To be held under the International Sporting Code of F.I.A. and the general competition Rules of Motorsport Ireland, including Appendix 88 of the 2017 Yearbook and supplementary Regulations.

Clerk of the Course Pat Fox M.I Steward Eric Byrne

G.S.M.C.Steward Ms Evelyn Noonan . M.I Permit No.

Event Secretary Mick Toher Childrens Officer Ms. B. KEHOE


Start 11.00am. Competitors are request to check in at 11am. The C.O.C. may impose a penalty of up to 10 marks on a competitor who arrives late at the event or a section as dictated by the draw.

Drivers Meeting at 10.45am.

Course The course will be of a sporting nature and will consist of observed sections only. Competitors must follow the intended line of each section. Competitors are requested not to damage Private

Property and to bring any litter home.

Cars & Tyres Must comply with the requirement of M.I Regulations for Sporting Trials as in

current edition of the Yearbook, and current regulations The Club reserves the right to scrutinise

cars at any time any question regarding scrutiny should be referred to Gerry Kehoe or Victor


Crew Two entries will be accepted in respect of each car. Bouncers must keep their feet on the cockpit

Floor within the confines of the car. Standing is not allowed. No competition car may be driven

On any part of the course or adjoining lands by any person other than a person who entered the

Event and who has signed the Official Entry Form. Breach of this Regulation may merit exclusion.

A Bouncer or Passenger may be carried subject to Motorsport Ireland Regulations. See

Year Book for details. Drivers must advise the Clerk of the Course when they retire. Unsporting

behaviour may merit exclusion from results. Abuse and/or intimidation of any official or observer of the event will merit exclusion from the event and will be reported to M.I for action by them. All Competitors must be in possession of a current M.I Competition Licence to be

produced on demand. No Competitor may receive assistance, advice or direction from any

outsider whilst traversing any section.(OTHER THAN A JUNIOR IN THEIR 1st SEASON)

Competition A Clubman National B (or higher grade Licence) is available to competitors over 16 years.

Licences Competitors other than Junior Licence Holders must hold such a Licence.

ONE DAY Licences will be available at the event for competitors 14 years and over.

Junior Entries Competitors aged between 10 AND16 may enter for the event. Such competitors must be

In possession of a Junior Competition Licence or a cover note issued by M.I and must be ……………………accompanied

in thecar by the holder of a Competition Licence, of a grade no lower than Clubman National B. ,

at all times except in the case of 14 to 16 year old juniors when in an observed section.

Starting Order A Draw to determine the Starting Order will be held. The result of the draw will be displayed at

Start Control. . Doubling up is permitted on first and second Lap.

NB A 2 meter exclusion zone around cars while competing and traversing sections will be in force ……………………except where being driven by a junior in their first season

Marks Will be awarded as published in the current Motorsport Ireland Year Book.

A ten mark penalty will be imposed in the event of a roll by a competitor in any location at the


Awards Premier Award O”Gorman CUP

1st to 3rd Grades A, B ,C and D

1st Junior ( Under 17 ) 1st Junior Junior (10 to 13 year olds)

No Driver may win more that one award.

Entries A completed entry form must reach G.S.M.C. Ltd., 33, Ballinteer Crescent, Dublin 16 on or

Before the 6th December 2017. Incomplete, late or unpaid entries will be ignored.

Entry Fees Club Members € 40 – Non Members € 43 - Junior € 17, Juniors Juniors 10 euro Full time student

17 to 23 25euro personal accident insurance Levy for drivers. Other signed on Passenger € 5. (

Time Limit 3 euro if under 17yrs M may be in force on the day

HELMETS Helmets are not compulsory

Results/Awards Will be announced and presented in Ahearns Old Bawn Tallagh Dublin 24


Name……………………………………Are You Club Member for 2017 Yes/No


……………………………………………………………………….. Phone No…………………

Car…………………………………..Double Driving With……………………………………….

Has your car been scrutinised during the season Yes/No

Comp. Lic. No……………………………….Grade………Novice Junior ……………..Yes/No

Junior Junior (10 to13)……………..Yes/No

(a) I have read the supplementary regulations issued for this event and agree to be bound by them and by the General Competition Rules and Regulations of Motorsport Ireland including the guidelines and regulations contained in Motorsport Ireland’s Code of Conduct for Children’s Sport. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry or of my being permitted to take part in this event I agree to save harmless and keep indemnified the Garda Siochana Motor Club Ltd. (Organising Club), Irish Automobile Club Ltd.t/a Royal Irish Automobile Club, Irish Motorsport Federation Ltd, t/a Motorsport Ireland and their respective officials, servants, representatives and agents from and against all actions, claims, costs, expenses and demands In respect of death, injury, loss of or damage to the person or property of myself, my driver(s), passenger(s) or mechanic(s) (as the case may be) howsoever caused arising out of or in connection with this entry or my taking part in this event and notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of the said bodies, their officials, servants, representatives or agents. Furthermore in respect of any parts of this event on ground where Third Party Insurance is not required by law, this Agreement shall in addition to expenses and demands in respect of loss of or damage to the person or property of myself, my driver(s), passenger(s) or mechanic(s)

My Age (Driver) is…………………………………………………..(If applicable ,state ‘over 18 years’)

My Age (Passenger ) is ………………………………………….. (If applicable, state ‘over 18 years’)

Any indemnity and/or declaration as prescribed by sub-paragraph (a) above which is signed by a person under the age of 18 years shall be countersigned by that person’s parent of guardian, whose full names and address shall be given. Furthermore, the parents and/or guardians of persons under 18 years of age shall grant permission to M I and The Irish Sports Council to carry out tests in accordance with the Irish Anti Doping Rules (Rule No 139) in the following form;-

“I/We hereby grant permission to M.I and the Irish Sports Council to carry out tests as set out in Rule No 139 of the GCR’s in accordance with the Irish Anti Doping Rules” and I agree to abide by and be bound by the Motorsport Ireland Social Media policy as per Apendix 126 of the current year book

Competitors Signature…………………………………………………………. Date ……………………………………

Passenger Signature ………………………………………………………….. Date ……………………………………

Signature of Parent/Guardian of Driver/Bouncer/Passengers …………………………………………………. Date………………

Full Name and Address of Parent/ Guardian ……………………………………………………………………………………………



REMEMBER Incomplete, late or unpaid entries will not be accepted.

Entries to G.S.M.C Ltd 33, Ballinteer Crescent, Dublin 16 on or before the 6TH DECEMBER 2017