GARBAGE – Packet by Illinois (Micah Hodosh, Mike Sorice, Chris Vicich, Andrew Ullsperger) and Editors

Edited by Fred Morlan, Evan Nagler, and David Seal with help from Dan Goff

1.In one of this character’s offices, he doesn't have time for foreign dignitaries because of all the cool stuff on his desk and must mediate a conflict among North, South, and West Dakota. This character obtained that office after he was elected President in a game subtitled Abe Lincoln Must Die! Using him on the world's largest ball of twine will get you a piece in the game subtitled Hit The Road. His best friend commonly refers to him as “little buddy.” He is one of the sample tattoos in a parlour in Grim Fandango and his face can be found as the map of a level in Star Wars: Dark Forces. For 10 points, identify this character created by Steve Purcell and notable for appearing in a series of games by Traveler's Tales and one by LucasArts; a rabbit often paired with his dog partner, Sam.
2.This player nearly died when, after being kicked in the face by Abou Diaby, he swallowed his own tongue. This 2008 UEFA Defender of the Year was briefly the highest-paid player in his league until, his contract was surpassed by that of teammate Frank Lampard. A recent incident saw him step in to replace the ejected Didier Drogba as a kick taker, only to slip on the wet field at Luzhniki Stadium, thereby sending wide a penalty kick that would have won his team the UEFA Champion’s League, a title that instead went to Manchester United, perhaps the greatest rival of the Premiership team that this center back captains. For 10 points, name this defenseman who replaced David Beckham as captain of the English national soccer team and who also captains Chelsea.
ANSWER: John George Terry
3. Differentiated from the Old Fashioned by the lack of sugar and in that it is served straight up, these can be made with Scotch, in which case one is called a Rob Roy. Replacing the Angostura bitters with the cordial Amer Picon makes it a Monahan, while the addition of cherry brandy and absinthe makes a McKinley's Delight. As with a martini, a “perfect” one of these uses equal parts sweet and dry vermouth. This cocktail is often made with bourbon, though the more traditional use of rye is regaining popularity. For 10 points, name this cocktail of whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters probably named for a club in New York City.
ANSWER: a Manhattan
4.This film featured The Passengers’ “Always Forever Now,” one of the few actual soundtrack cuts from Original Soundtracks 1 by that group consisting of U2 and Brian Eno. One pivotal moment in this film sees one main character return home to find a bathtub full of blood containing Lauren Gustafson, played by a young Natalie Portman. Shortly after that, Vincent Hanna drags Neil McCauley to a café where the latter delineates his “thirty-second rule.” Val Kilmer’s gambling-addicted character Chris Shiherlis is wounded in the massive shootout outside a Hollywood bank that is this movie’s climax. For 10 points, name this film that casts Robert DeNiro as the head of a gang of armed robbers and Al Pacino as the L.A. cop tasked with bringing him down.
5.He purchases his trademark article of clothing from a Ukrainian in the back room of a pet store, having patterned his look after the man who stole his girlfriend, Shannon. This man's promiscuous mother was for a time also his bookie; he has convinced himself that his father is Bob Barker. This character's portrayer performed a combat roll in his audition, a move useful in laser tag, which he gives “two months, tops” before it becomes cool again, and he has played that game with his crush Robin Scherbotsky. Fond of suits, scotch, and a number of catchphrases like "legendary", for 10 points, name this character played by Neil Patrick Harris on How I Met Your Mother.
ANSWER: BarneyStinson [accept either underlined part]
6.This athlete was originally slated to attend UNLV, but was beset by controversy before ever playing a game: a Sports Illustrated story questioned the validity of his ACT score, he was accused of accepting payment from a booster, and he was arrested for solicitation of a prostitute. After a transfer to Rhode Island, he was drafted by the Clippers, where he spent four injury- and drug suspension-plagued seasons. He resurrected his career with a turnaround season in Miami before being traded with Brian Grant and Caron Butler for Shaquille O’Neal. For 10 points, name this Los Angeles Lakers forward who has been replaced in the starting lineup this season with the return of Andrew Bynum.
ANSWER: Lamar Joseph Odom
7.This game has three major variants: punto banco, which is most popular in North America; chemin de fer; and banque. The game is named for the worst possible hand, with a value of zero, which is also the value of 10’s and face cards in this game. Similar to faro, it is often found in American casinos in a “mini” version only requiring a blackjack-sized table and a single dealer. In Rush Hour 3, Chris Tucker's character doesn't understand the rules of this game, asking the dealer to “hit [him]”. The film version of Dr. No introduces James Bond at a table for this game, while the original novel and 1967 film version of Casino Royale make it central to the plot. For 10 points, name this card game in which the highest scoring hands add up to nine.
ANSWER: baccarat
8.The liner notes to this album contain an interview with the band’s primary songwriter by author Daniel Handler, who played accordion on a few songs. A song expressing regret over the title subject compares that subject to a rose and says “Let's pretend it's a work of art.” Guest vocalists included Shirley Simms, Dudley Klute, and LD Beghtol, who recently published a “Field Guide” to this album as part of Continuum Books’ 33 1/3 series; the rest of the vocal duties are handled by band members Claudia Gonson and Stephin Merritt. Songs contained on this album include “The Death of Ferdinand Saussure”, “My Sentimental Melody”, and “All My Little Words”. For 10 points, identify this album by the Magnetic Fields featuring twenty-three songs about the titular subject on each of its three discs.
ANSWER: 69 Love Songs
9.In the 1980’s, this person shared an apartment with Jeff Garlin in the Wrigleyville neighborhood of Chicago. One of only two two-year editors of the Harvard Lampoon, he has been yelled at for such actions as playing softball in leg-warmers and busting the toilet when he sat on it to take a leak at the Joe’s bar. A fictional version of this person has been married to Yoko Ono, Tom Arnold and Sally Jessy Raphael and is the sidekick of Jim Gaffigan on Pale Force. On Robot Chicken, he voiced Zuckuss as a host of a fake show. This former boyfriend of Liz Lemon on 30 Rock briefly appears in the background of an episode of The Office. A chance encounter outside Carnagie Deli led to Max Weinburg becoming the bandleader of, for 10 points, what soon-to-be-former Late Night host who will replace Jay Leno on The Tonight Show?
ANSWER: Conan Christopher O’Brien
10.It was the site of the NFL’s first playoff game in 1932, which saw the home team defeat the Portsmouth Spartans 9-0 to win the championship on an 80-yard field after the game was moved indoors due to extreme cold. Also the host of five political conventions between 1932 and 1944, and was the largest indoor sports arena in the world when it opened in 1929. After that, for the next sixty years the only championships won by teams that played in this arena would be three Stanley Cups won by its resident hockey team, the last of which occurred in 1961, until a basketball team, which had moved in 1967, won the first of three consecutive titles in 1991. For 10 points, give the name of this “Madhouse on Madison,” the home until 1994 of the Blackhawks and Bulls.
ANSWER: Chicago Stadium
11.This film was remade in 1956 as a musical called You Can’t Run Away From It. A scene from it is referenced in the 2001 movie Bandits when Bruce Willis’s character hangs a blanket from the ceiling to divide a room he’s forced to share with a woman. A large part of the action takes place on a bus from Miami to New York, as Ellie Andrews travels to reunite with her new husband, whom she married against her father’s wishes, but falls in love along the way with Peter Warne. For 10 points, give the title of this 1934 Frank Capra screwball comedy starring Claudette Colbert and Clark Gable, the first film to capture all five major Academy Awards.
ANSWER: It Happened One Night
12.This song was written partially because the band hated playing encores and thus wanted a song where they wouldn't have to actually be on stage to play. The drum machine intro to this song does not match the beat of the main melody when it fades in. The original video for this song features clips of Zaxxon, false colored military stock footage, and simple wireframe graphics. The myth that Factory Records lost money on every sale of this single is false, especially since the die-cut process to make the cover look like a floppy disk was used only on the first pressing. “Those who came before me / Lived through their vocations” begins the second verse and the singer repeatedly asks in a deadpan voice “How do I feel?” and “How should I feel”? at the end of each verse. Officially, the lyrics are not about the death of Ian Curtis in, for 10 points, what best-selling single of the band New Order?
ANSWER: “Blue Monday”
13.In order to save money on production costs, this show is co-produced with Global Television in Canada. The angle it uses to separate itself from other shows in the genre is that the cameras involved are visible, though its host is often hidden or disguised in the skits. Skits have included a fake commercial for a cleaning product where a victim is hit with rotten eggs and raw sewage, and several featuring various fake auditions. It features the major hit of Montell Jordan as its theme song; that song's title has also become its host's catchphrase. For 10 points, name this pranks show on NBC, the network on which this show’s host also hosts Deal or No Deal.
ANSWER: Howie Do It
14.This player began wearing a visor after his orbital was broken while he played for SC Bern, an accident that left him with a permanently dilated left pupil. This first player to score in a regular-season NHL shootout is the only player to score five goals in an All-Star Game, though only four of those were in regulation in his MVP performance in 2003. This most prolific member of the so-called Pizza line had his rights traded for Greg de Vries and Marian Hossa. Named an alternative captain along with Chris Phillips and below linemate Daniel Alfredsson, he was replaced by Joe Sakic on the cover of EA’s NHL 04 due to a reckless driving incident in which he crashed his Ferrari, killing teammate Dan Snyder. For 10 points, name this left winger, a prolific scorer for the Ottawa Senators who made his name with the Atlanta Thrashers.
ANSWER: Daniel James “Dany” Heatley
15.Officially, this character is 17 years old and from the Bronx, New York. It is arguable that he is the shirtless, blond-haired protagonist of one game in his series, but typically he has short black hair and dresses in either black and green or pink. Advice he receives includes “Join the Nintendo Fan Club Today!” and that he should wear a helmet when fighting. Between circuits, he can be seen chasing Doc Lewis on a bicycle, the only time he is seen from the side. Running out of hearts causes him to become unable to attack and stars enable him to use a jumping uppercut. He is given threats such as “I can't drive, so I'm going to walk all over you” by Soda Popinski between rounds. For 10 points, identify this diminutive boxer protagonist of Nintendo's Punch-Out!! games.
ANSWER: Little Mac
16.One of this artist’s albums opens with an introduction by Dave Chappelle, who refers to him as “the nigga that made up the Nike ‘swoosh’” and “the man that made Kool-Aid say ‘Oh yeah!’” On Quality, this artist parted ways with longtime collaborator DJ Hi-Tek, with whom he had formed a group known as Reflection Eternal, to work instead with Kanye West, who produced his most successful single to date, “Get By.” Singles from Quality include “Move Somethin’” and “The Blast.” For 10 points, identify this MC who is still probably best known for his work with his long-time friend Mos Def as Black Star.
ANSWER: TalibKweli Greene [accept either underlined part]
17.Don Rickles portrayed this character's old army buddy Sid Krim and Andy Dick portrayed his son Zach in a lesser-known appearance. His idol was Herb Gaffer and the car he is often seen driving is a 1965 Sunbeam Tiger. He has told his landlady that he worked in insurance even though his official cover was as a greeting card salesman. An arrow, silencer, and gun are among the many objects that he notes are the second-biggest ones he's ever seen and he generally misses anything “by that much.” He eventually becomes the chief of CONTROL and marries Barbara Feldon’s character, Agent 99. A shoe phone is the the trademark gadget of, for 10 points, what secret agent portrayed on a 1960’s TV show by Don Adams and by Steve Carrell in a recent movie?
ANSWER: Maxwell Smart [accept either underlined part; accept Agent 86]
18.Some of his last roles include Alcott in The Man from Elysian Fields and the voice of Henry J. Waternoose in Monsters, Inc. A friend of Sam Peckinpah, he helped to direct Convoy when Peckinpah fell ill and starred as Seargeant Steiner in Cross of Iron. In the Cary Grant/Audrey Hepburn vehicle Charade, he portrayed ex-OSS agent Tex Panthollow. This actor had one role as an expert knife-thrower named Britt in one western and another role alongside Rod Stiger as an ex-IRA revolutionary named John Mallory in a second western; those movies were The Magnificent Seven and A Fistful of Dynamite, respectively. He portrayed the titular surgeon and nuclear physicist who could make love in 47 different languages and agent of Z.O.W.I.E. in Our Man Flint. For 10 points, identify this actor probably best-known for his role alongside Steve McQueen and Charles Bronson as “The Manufacturer” Louis Sedwick in The Great Escape.
ANSWER: James Harrison Coburn, Jr.
19.Mike Hammer is a noted user of these, as is Paul Sheldon, who has one each time he finishes a manuscript. The packaging for this brand used to contain a green chromium dye, but was changed to the modern brilliant white during World War II, ostensibly because it had “gone to war.” To this day, however, packages of this brand are stamped with a five-letter acronym claiming that it “means fine tobacco” and also contain a better-known advertising trope indicating that these cigarettes are not produced by sun-drying; that slogan was coined during World War I, though Mad Men claims that FTC regulations caused Don Draper came up with “It’s Toasted!” For 10 points, name these cigarettes whose iconic logo is a target with a large red bull’s eye.
ANSWER: Lucky Strike cigarettes [accept Luckies; prompt on cigarettes or similar answers before “brand”]
20.One song from this artist's first album describes a at Henry’s Swing Club on Hazel Street, while another sees threats to get through the door and on the floor by a creature that rules its den. The former of those songs is almost certainly the basis for ZZ Top’s “La Grange,” and they are respectively “Boogie Chillun” and “Crawlin’ Kingsnake”; other oft-covered songs by this musician include “One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer” and a song that mock-threatens “Gonna knock you out / Right offa’ your feet.” This artist’s career was revitalized by his appearance playing the aforementioned song on Maxwell Street in Blues Brothers, in which appearance he characteristically played seated and wearing sunglasses. For 10 points, name this boogie-guitar bluesman from Texas most famous for the song "Boom Boom".
ANSWER: John Lee Hooker
21. One song on this album uses lines from the Nirvana song “Drain You.” The album cover features a bear giving another bear a piggyback ride. It was scheduled to be released on 2008’s United States Election Day but was delayed, supposedly due to not wanting to minimize the importance of the date. Another song from this release features members of The Academy is…, Gym Class Heroes and Panic at the Disco alongside Elvis Costello. Named after the French phrase referring to two people sharing a psychiatric disorder is, for ten points, what 2009 album released by Fall Out Boy, featuring the singles “America’s Suitehearts” and “I Don’t Care”.