Supplementary Information to Accompany

Gadolinium-loaded Viral Capsids as Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents*

Robert J. Usselman,†a Shefah Qazi,c Priyanka Aggarwal,b Sandra S. Eaton,b Gareth R. Eaton,b Trevor Douglas,d and Stephen E. Russeka

aElectromagnetics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO USA

bDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Denver, CO USA

cDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT USA

dDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN USA

Corresponding author:

Robert Usselman

Experimental Section

Preparation of samples.

All materials were analytical grade, purchased from either Sigma-Aldrich or Fisher Scientific, and used as received unless otherwise noted. All water was deionized with a Millipore NANOpure water purification system. The DTPA-NCS was purchased from Macrocyclics (Dallas, TX). Gd-DTPA-NCS was made according to published procedures [S1]. Briefly, 7.41 mg (11.40 µmoles) DTPA-NCS was dissolved in 101.3 µL of 900 mM sodium bicarbonate and 827 µL water. Once the DTPA-NCS was completely dissolved, 11.4 µL GdCl3 (900 mM in water, 10.26 µmoles) was added to the solution and stirred for 3 hrs at room temperature. The solution was subsequently diluted to 10 mM with DMSO (200 µL) and added to the protein-polymer conjugate P22S39C-xAEMA [2], in specific subunit mole ratios.

The following describes reaction of Gd-DTPA-NCS with P22S39C-xAEMA using 100:1 ratio of Gd to subunit, which was found to give 7200 Gd/cage (17 Gd/subunit). 425 µL (4.25 µmoles) Gd-DTPA-NCS (10 mM in DMSO/H2O) was added dropwise to 1.0 mL (0.0425 µmoles subunit, 2 mg/mL carbonate buffer, pH 9.0) P22S39C-xAEMA, while vortexing the protein solution. The mixture was allowed to sit overnight at 4 ºC followed by purification to remove excess Gd-DTPA-NCS by pelleting and resuspending the protein twice. All protein samples that have been chemically modified were analyzed via UV-VIS (UV-Vis; Model 8453, Agilent, Santa Clara, CA), dynamic light-scattering (DLS; 90Plus particle-size analyzer, Brookhaven Instrument, Holtsville, NY) and SDS-PAGE on 10-20 % gradient Tris-glycine gels (Lonza). Protein was detected by staining with Coomassie blue. Certain commercial equipment, instruments, or materials are identified in this document. Such identification does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor does it imply that the products identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose.

Protein purification, sample analysis, and determination of protein and gadolinium concentrations were previously described and the samples were consistent with polymeric P22-Gd3+ cages [S2]. Previously, protein and Gd3+ concentrations for P22-Gd3+ (P22S39C-xAEMA-DTPA-Gd) samples with different loading factors were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ICP-MS [S2]. From the ICP-MS results, a standard curve was made for Gd3+ concentration and NMR T1 measurements at 2.1 T. Total Gd3+ concentration was determined from the NMR standard curve. Protein capsid concentration was determined by subtracting the Gd(DTPA)2- absorbance at 280 nm from the total Abs280. The uncertainty in concentration for the 10300 Gd3+/cage was about 12% based on standard curves derived from ICP-MS, NMR, and UV-Vis. Similar uncertainties were expected for the other samples based on previous measurements [S2].

Table S1. P22 Cage Gd3+ loading factors, Gd3+ concentrations inside P22 cages, P22 cage concentrations and global Gd3+ concentrations.

P22 Loading / Local P22 / P22 Cage / Global
Gd3+/cage / Gd3+ Conc (mM)a / Conc. (nM) / Gd3+ Conc. (μM)
1730 / 28 / 102 / 177b
2870 / 46 / 102 / 292b
4590 / 74 / 102 / 469b
5500 / 89 / 102 / 561b
7200 / 117 / 100 / 720c
10300 / 189 / 22.6 / 233c

aBased on an interior volume of P22 with a radius of 29 nm.

bIn solution for NMRD.

c Stock solution from which solutions for NMRD were prepared.

Table S2. Global Gd3+ concentrations in solutions for the four NMRD experiments.

Gd(DTPA)2- / Variable Loading / 7200 Gd3+/cage / 10300 Gd3+/cage
(μM) / (μM) / (μM) / (μM)
561 / 561 / 720 / 233
469 / 469 / 540 / 175
292 / 292 / 360 / 117
177 / 177 / 180 / 58

NMR Relaxivity measurements.

A vertical broadband NMR spectrometer system was used to measure proton relaxation times by an inversion recovery sequence with repetition times of 30 s for T1 relaxation times and CPMG (Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill) sequence for T2 relaxation times, respectively. Relaxation times were measured at NMR frequencies that ranged from 20 MHz to 300 MHz (0.49 to 7.0 T) at 294 K. To minimize radiation damping, 60 µL of the buffered P22-Gd3+ samples with Gd3+ concentrations as listed in Table S2 were vacuumed sealed under He (g) in Wildmad (WG-1364) capillary tubes. Relaxivity r1 and r2 at each magnetic field was calculated as the slope of plots of 1/T1 or 1/T2 vs. Gd3+ concentration, respectively.

Values of T1 were calculated as


·  Mz,eq(t) nuclear spin magnetization on the z axis at time t in units of seconds

·  Mz() equilibrium state of the nuclear spin magnetization in the z axis

·  T1 the time constant for the recovery of the z component of the nuclear spin


·  b fitting parameter between 1 and 2 that reflects variable extent of inversion

Figure S1. Example of NMR inversion recovery data at 0.5 T for P22-Gd3+ variable loading sample with 5500 Gd3+/cage, cage concentration of 102 nM to give a global Gd3+ concentration of 561 μM.

The transverse relaxation times, T2, were calculated from Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) experiments with:


·  Mxy(t) the transverse magnetization in the xy plane at time t in units of seconds

·  Mxy(0) initial transverse magnetization at time zero

·  T2 the decay constant for the component of the magnetization M

perpendicular to applied magnetic field

Figure S2. Example of NMR Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) data at 0.5 T for P22-Gd3+ variable loading sample with 5500 Gd3+/cage, cage concentration of 102 nM to give a global Gd3+ concentration of 561 μM.

Figure S3. Example of NMR 1/T1 relaxation rates at 0.5 T for the three types of P22-Gd3+ samples and Gd(DTPA)2-. The slopes of the linear fits give r1 values.

Figure S4. Example of NMR 1/T2 relaxation rates at 0.5 T for the three types of P22-Gd3+ samples and Gd(DTPA)2-. The slopes of the linear fits give r2 values.

Continuous Wave Q-band EPR Spectra at 80 and 150 K

To characterize the dipolar spin-spin interaction in the P22-Gd3+ samples, EPR spectroscopy was used to measure the linewidths as a function of Gd3+ loading. Spectra were recorded at 80 or 150 K on a Bruker E580 spectrometer at 34 GHz (Q-band). P22-Gd3+ samples for EPR were prepared by adding an equal volume of glycerol to the carbonate buffer to ensure glass formation rather than crystallization as the sample was quickly cooled. Samples were transferred into quartz capillaries and centrifuged for 4 min at 1000 X g. Because of zero-field splitting (ZFS), the EPR spectra extend over hundreds of mT. The most prominent features of these spectra are the ms=±1/2 transitions that are observed near g ~2. These spectral segments are shown in Fig. S5. Signals were simulated using locally-written software with anisotropic g values: gx = 1.964, gy = 1.994, and gz=1.995. Within estimated uncertainties, linewidths are the same at 80 and 150 K so average values are shown in Table S3. The linewidths probably have contributions from distributions in g values and in ZFS as well as dipolar interactions. The concentration dependent contribution reflects the increase in dipolar interactions [S3]. Within estimated uncertainties of the fitting parameters the line widths along the principal axes increase significantly with increasing concentration, consistent with substantial dipolar interactions at these high local concentrations. The increases are larger along gx and gy than along gz. For the samples with 1.0x104 Gd3+/cage the linewidths along each of the axes are about 1 to 8 mT larger than for 1.7x103 Gd3+/cage, which is a contribution to T2e of about 1x10-10 to 9x10-10 s at 80 K. This contribution to T2e is very large relative to typical T2e for low concentrations of Gd3+ of about 5x10-7 s at 80 K (Table S5). The strong dipolar interactions are consistent with the expectations that the Gd3+ is concentrated in the interior of the P22 particle [S2] and may contribute to the larger values of r1 and r2 for the sample with the higher Gd3+ loading of the cages

Figure S5. Q-band EPR spectra of the ms= ±1/2 transitions for P22-Gd3+ with 4.6x103 Gd3+/cage ( _ _ _ ) or 1.0x104 Gd3+/cage ( ——).

Table S3. Average EPR linewidths at 80 and 150 K for samples with varying Gd3+ concentrations in the P22 cages.

P22 Loading Gd/cage / Conc. of Gd inside P22 cages / P22-Gd3+ EPR Line Widths (mT)a
(mM) / gx / gy / gz
1.7x103 b / 28 / 27 / 18 / 7.0
2.9x103 / 46 / 28 / 23 / 6.0
4.6x103 / 74 / 34 / 21 / 6.3
1.0x104 / 189 / 36 / 29 / 7.2

a Uncertainties in fitted linewidths are about 10%.

b Linewidth determined only at 150 K.

Power saturation at 80 K

To characterize the changes in electron spin relaxation due to Gd3+-Gd3+ interactions inside the P22 cages, the amplitudes of the Gd3+ EPR signals in the g~ 2 region were recorded at 80 K as a function of microwave power for 2.0 mM Gd(DTPA)2- in pH 9 carbonate buffer:glycerol (1:1) and for P22-Gd3+ with 10300 Gd3+/cage. These experiments were performed at X-band (9.7 GHz) because resonator tuning is more reproducible than at the 34 GHz. Data were plotted as a function of ÖP to obtain a power saturation curve. For the two samples, the highest powers at which the signal increases linearly with ÖP are shown in Table S4. P1/2 , the power at which the signal amplitude is half of the value predicted in the absence of saturation, also is listed. These measurements indicate that electron spin relaxation at 80 K for the Gd3+ in the P22 cages is dramatically enhanced compared with that for Gd(DTPA)2- at 2.0 mM. Although the -NCS substituent on the DTPA and attachment to the polymeric framework impacts the local environment such that the ZFS for Gd3+ in the P22-DTPA samples is different than for Gd(DTPA)2-, the differences in ZFS are likely to cause much smaller changes in relaxation than are caused by the changes in concentration.

Table S4. Power saturation of Gd3+ EPR signals at 80 K

sample / Highest power for linear response / P1/2
2.0 mM Gd(DTPA)2- / 0.3 mW / 2 mW
1.0x104 Gd/P22 cage / 12 mW / > 200 mW

Pulsed EPR measurement of Gd3+ electron spin relaxation times at 80 K

Pulsed EPR experiments were performed at 80K on a Bruker E-580 spectrometer at Q-band (34 GHz). Samples of Gd(DTPA)2- in 1:1 water:glycerol and of P22-Gd3+ in 1:1 buffer:glycerol were examined. Electron spin-spin relaxation times (T2e) were measured by two-pulse spin echo using pulse length of 40 and 80 ns. The initial time for data acquisition was 200 ns, which is limited by the resonator ring-down. Electron spin-lattice relaxation times (T1e) were measured by inversion recovery using 80ns-40ns-80ns pulses. The relaxation times T2e and T1e were obtained by fitting single or double exponentials to the data using Bruker E-580 software. The fit to the inversion recovery curves was substantially better for the sum of two exponentials than for a single exponential, which may reflect overlapping contributions from transitions with different values of ms.

For the P22-Gd3+ samples the spin echoes were weak, and attributed to small amounts of Gd3+ that were not inside the cages. The relaxation times from Gd3+ inside the cages were too short to measure by pulsed EPR. Values of T1e and T2e for aquo Gd3+ and Gd(DTPA)2- are summarized in Table S5. Relaxation times are weakly concentration dependent in the range of 0.1 to 2 mM, but become more strongly dependent at higher concentrations.

Table S5. Concentration dependence of T1e and T2e for Gd3+ and Gd(DTPA)2- at 80 K and 34 GHz in 1:1 water:glycerol.

Concentration / T2e (ms) / T1e (ms)
0.1mM Gd3+ / 0.73 / 1.7, 0.70
0.2mM Gd3+ / 0.69 / 1.5, 0.54
0.5mM Gd3+ / 0.58 / 1.5, 0.6
1mM Gd3+ / 0.50 / 1.4, 0.57
2mM Gd3+ / 0.43 / 1.60, 0.67
5mM Gd3+ / 0.31 / 1.4, 0.55
10mM Gd3+ / 0.21 / 1.2, 0.35
20mM Gd3+ / 0.09 / 0.96
2mM Gd(DTPA)2- / 0.50 / 1.6, 0.51
20mM Gd(DTPA)2- / 0.2 / 1.5, 0.52


S1. L.O. Liepold, M.J. Abedin, E.D. Buckhouse, J.A. Frank, M.J. Young, T. Douglas: Nano Lett 9, 4520-4526 (2009).

S2. J. Lucon, S. Qazi, M. Uchida, G.J. Bedwell, B. LaFrance, P.E. Prevelige, T. Douglas: Nature Chemistry 4, 781-788 (2012).

S3. X.G. Lei, S. Jockusch, N.J. Turro, D.A. Tomalia, M.F. Ottaviani: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 322, 457-464 (2008).