Class Syllabus

Gadsden County High School

Year 2017-2018

Course Information

Class: Geometry

Grade: 10

Building: 4Room: 421

Instructor Information

Instructor: Adam Hurdle

Phone #: 850-662-2300 Ext: 2161

Planning Period: 4thPeriod (10:30 a.m. – 11:20 a.m.)


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Class Syllabus

Gadsden County High School

Year 2017-2018


Geometry, Student Edition; Grade Levels:9 - 12

ByMcGraw-Hill Education; Copyright:2014; Publication Date:July 16, 2012
ISBN 13:9780076639298

Geometry Homework Practice Workbook, Student Edition; Grade Levels:9 - 12

ByMcGraw-Hill Education; Copyright:2014; Publication Date:July 16, 2012

ISBN 13:9780078908491


In order to effectively participate in class, each student must bring the following materials to class everyday:

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Class Syllabus

Gadsden County High School

Year 2017-2018

2 #2 Pencils (wooden or mechanical)


1 Beveled Block Eraser

Notebook Paper

1 Pack Colored Pencils

Graphing Paper


Calculator (TI-32 recommended)

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Class Syllabus

Gadsden County High School

Year 2017-2018

Being prepared for class is each student's responsibility

Mr. Hurdle’s Classroom Expectations

All students are expected to meet, follow, and adhere to the expectations below for each class. No exceptions!!!

1.Report to class on time!

2.Sit in your seat through class instruction.

3.Do not disrupt classroom instruction with unrelated questions or any distracting activities.

4.Complete all assignments by the end of class. Some assignments may feel like too much. Do what you can, and turn in what is done.

5.Follow all rules stated and written by Mr. Hurdle.

Class Rules

A student’s behavior should not in any way interfere with the learning of others.

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Class Syllabus

Gadsden County High School

Year 2017-2018

  1. Arrive to class on time
  2. Come to class prepared to learn
  3. Be respectful to your teacher and peers
  4. Finish all drinks and food outside of the classroom

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Class Syllabus

Gadsden County High School

Year 2017-2018

These rules are simple, but encompass so much of what will make the learning process run smoothly and effectively. By following these rules, we assure everyone of a safe environment to learn.


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Class Syllabus

Gadsden County High School

Year 2017-2018

Failing to follow the rules of the class can lead to disruption and inability to learn or even threaten the safety of our class. Therefore there will be consequences for rule violations.

1)Warning and documentation

2)Teacher/Student conference and documentation

3)Written infraction with parental contact and action form

4)Administrative referral

*Some situations may require immediate referral to administrator. All infractions will be documented.*


The final grade for this course will be based upon the completion of all assignments in a timely manner. Class participation is also expected and is given a daily grade.Skywardwill be used to record every student’s grade

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Class Syllabus

Gadsden County High School

Year 2017-2018

Bell Work15%

Class Work25%

Exams 30%



100% Total Grade

  1. 90-100%
  2. 80-89%
  3. 70-79%
  4. 60-69%
  1. 0-59%

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Class Syllabus

Gadsden County High School

Year 2017-2018

Academic Dishonesty:Sharing answers is cheating. Submitting someone's work as your own is plagiarism. Any cheating and/or plagiarism on class work, homework, tests, etc willresult in a grade of zero (0) for the assignment and the assignment cannot be made up.

Homework Policy

Homework is given for reinforcement, review, and/or exploration of additional information on topics covered in class. It is important that homework assignments are completed. Many times, test questions come from the homework assigned. ALL HOMEWORK is due on the date stated.Any questions over homework should be raised the following morning after being assigned.

Make-up Work Policy

It is important that students who are absent from school make up assignments within a THREE DAYStime following their return to school. Students will be allowed to make up any missed work and retake any failed test (“C” will be the highest grade possible on any retake test). It is the student's responsibility to request a test retake or ask for the make up work upon returning to school. All missed assignments will be marked as a zero (0) until completed. Students may review all assignments and grades on Skyward at anytime. The last day to turn in missing work or make up a test will be one week following its assigned due date!!

Attendance Policy

Attendance to class is important to classroom success. Student’s attendance will be taken daily, those who are absent from class will be marked as an unexcused absence. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the appropriate documentation to receive an excused absence and make up all assignments missed.

Tardy Policy

Tardiness is a disruption to the flow of instruction and interferes with the learning of others. Once the tardy bell has rung class will begin and a student is tardy.My door will be shut and locked at the sound of the bell. After that, a pass is required for entry.

Complete and return with your parent or guardian’s and your signature to Mr. Hurdle for a homework grade. This is due on the 18th of August. All signed and returned syllabus after this date will lose 5 points per day late.

I acknowledge the receipt of this syllabus and have reviewed the contents with my parents/guardians. I understand my responsibilities and will work hard to achieve the grade I desire from this class.

Student Name______Parent/Guardian Name______

Student Signature______Parent/Guardian Signature______

Parent home( ) - Cell Phone( ) - .

E-mail address of parent______

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