G97A23 SVQ in Water Industry Operationsat Level 3 - Structure
To attain the qualification candidates must complete 6Units in total. This comprises:4 Mandatory Units
2 Optional Units
Please note the table below shows the SSC identification codes listed alongside the corresponding SQA Unit codes. It is important that the SQA Unit codes are used in all your recording documentation and when your results are communicated to SQA.
Mandatory Units: Candidates must complete 4 UnitsSQA code / SSCcode / Title / SCQF level / SCQF credits
F31F04 / TPO01 / Monitor and Maintain a Safe Working Environment / 6 / 9
F5DP04 / TPO06 / Monitor and maintain the quality of treatment processes (Water Treatment Processes) / 6 / 18
F5DR04 / TPO06 / Monitor and maintain the quality of treatment processes (Wastewater Treatment Processes) / 6 / 18
F31J04 / NCO309 / Monitor the Installation Process for Network Construction Operations / 4 / 6
Optional Units: Candidates must complete 2 Units
SQA code / SSCcode / Title / SCQF level / SCQF credits
F30B04 / NCO316 / Advise and Inform Others / 6 / 4
DR3Y04 / TPO05 / Allocate and Monitor the Progress and Quality of Work in Your Area of Responsibility / 8 / 14
F30C04 / NCO315 / Analyse Information to Support Decision Making / 6 / 4
F30E04 / NCO302 / Carry out Operational Planning for Network Construction Operations / 7 / 5
F30F04 / NCO301 / Carry out Risk Assessment for Network Construction Operations / 6 / 3
F30G04 / LD&C7 / Carry out Step-testing Operations and Re-commission the Distribution Network / 6 / 9
D1VB04 / TPO02 / Conduct an Assessment of Risks in the Workplace / 7 / 8
F30M04 / NCO317 / Contribute to Controlling Costs Against Agreed Budgets / 6 / 3
F30T04 / NCO318 / Control Network Activities Against Quality Standards and Systems / 6 / 4
F30V04 / LD&C4 / Determine Leakage Detection Methods and Techniques in Response to Water Loss / 6 / 9
DK1W04 / MWS5 / Develop Own Understanding of Techniques for Minimum Disruption of the Distribution Network During Operational Activities / 6 / 5
F30W04 / WFR/B7 / Develop Positive Working Relationships with Customers and Colleagues / 5 / 5
DR4A04 / TPO04 / Develop Productive Working Relationships with Colleagues / 5 / 9
F30X04 / NCO304 / Ensure Your Own Actions Aim to Protect the Environment / 6 / 4
B7WE04 / LD&C1
NCO303 / Ensure Your Own Actions Reduce Risks to Health and Safety / 5 / 8
F30Y04 / NCO319 / Establish and Maintain Professional Relationships / 6 / 3
F31004 / LD&C10 / Establish the Integrity of a Discrete Area on the Distribution Network / 6 / 6
F31104 / LD&C11 / Evaluate Data to Identify Potential Leakage / 6 / 7
F31504 / NCO308 / Implement Installation and Construction Methods and Procedures for Network Construction Operations / 6 / 4
F31804 / WFR/B4b / Inspect Premises (Domestic) for Compliance with Water Byelaws / 6 / 9
F31904 / WFR/B4a / Inspect Premises (Non-domestic) for Compliance with Water Byelaws / 7 / 11
F31E04 / NCO305 / Locate and Avoid Supply Apparatus and Substructures / 6 / 3
F31H04 / TPO07 / Monitor and Maintain Treatment Processing at Optimum Performance / 6 / 13
DK1Y04 / MWS6 / Monitor and Review Network Activities / 6 / 5
F31K04 / NCO307 / Monitoring Excavation in the Highway / 6 / 4
F31L04 / NCO306 / Monitoring Signing, Lighting and Guarding / 6 / 4
F31M04 / NCO313 / Obtain Information for Decision Making / 6 / 3
F31P04 / TPO15 / Organise and Carry Out the Maintenance of Process Equipment / 6 / 12
F31R04 / WFR/B6 / Plan and Schedule Water Byelaw Inspections / 5 / 5
F31W04 / WFR/B5 / Present Oral Evidence in Court / 6 / 7
F31X04 / LD&C5 / Programme, Deploy and Collect Data from Data-logging Equipment / 6 / 9
F31Y04 / WFR/B2 / Provide Information for Use in Legal Procedures / 6 / 4
B6K104 / MWS7 / Provide Information to Support Decision Making / 7 / 6
DR7304 / LD&C12 / Provide Leadership for Your Team / 6 / 9
DR7C04 / TPO21 / Provide Learning Opportunities for Colleagues / 8 / 11
F32004 / NCO314 / Record and Store Information / 6 / 4
F32304 / LD&C8 / Resolve Leakage-related Issues with Customers / 5 / 5
F32504 / WFR/B3 / Secure Compliance with Water Byelaws / 6 / 8
F32704 / LD&C6 / Utilise and Confirm Performance of Measuring Equipment on the Distribution Network / 6 / 9