Games to Play Using a Fly Swatter?

Flyswatter Games

Games to Play Using A Fly Swatter?

·  Place random numbers on the floor. Teacher calls out a number and two students use a fly swatter to swat the number. The first student who swats the number plays the next student.

·  Place random numbers on the floor. The teacher calls out a number and says to find the number that comes right before or after that number. The first student who swats the number plays the next student. (Challenge: use rules to add or subtract numbers, etc. +10 or -10)

·  Place random numbers on the floor. The teacher calls out an addition, subtraction, multiplication or division problem. The first student who swats the answer plays the next student.

·  Place random sight words or spelling words on the floor. The teacher calls out a sight word or spelling word. The first student who swats the correct word plays the next student.

·  Place random facts on the floor. The teacher will call out questions (reviewing for a test). The first student who swats the correct answer plays the next student.

·  Think of some other fun and interesting ways to use the fly swatters and share your ideas! They are only 2 for $1.00!