January 13-15, 2017
This meet will be conducted under the auspices of Southeastern Swimming, Inc. of USA Swimming. USA Swimming technical rules and regulations will be followed with the exception of items specifically addressed in the meet informationSanctioned by Southeastern Swimming, Inc.
Sanctioned by Southeastern Swimming, Inc. Sanction No.: 17SEMTS1-13
Time Trial Sanction: 17SEMTS1-13TT
HOSTED BY: Memphis Tiger Swimming
LOCATION: University of Memphis
Student Recreation & Fitness Center
620 Echles Street
Memphis, TN 38111
FACILITIES: Two, 8-10 lane, 25 yard courses, competition pool depth 4.5-6 feet, non-turbulent lane line, using the Colorado 6000 timing system with scoreboard with lane/time/place display. Warm down lanes are available.
The competition course has been certified in accordance with 104.2.2C(4). The copy of such certification is on file with USA Swimming.
Only swimmers, coaches, officials, and volunteers will be allowed on deck. All spectators are asked to sit in the balcony. No coolers, chairs, or cots will be permitted on deck or in facility hallways.
Except where venue facilities require otherwise, changing into or out of swimsuits other than in locker rooms or other designated areas is prohibited.
Use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone, is not permitted in changing areas, rest rooms or locker rooms.
RULES: USA-Swimming rules will govern the conduct of the meet unless otherwise noted herein.
OFFICIALS: Meet Director: Elise McKinnon
Referee: Jim Whelan
AO: Mary Ruth Kriger
ELIGIBILITY: All participants must be USA Swimming registered athletes. Entries will not be accepted without 2016-2017 registration numbers. NO USA Swimming Registration on-deck will be available at this meet. Coaches and officials must present evidence of certification as required by Southeastern Swimming. A swimmer’s age on the first day of the meet will determine his or her age for the entire meet.
Any swimmer entered in the meet, unaccompanied by a USA Swimming member coach, must be certified by a USA Swimming member coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. It is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement.
WARM UP: Southeastern Swimming Meet Safety Guidelines and Warm-up Procedures will be in effect at this meet. The Meet Director will post the warm-up assignments prior to the start of the meet warm-up. Swimmers attending the meet without a coach must report to the Meet Director or Referee to be assigned a coach for warm-up prior to each session.
ENTRIES: Teams who have HYTEK'S Meet/Team Manager should submit their entries through email. Deck entries will be accepted Saturday and Sunday morning in the MTS office up to 30 minutes after the start of competition (9:00am) and only if there are open lanes available in existing heats. New Heats will not be formed.
A full and correctly completed entry includes waiver and fees. No exceptions. In order for an entry to be accepted, it must be legible and complete. Properly completed entry forms include:
First name, middle initial, and last name of each swimmer
Date of Birth, Age, Gender
USA Swimming Registration Number
Event and Yard times for each swimmer in each individual event
Relay times should be listed for each relay to be entered.
Because relays will be swum at the open of Saturday and Sunday prelims, all entries for Saturday relays must be received by the meet director by Friday evening at 8:00pm. These may be submitted by email or in person in the MTS office. Entries for Sunday relays must be received by 8:00pm on Saturday evening and may be submitted via email or in person as well.
DISABILITIES: Swimmers with disabilities are welcome and are encouraged to complete the Information Form for Disabled Swimmers and return it with the entries.
DEADLINE: Entries must be received by the meet director on or before Thursday, January 5, 2017. E-mailed entries are preferred. All entries must follow the format outlined above. Late entries will be accepted for available lanes only. No new heats will be formed.
Completed entries should be mailed to: Elise McKinnon
Memphis Tiger Swimming
620 Echles Street
Memphis, TN 38152
FEES: $6.00 per individual event, $12.00 per relay; $3.00 per swimmer SES surcharge, $5.00 per swimmer non-SES surcharge. $10.00 per swimmer Facility Surcharge. Late fees: $8.00 per individual event, $14.00 per relay.
Please make checks payable to: Memphis Tiger Swimming. All entry fees are nonrefundable.
HEAT SHEETS: Heat sheets will be sold for $15.00 at concessions. Free heat sheets will be provided for finals on Saturday and Sunday evening.
MEET FORMAT: This is a combined prelims/finals and timed finals meet.All Friday night events, all 10 & under events, and the 1000s will be timed finals. All other events will be prelims/finals. All events will be conducted in short course yards. 8-10 lanes will be used, depending on the number of entries. Finals will swim in 10 lanes.
All events will be pre-seeded. An informal check-in may be conducted by the Meet Referee and/or Meet Director before each morning session to evaluate for scratches in the 1000 freestyle. In the event there are enough scratches to reduce the number of heats, the event may be re-seeded to shorten the timeline.
Depending on the time line, the 11-12 and Open 500 Free may be limited to the fastest 24-30 men and women. The 1000 Free may be limited to the fastest 32-40 men and women. All heats will swim as timed finals, fastest to slowest. Swimmers must be at least 12 years of age to compete in Open events. Swimmers must be at least 9 years of age to compete in the 500 freestyle.
All 10 & under events and relays are timed final events and will swim during preliminaries. All 10 under events will be scored as 9-10 and 8 under. Senior events may swim a consolation and a championship heat in finals. Meet officials have the right to limit finals to only a championship heat based on number of entries in the meet. 13-14 and 11-12 events will swim a championship heat in finals. The Meet Planning Committee reserves the right to reconfigure competition pools as necessary based on entries received.
Time trials will be available at the discretion of the Meet Referee. Time trials will be held after each morning’s preliminaries. Fee for time trials shall be $8.00 per individual event and $14.00 per relay. Time trials will count in a swimmer’s number of events for that day.
STARTING TIMES: Warm-up Competition
Friday PM: 5:10 PM 6:00 PM
Saturday: 7:00 & 7:45 AM 8:30 AM
Saturday Finals: 4:15 PM 5:00 PM
Sunday: 7:00 & 7:45 AM 8:30 AM
Sunday Finals: 4:15 PM 5:00 PM
LIMITS: 10 under swimmers are limited to 5 individual events per day, exclusive of relays.All other age groups are prelim/finals and swimmers may enter 3 individual events per day. Entries will be limited to 600 swimmers per session. If a team puts the number of participants over 600, the entire team will be accepted. Entries will be accepted in the order they are received. The host team reserves the right to limit the number of heats in deck-seeded events in order to run the meet in the allotted time.
SCRATCHES: Swimmers will report directly to the blocks when their event is called. Swimmers not reporting to the blocks during preliminaries will be scratched from that event only. Swimmers will have 30 minutes after each preliminary result is posted in order to scratch from Finals. Swimmers who fail to scratch for finals, and do not show up at the blocks for consolations or finals will be barred from the remainder of the meet.
AMENITIES: Hospitality services will be provided for coaches and officials. A first aid station, concessions, swim shop vendor and meet t-shirts will be available.
SCORING: Points for first through tenth places in individual events will be awarded as follows: 11-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. Points for relays will be awarded as follows: 22-18-16-14-12.
AWARDS: Ribbons will be awarded for first through tenth place in all 12 and under individual events, and first through third places in relay events. A high point and runner-up award will be given in each age group and gender. Swimmers under the age of 15 who choose to compete in open events may not apply any points earned in those events toward age group high point awards. Only events swum in their age group will be eligible for consideration toward high point.
RESULTS: Live results will be available on Meet Mobile as well as on the MTS website.
COACHES' INFORMATION: SES rules dictate that coaches shall display, when requested, their USAS membership cards to be allowed on deck at any SES sanctioned meet. Therefore, all coaches are required to sign in with the Clerk of Course and must be prepared to show their coaching credentials at any time.
A coaches' meeting will be held before the beginning of the first morning session.
OFFICIALS: All officials must be non-athlete members of USA Swimming. Official’s attire for Friday evening and both morning sessions will be white shirts (with collar), khaki pants or shorts and white shoes. Official’s attire for Saturday and Sunday evening finals will be blue shirts (with collar), khaki pants or shorts and white shoes.
MEET EVALUATIONS: Please send any comments, suggestions, or evaluations concerning the meet to:
Philip A. Kraus
P.O. Box 30318
Pensacola, FL 32504
Warm-up 5:10 PM. Meet Starts 6:00 PM.
All Friday evening events are timed finals.
Women / Men
1 / 10 & Under 200 IM* / 2
3 / 11-12 200 IM / 4
5 / Open 400 IM@$ / 6
7 / 9-12 500 Free^$ / 8
9 / 13 & Over 500 Free#$ / 10
*Will be scored 9-10 and 8 under
^Will be scored 11-12 & 9-10
@Will be scored 11-12, 13-14, & Open
#Will be scored 13-14 and Open
$ Swum Fastest to slowest and alternating gender
Saturday Preliminaries
January 14, 2017
Warm-up 7:00 AM. Meet starts 8:30 AM
Women swim at the west end and men swim at the east end of the pool.
All relays (swim during prelims), 10 & under events and the Women’s 1000 freestyle are timed finals.
11 / 11-12 200 Medley Relay @ / 12
13 / 9-10 200 Medley Relay @ / 14
15 / 8 & Under 200 Medley Relay @ / 16
17 / Open 200 IM / 18
19 / 13-14 200 IM / 20
21 / 11-12 100 IM / 22
23 / 10 & U 100 IM * / 24
25 / Open 200 Breast / 26
27 / 13-14 200 Breast / 28
29 / 11-12 50 Breast / 30
31 / 10 & U 50 Breast * / 32
33 / Open 50 Free / 34
35 / 13-14 50 Free / 36
37 / 11-12 100 Free / 38
39 / 10 & U 100 Free * / 40
41 / Open 200 Fly / 42
43 / 13-14 200 Fly / 44
45 / 11-12 100 Fly / 46
47 / 10 & U 100 Fly * / 48
49 / Open 100 Back / 50
51 / 13-14 100 Back / 52
53 / 11-12 50 Back / 54
55 / 10 & U 50 Back * / 56
10 Minute Break
57 / Women’s Open 1000 Free # $
*Timed Finals. Will be scored 9-10 and 8&under
# Will be scored 11-12, 13-14 and Open
$ Swum fastest to slowest in both ends of pool
@ Relays will be deck seeded with positive check in and cards due by Friday Evening at 8:00pm
Sunday Preliminaries
January 15, 2017
Warm-up 7:00 AM. Meet starts 8:30 AM
Women swim at the west end and men swim at the east end of the pool.
All relays (swim during prelims), 10& under events and the 1000 free are timed finals.
59 / 11-12 200 Free Relay @ / 60
61 / 9-10 200 Free Relay @ / 62
63 / 8 & Under 200 Free Relay @ / 64
65 / Open 100 Free / 66
67 / 13-14 100 Free / 68
69 / 11-12 50 Free / 70
71 / 10 & U 50 Free * / 72
73 / Open 200 Back / 74
75 / 13-14 200 Back / 76
77 / 11-12 100 Back / 78
79 / 10 & U 100 Back * / 80
81 / Open 100 Fly / 82
83 / 13-14 100 Fly / 84
85 / 11-12 50 Fly / 86
87 / 10 & U 50 Fly * / 88
89 / Open 100 Breast / 90
91 / 13-14 100 Breast / 92
93 / 11-12 100 Breast / 94
95 / 10 & U 100 Breast * / 96
97 / Open 200 Free / 98
99 / 13-14 200 Free / 100
101 / 11-12 200 Free / 102
103 / 10 & U 200 Free * / 104
10 minute break
Men’s Open 1000 Free #$ / 58
*Timed Finals. Will be scored 9-10 and 8&under
# Will be scored 11-12, 13-14 and Open
$ Swum fastest to slowest in both ends of pool
@ Relays will be deck seeded with positive check in and cards due by Saturday evening at 8:00pm
January 14, 2017
Warm ups at 4:15 pm; Meet starts at 5:00pm
17 / Open 200 IM / 18
19 / 13-14 200 IM / 20
21 / 11-12 100 IM / 22
25 / Open 200 Breast / 26
27 / 13-14 200 Breast / 28
29 / 11-12 50 Breast / 30
33 / Open 50 Free / 34
35 / 13-14 50 Free / 36
37 / 11-12 100 Free / 38
33 / Open 50 Free / 34
35 / 13-14 50 Free / 36
37 / 11-12 100 Free / 38
49 / Open 100 Back / 50
51 / 13-14 100 Back / 52
53 / 11-12 50 Back / 54
January 15, 2017
Warm ups at 4:15 pm; Meet starts at 5:00pm
65 / Open 100 Free / 66
67 / 13-14 100 Free / 68
69 / 11-12 50 Free / 70
73 / Open 200 Back / 74
75 / 13-14 200 Back / 76
77 / 11-12 100 Back / 78
81 / Open 100 Fly / 82
83 / 13-14 100 Fly / 84
85 / 11-12 50 Fly / 86
89 / Open 100 Breast / 90
91 / 13-14 100 Breast / 92
93 / 11-12 100 Breast / 94
97 / Open 200 Free / 98
99 / 13-14 200 Free / 100
101 / 11-12 200 Free / 102