Colaisde na Gàidhlig/ The Gaelic College
Board of Governors Meeting
November 6, 2014
In attendance: Jennifer Anderson, Margie Beaton, Todd Higgins, Ernie MacAulay, James MacLellan, Kirk MacRae, Solveig Overby by telephone, CEO Rodney MacDonald, Recording Secretary Jennifer Daisley. Regrets were sent from John MacKinnon & Anne Peters. The meeting was called to order at 12:45 pm by Chair Kirk MacRae. He welcomed everyone and indicated that dates will be set for meetings for 2015 soon.
Minutes of the last meeting held June 24, 2014, were distributed. Solveig Overby requested the minutes be amended to read “the press release regarding the Royal Designation for the Gaelic College” be included in the official minutes. It was moved by Ernie MacAulay, seconded by Jennifer Anderson, to approve the minutes as amended. Motion carried.
Committee Reports
Audit Committee: The Audit Committee met prior to today’s board meeting and the committee chair, Jennifer Anderson, gave a report. The Income Statement to September 30, 2014 was presented. This statement shows the current year’s budget, actual figures to September 30, 2014 and actual figures to September 30, 2013. She advised that the committee is satisfied with the statements and the College’s financial position to date. They are confident that we are in line with budget and able to meet targets. A Profit & Loss Statement for KitchenFest! was also presented. Ernie MacAulay asked if government funding is in place for 2015 KitchenFest! The CEO advised that ACOA has committed $75,000 for 2015 and $75,000 for 2016. A request has been made to the provincial government but funding has not been confirmed yet from them. It was moved by Ernie MacAulay, seconded by Todd Higgins, to approve the financial statements. Motion carried.
Jennifer Anderson then raised the issue of the College’s line of credit. Kirk MacRae provided a background – the line of credit was at $150,000 but was reduced by the Bank of Montreal in 2012 when the land was sold and all bank debt was paid off. The CEO advised that he has met with the College’s account representative with Bank of Montreal and discussed various issues including increasing the line of credit back to $150,000. This will assist with cash flow during the year. The CFO was contacted on Monday and advised that the line of credit increase was approved by the bank and now needs approval from the Board of Governors. Solveig Overby questioned if it was possible to project when this extra money would be needed and what the interest costs would be. This can be done. It was moved by Ernie MacAulay, seconded by Todd Higgins, for the Board of Governors to approve the line of credit with Bank of Montreal to increase from $100,000 to $150,000. Motion carried.
Education Committee: Margie Beaton took the floor to update on Education Committee activities. The Committee met with Kevin Dugas and Colin MacDonald on July 29th and both employees were well prepared. All disciplines as well as Gaelic were looked at for proficiency levels. Na Gaisgich Oga was discussed – this program is now up and running. Margie gave Todd a review of Committee work to date.
CEO Report
Infrastructure – The old craft shop and maintenance building has been completely gutted in the spring to remove asbestos. This was Phase I and was funded through ECBC. Future plans are to re-do the building to accommodate classrooms and meeting space. Preliminary plans have been drawn up. The cost to re-do the old craft shop and put up a new maintenance building is approximately $1/2 million. This will require further funding and an application will be made with ACOA. The CEO also discussed plans for a soft seat theatre in the Hall of the Clans. This would be an approximately $1.5 million project. The old craft shop and a new maintenance building is the priority. The CEO met with representatives from a contracting company that has offered to give cost estimates and assistance. The CEO also spoke with a foundation from the US that provides funding to organizations. They have invited the CEO to give a presentation to their Foundation in the spring, and have indicated that upon approval they will give $20,000 from the Foundation. An additional $10,000 for capital projects will also be sent. Another plan that is very preliminary is relocating the sewing room downstairs and making it part of the craft shop, and using the upstairs area for required office space.
The Celtic Colours Festival just wrapped up and was our biggest year yet. The contract with Celtic Colours is up for renewal after 2015. An in depth analysis of revenue and expenses will be done before a new contract is negotiated.
Gail Montgomery was nominated for a TIANS Hospitality award, and was informed that she is the winner. A dinner and awards presentation will be held in Halifax later this month. We are very proud of her work.
The CEO gave an introductory background on Colin MacDonald, Gaelic Director, and Kevin Dugas, Director of School Operations, as they joined the meeting. Colin was called on to give an update on Gaelic programming. He indicated that a Christmas Gaelic weekend the end of November will be held with Mary Jane Lamond, Kathleen Reddy, Stacey MacLean and Lewis MacKinnon booked to instruct. A Halloween weekend was held the first weekend of October. The youth mentorship program Na Gaisgich Oga started in September with ten students (three students are returning from last year’s program). The Nova Scotia Gaelic Council has donated $5,000 to cover all students’ fees. There will be a six week immersion course on site beginning May 4th. Carmen MacArthur will teach the course and through Cape Breton University will offer 6 credits. Final plans are being put into place with a meeting to be held on November 18th with Heather Sparling and the new Dean of Arts. This will be the only course of its kind in North America.
Director of School Operations, Kevin Dugas, reported on school activities. He spoke about building on and improving enrollment. A survey was sent out to all summer students consisting of a ratings section and comments section for all aspects of their stay - instructors, class rooms, content, accommodations, food, staff, etc. Generally students were happy with instructors, food and accommodations. Goals for the 2015 summer school include having junior instructors to help with beginner classes and possibly running morning only classes for students from ages 5 to 7. Instructor recruitment for 2015 March Break and summer school is underway. There is a plan to boost enrollment for family week with instructor contracts being sent out some high profile instructors with the hope of increasing our enrollment during family week. The on-line Gaelic course, Beul an Tobair, is expected to be back up and running in January and will be taught by Carmen MacArthur. Colin will beta test it before it goes live to students. It will give 3 credits for completion of Level I and 3 credits for Level II if taken through CBU. The course can also be taken for personal development directly through the Gaelic College. The after school program will run again in the spring and will offer fiddle, step dance, piping and Gaelic. Governor Margie Beaton commented on the need to get the word out on all the exciting news from the Gaelic College. Kirk MacRae thanked Colin and Kevin for their reports, commitment, and great work.
The CEO indicated that minutes will be on the College’s website, once approved.
The CEO reported on the Gaelic College Foundation Act. The last amendments to the Act in 1999 were introduced through a Private Members bill by then MLA, Kennie MacAskill. Draft legislation has been prepared for consideration to update the current legislation. The CEO recommends that a small committee including non board members be formed to review the draft legislation with the Executive Committee. It will then be brought to the board, to the Foundation, and then to government. It is hoped that the process can be complete by the end of January, 2015. The Chair reminded all Governors that the board’s fiduciary duty is to the Gaelic College and not to the Foundation although the board does plan to be pro-active and open. There was discussion on the pros and cons of not having government representation on the board. The CEO assured Governors that Legislative staff reviews legislation before it is introduced to the House. The Chair thanked the CEO for his report.
There was discussion regarding holding a Foundation meeting to elect a member to the board as Ernie MacAulay’s term is up at the end of November. The CEO recommends having a meeting in December or January. This will be addressed within the next week or two. The Chair asked board members to consult their calendars and advise of dates they won’t be available so that a schedule of meeting dates can be drawn up for 2015. As well, the date of the next meeting will be confirmed within the next week or two.
Margie Beaton’s term as a board member is up at the end of November. She thanked the board. It has been an interesting two years. The Chair expressed his thanks to Margie for her leadership and input – her contribution is very much appreciated. The CEO stated that Gaelic speakers are needed on the board and in an advisory capacity.