Garden Valley Chamber of Commerce

P.O. Box 10

Garden Valley, ID 83622


January 12th 2017 Meeting Minutes

Call to Order by President Diane Caughlin at 1800 Crouch Community Hall

Dinner-Provided by the Dirty Shame

Selected Delegates:

-John Cottingham spoke about joint ventures of the Boise County Job Creation/Retention Council with the Chamber, the New Visitor Information Center and Boise County Connection

-Julie Leslie, 5 minutes on advertising on the Chamber Map

New Business-

  • Amended the Bi-Laws that are 20 years old.
  • A motion to amend the by-laws to make the Director of Marketing and the Director of Grant positions to be Vice President-Director or Marketing, and Vice President-Director of Grants was made by Jerry McLain, seconded by John Cottingham. Passed unanimously.
  • A motion to have multiple members at large was made by Julie Leslie, seconded by John Cottingham. Passed unanimously.
  • A re-voting on the entire Board as noted.
  • A motion was made by Jerry Mclain to approve of the board members for the 2017-2018 terms, seconded by Tami Smith. Passed unanimously. Members are as follows:
  • President, Diane Caughlin
  • VP-Operations, Charity Bernacchi
  • VP-Marketing, Jason Sawin
  • VP-Grants, CJ Scharf
  • Secretary-Vickie Chandler
  • Treasurer-Sandy McLain
  • Members at Large
  • Tami Smith
  • Toni Palmiotto
  • Vicky Burford
  • Diane Carlson
  • Julie Hutchcroft
  • Jennifer James
  • Janet Juroch
  • This year’s schedule of events promoted by the Chamber:
  • January-April Fat Tire Race at X-Sports, TBD dates & times- Jason Sawin, POC
  • May-help the GV Center for the Arts with Spring Fling
  • June-Proposed Music in the Park, dates and times TBD. Julie Hutchcroft, POC
  • July (4th)-Independence Day Celebration. Charity Bernacchi, POC
  • August (21st)-Solar Eclipse Event at Idaho X-Sports-Jason Sawin, POC
  • Members be thinking of how you can get your businesses involved
  • Wagon Rides, Horseback rides, Dinners, Lodging, etc.
  • September-Music in the Park (same deal as June) Julie Hutchcroft POC
  • October-Trunk or Treat last Saturday of the Month, Larry & Julie Sirhall, POC’s
  • November- Discussion to have members think of something fun such as Turkey Races, or a chili cook off at one of the Restaurants.
  • December-Christmas Lighting Competition, sponsored by Idaho Power, Tami Smith, POC.
  • December 31st Lantern Lighting, Diane Caughlin, POC.

Old Business

  • Lantern Lighting NYE, a great success! May need to order more lanterns for next year. Discussion was made to consider a higher pricing of lanterns. Tabled for another meeting.

Reports of Officers

  • Secretary-Minutes will be on the website for review
  • Treasurer’s report will be posted online, same as above.

Member Networking after meeting.

Adjournment 1900

Working Together to: strengthen economic development by supporting local businesses and four season recreational activities, resulting in extended overnight visitation through the promotion of travel and tourism. Advocate for a positive, proactive and progressive community to ensure the pristine quality of life in Garden Valley”.