GA Chapter A&WMA Board Meeting
August11, 2017
Present: Chris Hurst, Katy Lusky, Brad Goodwin, Steve Ellington, Tom Wurzinger, Joan Sasine, Cynthia Walaitis,Elizabeth Munsey, Shira Colsky
Not Present: Amy Addison,Kim Sanders
1. / CALL TO ORDER:- Reminder about upcoming SS annual conference
- Minutes issued for June and July, Chris made to motion to approve minutes, Katy seconded motion
- Payment to Shira has been re-issued for reimbursement on YP events.
- Current Wells Fargo Balance = $13,746.25
- Current PayPal Balance = $5,164.81
$162.40 - MemberClicks (July)
$200.00 - 4 Renewals / Katy Lusky
Education/Scholarship: (2) $1500
- First round of announcements sent out on Monday to about 80 contacts, we have received a number of inquiries.
- Everything is following along in accordance with schedule.
- If anyone has additional suggestions for other school contacts then please send them along.
- Would ask that the “brown-bag” where the awards are announced then we provide additional time in the agenda for the meeting presentation.
Young Professionals
- We have a YP event planned on August 28th at 6:30 pm papermill village at a food-truck event. This will be an open networking event and will be in conjunction with the AHMP group.
- September 14th event will be at Cocktails in the Garden and Atlanta Botanical Garden. Event will start at 6:30 pm.
- I have been provided access to the national website membership account. Review the list at the start of the month and update our local database accordingly.
- We have a current list of national members that are expired and would like to move them to basic contact. This would be done for accounts that have expiration dates of more than a year.
Brown Bag Coordinator
- September 15th is the next brown bag and the event announcement has been posted and sent out to email contact list. We will announce scholarship winners at this meeting.
- Katy will work on means to assure that scholarship award checks will be available since she will not be able to attend meeting.
Database/Web Chair
- If there are any news/events that need to be posted to website please send them along.
- Reminder about SS annual conference. Need to get the word out about the event due to low turn-out / registration numbers
Reminder about Southern Section Annual conference
8. / NEXT MEETING: September 15; 10:30 meeting
- Conference Call-in: 855.630.7429
- Conference Room: 416 828 739