Title of Purchase / Nature of Purchase / Fund = £315000 / Impact of purchase
Cost / % of Pupil premium fund / Year groups involved
RWI / Literacy and Language / Discrete phonics and basic skills programme – stage not age philosophy- supporting language deprived cohorts / £5000 / 2% / FS2 – Y3 / Phonics scores have increased by 5% since 2015/16 ( with the exception of the 4 Syrian refugee children who came on roll in year 1 in November 2016)
Future Steps occupational health / Motor skills programme to develop writing skills later in school. / £16000 / 5% / Ys 1/2 as well as specific identified children / Writing across the school continues to improve –
- PP attainment in KS1 improved by 20% (34% to 67%)
- Gap closed PP compared to all by 5% (8% to 2%)
Mentis / A child development programme for 3 & 4 year olds with the aim of ‘narrowing the gap’ between the lowest achieving children and their higher achieving peers. / £1000 / 0.3% / Identified nursery children / This programme did not run due to staffing limitations.
attendance officer & resources / Bespoke officer improving attendance / £20000 / 6% / Whole school /
- Attendance has improved by 0.5%.
- PP attendance has improved 0.6% (more rapidly than all)
- Persistent absenteeism for PP has decreased by 4.55% (7.16%)
Family Liaison Officer / Bespoke officer responsible for child protection. – works closely with attendance officer. (increased role to full time) / £25000 / 8% / Whole school / Children continue to be safeguarded at a level which is supportive of families. The school runs many EHA plans with families which supports a range of need from parenting to behaviour support and mental health intervention.
Training for CP leads / Increased layering of training of Safer recruitment / Level 2 safeguarding / £2000 / 0.6% / Whole school / Continuing to meet statutory expectations.
Lexia / Reading intervention for possible dyslexics / £4000 / 1.3% / Whole school / Childrens early reading and the consolidation of gaps is improving. Spelling is improving lower down the school as KS1 data will attest.
- PP reading score in KS1 improved from 45% - 70%
Education City / Resource for teaching and learning – engaging children and ensuring pace / £1700 / 0.5% / Whole school
Ed Psych Service / To enable school to have early intervention in children who have delayed progress due to suspected SEN / £16000 / 5% / Whole school / 46% of SEND are PP, Rapid identification of children with SEND needs. A more bespoke graduated approach and holistic approach to children’s wellbeing, happiness and progress.
KS2 – PP SEND progress
- Reading improvement of +2.92 (-6.2 to -3.28)
- Writing improvement of +8.13 (-14.65 to -6.52)
- Maths improvement of +1.90 (-5.18 to -3.28)
Uniform Fund (deprivation) / To aid those PP families who suffer severe deprivation and cannot afford school uniforms / £4000 / 1.3% / Whole school / Uniforms given to a number of families including PE kits.
High Achievers fund / PP to ensure deprived high achieving children gain access to experiences which will broaden their thinking and raise aspirations and bolster resilience / £3000 / 1% / Whole school / A greater number of PP children achieved Greater Depth this academic year than the previous year.
Writing – 0% to 5%
Maths – 6% to 10% ( PP out performed all groups at greater depth in Maths)
SENCO non class based / To ensure the pp children (which is 70% of the cohort) are correctly monitored and gaps are closed – close monitoring of children who are falling behind / £54000 / 17% / Whole school / The gap between pupil premium SEN and Non is closing rapidly.
46% of SEND are PP, Rapid identification of children with SEND needs. A more bespoke graduated approach and holistic approach to children’s wellbeing, happiness and progress.
KS2 – PP SEND progress
- Reading improvement of +2.92 (-6.2 to -3.28)
- Writing improvement of +8.13 (-14.65 to -6.52)
- Maths improvement of +1.90 (-5.18 to -3.28)
DHT non class based / Community links and wellbeing of families is very important in closing the gap in attainment – DHT will be responsible for wellbeing drop ins, CAF maintenance, liaising with hard to reach families and in making Skerne Park Academy the hub of the community and closing the gap in attainment / £62000 / 20% / Whole school / DHt continues to be an accessible figure in the SPA community. As a result attendance / data / parental relations has improved.
Intervention support teachers / 0.6 & 0.5 teachers employed to work in years 2 and 6 to support vulnerable children who need intervention and focus on closing the gap in attainment. / £36000 / 11% / Y1/2 & 6 / Attainment of PP children in Y2 and Y6 has increased.
- KS1 writing +33%
- KS1 reading +25%
- KS1 Maths +20%
- KS2 Writing +27%
- KS2 Maths +16%
- KS2 writing progress increase +7.7
- KS2 maths progress increase +0.51
Behaviour support worker (0.6) / Teacher who specialises in working with children with challenging behaviour employed to do specific work with children to increase their chances of staying in main stream education. / £15000 / 5% / Whole school / Exclusions have decreased, behaviour has improved. (evidence by sims behaviour tracking across school)
Nurture facilities / 2 x teaching assistants
1 x teacher (ups)
Resourcing – environment development / £106000 / 34% / Whole school / Children have thrived in the base.
- Restraints have decreased (-64%)
- Exclusions have decreased (-30%)
- Persistent absenteeism has decreased by 4.55%
PCSO / Aiding attendance officer and family liaison to promote good attendance and punctuality. / £6000 / 2% / Whole school / Attendance has improved.
- Attendance has improved by 0.5%.
- PP attendance has improved 0.6% (more rapidly than all)
- Persistent absenteeism for PP has decreased by 4.55% (7.16%)
Enrichment / Piano / singing lessons for pp childen / £4000 / 1.3% / KS2 / 10 children achieved at least stage one in piano with 2 children achieving grade 1 singing.
FSM validating service / To ensure all students eligible for PP funding are highlighted – in light of FSM for all KS1, parents have stopped brining evidence / £10 / pp child (approx. £ 2,500) / 0.7% / Whole school / All children correctly identified.
Total planned expenditure / £329900 / 105%
As yet unassigned / -£14900 / - 5% / All PP funding is allocated and has been partly match funded by other school budget streams to ensure that NPP children have access to the rich interventions sourced via the PP. Equality for all is on paramount performance.
Actions moving forward for 2017/18 – Pupil premium progress in reading is a key area for development in 2017/18.
This will be reflected in the school improvement plan.