Psychotherapist Board Equivalent Qualification Assessment Form Guide
This guide has been developed to ensure that applicants seeking registration viathe assessment of an equivalent qualification complete the followingapplication formcorrectly. Incompleteforms will be returned to the applicant. A complete[1] application may take up to 8 weeks to assess.
Practitioners who hold a masters level psychotherapy qualification or equivalent can apply to the Board for recognition of equivalency. Applicants applying for equivalency are applying via the Tertiary Pathway.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate that their qualification meets the criteria expected for an ‘Equivalent Qualification’. All applicants are assessed on a case by case basis.
Evidence of equivalency must be provided by using the documents from the list below:
- Course Curriculum/Programme Content/Course Outline
- Paper Descriptions (if available)
- Certified Copy of Academic Transcripts
- Certified Copy of Course Certificates
Please note that the format of the above documents vary, but will need to provide an overview of the course, its aims, its objectives and assessment methods used etc.
- Appendix 2 – Declaration of Clinical Supervised Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Experience Form.
Applicants may be asked to have their qualification verified by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority(NZQA) as being equivalent to a New Zealand Masters level qualification. If you have already had yourqualification assessed by NZQA please include this with your application.
Professional Development Pathway
Applicants who are unable to provide evidence that their formal qualification meets the
criteria expected for an‘Equivalent Qualification’ will be directed to proceed with the registration
process via the Professional Development Pathway.
The Professional Development Pathway was created for practitioners who have a mixture of
psychotherapy skill, knowledge and professional development but whose tertiary psychotherapy
qualification is not accepted as equivalent.
There are two critical assessments on the Professional Development Pathway that must be met,
an "initial" and "final" assessment. Organisations approved to carry out assessments are:
- Australian and New Zealand Society of Jungian Analysts
- New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists
- New Zealand Association of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists.
Once you have successfully completed an 'initial' assessment you will be eligible for the Interim Psychotherapists Scope of Practice. Successful completion of both the “initial” and “final” assessment will make you eligible for the Psychotherapists Scope of Practice.
Psychotherapist Board Equivalent Qualification Application Form
Evidence of equivalencymust be provided by using the documents below; tick the
Documentationprovided to support your application:
Course Curriculum/Programme Content/Course Outline
Paper Descriptors (if available)
Certified copy of Academic Transcripts
Certified copy of Course Certificates
Appendix 2; Clinical Supervised Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Experience Form.
Other supporting documentation included (please list):
Criteria Expected for an Equivalent Qualification
This form must be completed in detail. Incomplete applications will be returned. When you see an astrix (*) refer to the relevant footnote.
Yes / 1Masters Level Qualification or Equivalent (all scopes)
Practitioners must be able to provide evidence from their psychotherapy qualification of competence in the following:
/ 1.1Understanding oflifespan human development.
/ 1.2Theory of psychotherapeutic models.
/ 1.3Social and cultural dynamics.
/ 1.4Awareness of cultural competencies and their own cultural identity and diversity of worldviews.
/ 1.5Research skills.
* Please comment on how this was covered within your qualification and where within your application evidence of completion can be located
/ 1.6Professional development, including understanding of ethics and professional conduct.*
/ 1.7A basic understanding of NZ law as it applies to the practice of psychotherapy.
/ 1.8Therapist self-care
/ 1.9Development of psychotherapeutic skills, including evidence that they have an understanding of and ability to competently apply knowledge of:
- Interpersonal dynamics.
- Coping mechanisms.
- Psychopathology and psychiatric disorders.
- A basic understanding of pharmaceuticals commonly used in the treatment of mental conditions.
- Effects of trauma and abuse (sexual, physical and psychological) or neglect.
- Establishing and maintaining a therapeutic alliance.
- Ability to reflect on own and others process.
- Listening and verbal skills.
- A range of effective and appropriate interventions.
- Assessment, formulation and treatment planning.
- Risk assessment and management.
- Managing the boundaries of time and space.
/ 2Supervised Clinical Psychotherapy Practice
/ 2.1Competently uses supervision and other resources to improve practice.
/ 2.2During training, there must be a minimum of two academic years of clinical supervised practice with weekly supervision throughout at least one year.
* Please comment on how this was covered within your qualification and where within your application evidence of completion can be located
/ Section 3 applies to those seeking registration within the Psychotherapists Scope of Practice with Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist Specialism. If you are not seeking registration within this scope then move onto section 4.
3.1Psychotherapist Scope of Practice with Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist Specialism – In addition to the above practitioners must also be able to demonstration competence in the following:
- In-depth understanding of infant, child and adolescent development, including psychological, emotional, social cognitive and maturational development.
- Knowledge of infant, child and adolescent mental health.
- Knowledge of infant, child and adolescent psychological / psychiatric disorders.
- Knowledge of learning disabilities / special educational needs.
- Knowledge of developmental delays / developmental disruptions.
- Understanding of the effects on children of abuse (sexual, physical and psychological) and trauma.
- Understanding of multi-disciplinary approaches to working with children, adolescents and families.
- Understanding of child protection procedures, statutory and legislative requirements, family court procedures.
- Understanding of systemic approaches to working with children, adolescents and families.
- Knowledge of family dynamics.
- Ability to work with parents / care-givers / the child’s wider social network, e.g. school, GP, statutory bodies.
- Understanding of non-verbal communication.
- Understanding of the symbolism of play.
- Ability to conduct an assessment and develop a treatment formulation, including a mental status report.
/ 3.2Practitioners will have undertaken a mother and infant observational study as per the Tavistock model, conducted over two years.
/ 3.3Supervised therapeutic practice with children, adolescents and families
* Please comment on how this was covered within your qualification and where within your application evidence of completion can be located
Yes / 4Competence to Practice in the New Zealand Context
Evidence of competence may include a written a statement showing how the practitioner demonstrates competence in these areas, not more than 600 words.
Psychotherapists practising in Aotearoa NZ will have undertaken a process of reflection on his or her own cultural identity, will recognise the diversity of worldviews (both within and between cultural groups), will understand the theories of power relations and the impact of colonisation processes. They will also recognise the impact that his or her personal culture has on his or her professional practice. For example, any action that diminishes, demeans or disempowers the cultural identity and wellbeing of an individual would be considered unsafe cultural practice.
Overseas trained Psychotherapists who haven’t provided evidence of this requirement will have a condition on their scope of practice which will require them to within 12 months of being registered provide evidence of competence in the following areas;
/ 4.1The Treaty of Waitangi and relevance to psychotherapy practice in bicultural NZ;
/ 4.2Cultural and social dynamics and safety specifically relevant to bicultural NZ;
/ 4.3Understanding of the New Zealand Health sector and New the Zealand Legal system including working with the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), Health and Disabilities Commissioner (HDC) (including the HDC Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights Regulation), and the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act (HPCAA).
/ 5.Length of training
/ 5.1Minimum of three years
/ 6.Tutor contact hours
/ 6.1Minimum 300 hours
** Please comment on how this was covered within your qualification and where within your application evidence of completion can be located. Alternatively you can provide a written statement showing your competence in this area.
*** Please comment on where in your application evidence can be located
Yes / 7.Number of supervised clinical practice hours during training
/ 7.1150 hours (must be relevant to the scope you are applying for)
/ 8.Personal therapy requirement:
/ 8.1A minimum of 120 hours. Some hours may be prior to training but it is suggested that a minimum of (60) are undertaken during training. Personal therapy may include some hours of group therapy but must also consist of individual psychotherapy with a practitioner trained in the modality of the trainee.
/ 9.Final Clinical assessment requirement/process – Please note that the finalclinical assessment is a clinical case study not an academic thesis.
/ 9.1Including: A case study, clinical supervisory reports and an oral account of therapeutic practice.
Please comment on the process undertaken during your final clinical assessment and where in your application evidence can be located
Applicant’s Signature ______Date ______
Print Name ______Application No: ______
*** Please comment on where in your application evidence can be located
Appendix Two (E)
Declaration of Clinical Supervised Psychotherapy Hours and Personal Psychotherapy
I (full name) have provided:
At least 900 hours of clinical supervised psychotherapy to clients over a period of at least three years.
A minimum of 150 hours of clinical supervised psychotherapy to clients.
I have undergone 120 hours of personal psychotherapy.
I have yet to complete 120 hours of personal psychotherapy.
I solemnly and sincerely declare that above statement is true and correct.
Full Name:Signature:
Date of Birth:
Application Reference Number:
This declaration needs to be certified:
Declared at:this:day of: 20_ _
In the presence of:Signature:
You will need to make a statutory declaration by signing the application form in the presence of a lawyer, Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, Court Registrar or any other person authorised to take such Declarations.
PENALTY FOR WRONGFULLY PROCURING REGISTRATIONThe onus is on you the applicant to ensure the information supplied to the Board is true and correct. If it is subsequently shown that you have obtained registration fraudulently, your entry in the register will be cancelled and you will be unable to lawfully practice in New Zealand. You may face imprisonment and/or a fine of $10,000.
P:\Administration\Templates\Qualifications Committee\Psychotherapist Board Equivalent Qualification Application Form Guide.docx
[1]An application is considered complete when all documentation is provided. Additional requests for information extend the assessment timeframe.