s dance down for 2 steps, turn 2H, dance up to top & turn 2H
17-241s & 3s dance double fig of 8 round 2s with 1s casting to start
25-321M & 2M turn LH 1½ times while 1W & 2W turn RH 1½ times, 1M & 3M turn RH 1½ times while 1W & 3W turn LH 1½ times
THE FALLS OF ROGIE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Jean Attwood Alexander Bk 1
Alexander Bk 1
1- 81s cross RH & cast 1 pl, 1s cross RH & cast 1 pl (Man up Lady down)
9-161s dance ½ reels of 3 across (1M with 2s & 1W with 3s), set in lines across & change places RH with opp person
17-242s, 1s & 3s chase cl'wise, 1s dance for 4 steps & turn RH to face 1st crnr positions as 2s & 3s continue to chase back to place (as bar 16)
25-321s dance ½ reel of 4 with 1st crnrs, passing RSh dance ½ reel with 2nd crnrs & cross passing RSh to 2nd pl own sides
FLORA’S FANCY (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Tucson & 7 Pipers Scottish Soc. RSCDS Bk 49
1- 81s set, cast (2s step up). 1W & 2s also 1M & 3s dance RH across. 1s finish in middle facing up, 1M following 1W
9-161s (in tandem) & 2s dance reel of 3 across (1s pass 2W RSh). 1s end in 2nd place own sides
17-241s set, turn ¾ RH to face own sides. 1W & 2s also 1M & 3s dance LH across. 1s finish in middle facing down, 1W following 1M
25-321s (in tandem) & 3s dance reel of 3 across (1s pass 3M RSh). 1s end in 2nd place own sides
CAULDSHIELDS LOCH (S3x32) 3C set C Irvine
1-8 1s set adv, turn with BH, and with nhj dance down for 2 steps, set, pass by left to face 1st crnrs (2s step up)
9-16 ½ diag reel of 4 with 1st crnrs and, as 1st dance into middle pull RSh back to face prtns 2nd crnr. ½ reel of 4
17-20 Crnrs face in diag, 1s face across. All set. Crnrs change pl on sides RH while 1s petronella to centre to fin
1W betwn 2s, 1M betwn 3s
21-24 All set. 1s petronella to opp sides while 2s & 3s cross RH.
25-32 1s & 3s set, dance ¾ double fig of 8 (1s cast, 3s cross up) to fin 2,3,1.
FLIGHT TO MELBOURNE (R4x32) Sq.Set S Campbell RSCDS Bk 47
1- 81M & 3W dance fig of 8 round 2s while 1W & 3M dance fig of 8 round 4s
9-161s in prom hold dance reel of 3 across with 4M & 2W (RSh to 4M to start) while 3s dance reel of 3 with 2M & 4W (RSh to 2M)
17-24All Set & Link, ½ turn prtnrs RH & all chase cl’wise 1 place
25-32All circle 8H round & back
THE RUTLAND REEL (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Robert Senior RSCDS Bk 48
1- 81s set & cast 1 place, cross betw 3s & cast up to 2nd place opposite sides
9-161s & 2s dance Ladies Chain & end 1s facing down
17-24Reel of 3 on sides, 1s giving RSh to 3s & 1s & 3s ½ turn RH 2 3(1)
25-323s & 1s dance Mens Chain & end 1W facing out with prtnr ready to follow her
33-401W followed by prtnr casts up & crosses to own side to end in 2nd place own sides, 1s & 3s circle 4H round to left
MACLEOD'S FANCY (J4x32) 4C set John Drewry RSCDS Bk 33
1- 81s & 4s set diagonally, 1M & 4W turn ¾ RH & cast up/down own side back to place whilstprtnrs cast down/up own side & turn ¾RH back to pl
9-16Reels of 4 on sides
17-24End cples half turn neighbours RH, 1s & 4s join LH in middle & all set; 1s & 4s turn neighbours RH to fin 1s in 3rd pl, 4s in 2nd p1
25-321s & 4s set & cross over (W betw M); 4s lead up RH betw 2s, cross & cast to 2nd pl, whilst 1s lead down LH betw 3s, cross & cast to 3rd pl
THE GARRY STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set James Cosh 22 SCDs
1- 81s & 2s and 3s & 4s ½R&L, 1s & 4s (in centre) ½ R&L
9-162s & 4s and 1s & 3s circle 4H left ½ way, 2s & 3s circle 4H right ½ way, 1s dance up to top & all face on sides
17-24All set HS & dance ½ Grand Chain
25-32Reel of 4 on sides. 2 3 4 1
THE WHISTLING WIND (R8x32) 3C (4C set) E Goosen RSCDS Bk 36
1- 81s set, dance in & cast to 2nd place, set to each other while advancing to 1st crnrs
9-161s dance ½ reel of 4 with 1st crnrs pass by RSh to dance ½ reel with 2nd crnrs end ready for Double Triangles up/down (Man with top couple)
17-243s, 1s & 2s dance Double Triangles, 1s ending in 2nd place on own sides
25-321s dance diag R&L
ALAN J SMITH (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) Andrew Smith RSCDS Bk 45
1- 81s set, dance down to face out 2nd place, 1M & 3M turn LH while 1W & 3W turn RH into double triangle positions
9-162s, 1s & 3s dance Double Triangles(15-161s turn right about on spot to face 1st crnrs)
17-241s turn 1st crnr RH, partner LH, 2nd crnr RH & cross RH to 2nd places
25-322s, 1s & 3s circle 6H round & back
MISS ELEANOR (S3x32) 3C Ann Dix RSCDS Bk 49
1- 81s, 2s & 3s dance Mirror (Reflection) reels of 3 on sides (1s in/down to start)
9-161s set, cast (2s step up) & turn RH. 1W casts to 3rd place, 1M casts up to 1st place (2M steps down & 3W steps up)
17-24All dance 3 couple Bourrel:-
17-20 1M & 3W also 2M & 1W set adv & ¾ turn 2H to line up/down middle then pull back RSh turning to face own prtnrs as 3M & 2W chase anticl’wise to face them
21-24 All set & turn 2H to own sides. 3 1 2
25-323s, 1s & 2s circle 6H round & back
THE PIPER & THE PENGUIN (R88) Sq.Set Roy Goldring Scotia Suite
1- 8Ladies dance RSh round their crnrs, dance RH across ending in centre
9-16Ladies dance LSh round their prtnrs, dance LH across & back to places
17-24Men dance RSh round their prtnrs, dance RH across ending in centre
25-32Men dance LSh round corners, dance LH across & back to places
33-401s & 3s turn prtnrs RH 1¼ times, Men followed by prtnrs dance out btwn side couples & back to places (1M thru 4s & 3M thru 2s)
41-481s & 3s dance R&L
49-642s & 4s repeat bars 33-48
65-72Ladies dance in turning right about to dance out, cast cl’wise to opposite Lady's place
73-80Men dance in turning left about to dance out, cast anticl’wise to opposite places
81-88All turn partners RH 1¼ times into prom hold, Promenade anticlockwise ½ way round to original places
BILL CLEMENT MBE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) J Wilkinson RSCDS Bk 47
1- 81s set & dance down betw 3s & cast up to end LH with prtnr facing 1st crnrs
9-161s set & turn inwards to face 3rd crnrs, 1s set to 3rd crnrs & turn crnrs LH to end RH with prtnr facing 2nd crnrs
17-241s set & turn inwards to face 4th crnrs, 1s set to 4th crnrs & turn crnrs RH to end 2nd place own side
25-322s, 1s, & 3s circle 6H round & back
(MINICRIB, Dance Crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)