St Mary’s Catholic Parish

20 Merivale Street, South Brisbane QLD 4101

October 30, 2018

Dear Parents,

If you have a child who is currently in Year 3 or older and you feelready as a family to prepare with your child to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2018please indicate your interest by completing the attached enrolment form or by downloading the Enrolment Form from the South Brisbane Website ( and returning to either the Sisters at mass or the Parish Office by Friday,9th March.

This year St Mary’s Confirmation Candidates will celebrate their Confirmation along with St Francis of Assisi candidates in West End at St Francis of Assisi Church on Sunday, 1st July at 9am Mass. All South Brisbane candidates will complete their preparation at St Mary’s church.

Here are some of the important dates to contemplate when you are considering enrolling in the program:

  • Candidates and their parents will be asked to attend an information session about this year’s sacramental program after mass on Sunday 18th March.
  • Candidates will be asked to attend all Sacramental lessons (one of these lessons will be the Confirmation Rehearsal).
  • All lessons for will be conducted after the 9am Sunday morning Mass at St Francis’ Church. The first lesson is after masson Sunday, 22nd April.
  • Candidates must attend all allocated sessions with an adult (Parent/Sponsor).

We are very excited about creating a dynamic and informative Sacramental Program and believe it will be a program that your children will enjoy as they deepen their understanding of this important Sacrament in the context of our parish family.

Many thanks and we look forward to preparing your family and child for the Sacrament of Confirmation.


Mrs. Kate Dart

Sacramental Administrator

South Brisbane Parish

Parish Priest: Fr. Lam Vu OFM Cap
47Dornoch Terrace, West End Qld 4101
PO Box 3857 West End Qld 4101
Ph (07) 3844 2744 email:
/ St Mary’s Church
2018 Sacramental Program


Family Surname: ______Child’s Names ______

Date of Birth: ______School: ______Class: ______

Baptism Date: ______Church______

Email Address of Baptismal Church: ______


If your child was baptised somewhere other than your local Parish, a copy of the Baptism certificate must be provided.

Father: ______Religion: ______

Mother: ______Religion: ______



Best daytime contact phone number/s for your family:

(1) ______(2)______

I understand that the decision to enroll my child in this Sacramental Program indicates a commitment, and willingness to participate in this Faith Journey of my child.

A copy of any Court Orders concerning residence arrangements for the Candidate, time spent by the Candidate with either parent, or parenting issues must be supplied with this Enrolment Form.

Are there any such Orders?Yes / No

Has a copy of every such Order been attached to this Enrolment Form?Yes / No

I hereby give consent for the Candidate to be admitted to the Sacrament of Confirmation of the Catholic Church.

Father’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Mother’s Signature: ______Date: ______



BY FRIDAY, 9th March 2018

Family Surname: ______Child’s Name______

Date of Birth: ______School: ______Class: ______

Your payment covers the cost of the resources used during preparation for and celebration of this Sacrament.

Cost: $30.00


Direct Debit

Deposits can be made via internet transfer, details are:

BSB:064 786

Account:006 226 001

Acc. Name: Dutton Park Church Account

Reference:{your child’s last name} and 2018conf

Please note this bank account is for internet transactions only.

Date payment was made:______

(this date will assist the Parish in locating your payment in our bank records)

Parish Priest: Fr. Lam Vu OFM Cap

47 Dornoch Terrace, West End Qld 4101

PO Box 3857 West End Qld 4101

Ph (07) 3844 2744 email: