Radio PSA: Live Announcer Copy
MAY – Mental Health Month
LIVE ANNOUNCER: Think of the people you know. Think of the people who are close to you…the people who are part of your family and part of your life. Now think of this: there’s a good chance that one of them has a mental health problem. In fact, mental health problems affect almost every family in America. The good news is that most people with mental health problems recover from them, and they go on to lead productive, fulfilling lives. Most have jobs, raise families, and play important roles both in our communities – and our lives. Get the facts about mental health. Call 1(800) 763-1024 for information. That’s 1(800) 763-1024. Because good mental health makes good sense. This message is a public service announcement of the South Carolina Department of Mental Health and this radio station.
LIVE ANNOUNCER: Did you know that mental health problems affect almost every family in America? So chances are, someone you know and love has a mental health problem. Get the facts about mental health. Call 1(800) 763-1024 for information. That’s 1(800) 763-1024. Because good mental health makes good sense. A public service announcement of the South Carolina Department of Mental Health and this radio station.
LIVE ANNOUNCER: Get the facts about mental health. Call 1(800) 763-1024 for information. A message from the South Carolina Department of Mental Health and this radio station