G. Alexander Moore,C.V. rev. 3/2008,1


(Revised 5/2012)



Manila, Philippines, Citizenship USA


Son of Rear Admiral Granville A. Moore USN-RET, b. 1905, Lexington, Virginia, d. 1983, St. Petersburg, Florida, and of Emily Woodward Moore, b. 1905, Lexington, Virginia, d. 1991, St. Petersburg, Florida.


Professor, Department of Anthropology

Professor (courtesy appointment)

Department of Spanish

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, California 90089-0032


B.A.1958 Harvard College, cum laude, (Major: History and Literature of Spain, England, Russia since 1800). Honors thesis: "Liberals of the Spanish Republic, 1931-36"

M.A.1963 Columbia University, Masters essay "The Guatemalan Plantation System in Historical Perspective," 208 pp.

Ph.D 1966Columbia University, Dissertation: "Social and Ritual Change in a Guatemalan Town," 380 pp.


Total of 22 months in Alotenango, Guatemala in four field trips from 1960-1968, sponsored under grants no. 4. 5. and 6 below.

San Blas District, Panama, as principal investigator of the NSF grant listed below (no. 2).

Trip to the Republic of Panamá. 13-29 Feb. 1996, to videotape a Kuna female coming-of-age ceremony on the island community of Playón Chico in San Blas district (Kuna Yala).

Trip to Panamá, R.P., to study the urban Kuna, July-August 2000. Repeated June-July 2001; July-August 2003, July-August 2005, November-December 2008.


1. Zumberge grant to study the urban Kuna of Panama, summers 2000, 2001: $14,569.

2.Haynes Foundation Summer Grant for Research in Guatemala, 1984. $3,000

3.Research Grant: "Consensus as the Mechanism of Self-Government: A Case Study of the San Blas Cuna Indians." National Science Foundation Grant No. BNS76-11900, funding period: September 1976 through February 1979. Total: $62,400

4.Grant-in-Aid, "Program for Increasing Educational Research at Emory University," for released time and clerical help, 1968-69, U.S. Office of Educational Grant No. OE 6, 2-6-062707-2127

5.Public Health Service Research Grant MH-10151-01 (NIMH Grant Attachment) May 1964-September 1965

6.NIMH Career Development Fellowship, F1 MH-17, 155-03 September 1961 through September 1966

7.U.S. Exchange Fellowship for study in Guatemala, January 1959 to February 1961

8.Harvard College Scholarship, 1955-1958

9.NSF, Emerging Conflict Structures Among the Guatemalan Indians, February 1985 (not funded).


1.Positions Held:

Professor of Anthropology, University of Southern California, 1978 to present

Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Florida, 1969-1978 .

Assistant Professor of Educational Studies and Anthropology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, 1967-1969

Consultant, Regional Curriculum Study Project, Federal and Southeastern States, Atlanta, Georgia, 1968-69 Lecturer, NDEA Institute of Advanced Study Teaching Disadvantaged Youth, Atlanta, Georgia, 1965-67

Instructor of Educational Studies and Anthropology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, 1965-67

Curriculum Research Assistant, Project TRUE (Teaching Resources for Urban Education), Hunter College, New York, Summer 1964

Research Assistant, New York School of Social Work, February-September 1961

2.Other Professional Experiences:

Chairperson, Department of Anthropology, University of Southern California, June 1980 to December 1986, July 1995 to August 2001. Interim Chair September 2009-June 2010.

Acting Chairperson, Department of Anthropology, University of Florida, 1970-71

Graduate Coordinator, Department of Anthropology, University of Florida, 1969-70, 1971-73


1.University Courses Taught:

A.University of Florida:


Introduction to Cultural Anthropology; Anthropology and Modern Life; Anthropology of Religion; Social Organization; Peoples of Latin America; Cultural Revitalization; Political Anthropology; Applied Anthropology; Anthropology and Education; Urban Anthropology;


Seminar versions of many of these same topics, including Directed Culture Change; Culture and Community; National Integration in Latin America; Ritual and Symbolic Systems; Cross-cultural Study of Law;

B. University of Southern California:


Principles of Human Organization, Native Peoples of Mexico and Central America, Ethnographic Film Analysis; Exploring Culture Through Film; Family and Kinship in Cross-cultural Perspective; Peoples and Cultures of Latin America, History of Anthropological Theory; Politics, Social Organization and Law; Symbolic Anthropology; Urban Anthropology; Seminar on the Nature of Maya Civilization; Seminar on Constitutions and Social Organization. Thematic Option Honors Program, Core 103: the Process of Change in Science; Arts and Letters Progam, Dictators: Consent and Coercion.


Ethnological Theory I & II. Ethnographic Film Analysis. Ethnographic Field Methods. Urban Anthropology.

C. University of California, Los Angeles

Undergraduate Honors Colloquiam, Physical Foundations for a Unified Social Science, Richard Baum, coordinator, Fall, 1988,(taught by an informal and ongoing Seminar in Systems Physics and the Social Sciences, see below).

2.Doctoral Dissertations Directed

Dougherty, Molly C., "Maturation and Motherhood: Becoming Woman in Rural Black Culture," University of Florida, 1973.[1]

Brana-Shute, Gary, "Streetcorner Winkels and Dispersed Households: Male Adaptation to Marginality in a Lower Class Creole Neighborhood in Paramaribo," University of Florida, 1974.[2]

Johnson, Thomas Malcolm, "The New Curer: Anthropological Perspectives in the Training of Physician's Assistants," University of Florida, 1975.

Werge, Robert W., "Agricultural Development in Clear Creek: Adaptive Strategies and Economic Roles in a Domininican Settlement," University of Florida, 1975.

Sapp, Richard W., "Suwanee River Town, Suwanee River County: Political Moieties," University of Florida, 1976.

Ardevol, Elisenda,"La Mirada Antropológica o la antropología de la Mirada," Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. 1995.

Lachter, Rebecca, "Distant Cousins: the Relationship between Jews from the Former-Soviet Union and American Jewish Voluntary Associations in Los Angeles," Department of Anthropology, University of Southern California, December, 1995.

Rowe, Stacy, "Practicing Policy and Making Myths: Applied Anthropology and Homeless Service Delivery in Glendale, California," Department of Anthropology, University of Southern California, May, 2000.

White, C. Todd, “Out Of Many…: A Social History of The Homosexual Rights Movements Originated And Continued in Los Angeles, California,” Anthropology, University of Southern California, May, 2005.[3]

Cuevas, Claudia, "Organizational Development and Coalition Building Among Domestic Violence Agencies in California; Conflict and Compromise between Grassroots Groups and Established Institutions," Anthropology, University of Southern California, May, 2006.

Fitzsimmons, Jeanne Marie, “Negotiating Modernity: Power, Gender, and Education in North India,” Anthropology, University of Southern California, May, 2006l

Rousso-Schindler, Stephen,“Israeli and Palestinian National Narratives: National and Individual Constructions, Social Suffering Narratives, and Everyday Performances,” Anthropology, Universty of Southern California, May, 2007.

3a. Doctoral supervision, anthropology, USC

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Armida Ayala, Manuel Fernández, Joseph Hawkins, Department of Anthropology.

3b. Doctoral supervision, other disciplines, USC

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Pascal B. Ndengejeho, "An Analysis of Attitudes toward the National Reform of Education in Rwanda." Department of Educational Policy, Planning and Administration, USC, October 18, 1983. (Although I was the official "outside member" of this doctoral committee, the chair, Dr. Wm. Rideout, was in Africa in the final round, and I informally stood in for him.)

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Susan Silbert, "Making it to the Top: A Study of Black Partners in Major Law Firms," 1985, Department of Sociology, Carol Warren, chair.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Normita Recto, "Cultural Analysis from a Native-View Perspective: An Ethnographic Study of Air Traffic Controllers," 1985, School of Public Administration, Wesley Bjur, chair..

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Nancy K. Walsack, "Curriculum for the Gifted," doctorate granted, January 1987, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Dr. Frances Klein, Committee chair.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Nicholas Dimmitt, "Language Choice and Language Use in the Armenian Education System: The Impact of Indepence on Educational Langauge Policy in the Republic of Armenia," Department of International Education. May, 1994.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Nikkie Ama Okuwa, "The Effectiveness of the USC Upward Bound Program in Student Achievement: An Ethnographic Study" College of Education, Fall 1994.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Lawrence Powell, "Capturing the Complexity of Economic Growth in the Ancient Past," Department of Economics, Fall 1994, Richard Day, chair.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee, Doris Pierce, "Infant Space, Infant Time: Development of Infant Interactions with the Physical Environment, One to Eighteen Months," Department of Occupational Science, May, 1996.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee, Susan Hirsch Knox, "Play and Play Styles of Preschool Children," Department of Occupational Science, December, 1996.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee, Linda L. Florey, "Summer Camp as a Transformative Experience," Department of Occupational Science, July, 1997.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee, Robert Richmond Stroupe, “The Role of the Regional University in Development: a Case Study of the Asian Institute of Technology,” College of Education, 1997.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee, Erma Blanche, “Play and Process: the Experience of Play in the Life of the Adult,” Department of Occupational Science, 1998.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee, Heidi McHugh Pendleton,”Establishment and Sustainment of Friendships of Women with Physical Disability: the Role of Participaition in Occupation,” Department of Occupational Science, 1998.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee, John Timothy Denny, “A Study of chinese-Malysian Students’ Choices of Attend a Private College, American University Transfer Program,” College of Education, 1999.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Glenn M. Libby, for the School of Religion, Program in Religion and Social Ethics. “Trinity and Sexuality: a Christian Sexual Ethics for the Third Millennium,” defended May 9, 2001.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Sofia Ruiz, Department of Spanish, Dissertation: “Diálogos textuales: cine, literatura, y testimoniales en América Latina,” defended June 7, 2001.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Claudia Soria, Department of Spanish, Dissertation: “Los cuerpos de Eva Peron.” (defended Dec. 17, 2001).

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Glenn Anthony Akers, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, School of Education, doctoral project: “The Dawning of a New Epoch in Educational Archaeology: Can GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Be Used to Detect Archaeological Artifacts Buried Beneath a Desert Terrain Environment?" (2002).

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Afef Benessaieh, “Global Society at the Margins: Civilizing Civil Society? Indians, Women and Aliens in Chiapas, 1988-2000;”Department of International Relations, University of Southern California, May, 2005.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Seda Ünsar, “The Endurance of Redistributive Institutional Structure: The Role of the Ottoman Ulema,”Department of Political Science”, USC, May 2008.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee forDonald J. Fogelberg,“A complex systems view of habit and its impact on pressure ulcer risk in adults with spinal cord injury,” Divison of Occupational Science, 2008.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Angela McCracken, “Beauty has a price: the global political economy of beauty among youth in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico,” Department of International Relations, University of Southern California, May, 2009.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee forDavid A. Leary,

“Lived Experiences of Gay Men with HIV: Intersections of Portraiture, Narrative and Engagement,” Division of Occupational Science, May, 2011.

Doctoral Dissertation Advisory Committee for Clarissa Saunders-Newton, “Spirituality and Well Being: Mechanism of Transformation for African American Women,” Division of Occupational Science, May, 2011.

4. Masters supervision at USC:

Chair, visual anthropology master's committee for Julie Wright, video thesis, "The Toured," 1991.

---for Mark Hornish, video thesis, "Belmont Tunnel," 1992.

---for Scott Sterling, film thesis, "Natives," 1992.

---for Michael Kowalski, film thesis, "The Promisted Land," 1993.

---for Karen Stellwagen, film thesis on Hmong Refugees, 1994.

---for Brian Bartelt, “Exploring the Universe Within: Rave (Counter) Culture and Resistance in the Technopagan Underground.” 1999.

----for Gisela Fosado, “Sex, Love, and Money in Cuba, 2006.

Chair, visual anthropology master's committee for Hispano Duran.

Member visual anthropology master's committee for Lucien Taylor, 1992; and Jennifer Rodes, 1992, Kaaren Shalom, 1995.

5. Other University of Florida Graduate Student Committees:

Served on graduate student supervisory committees for 15-20 students a year in the departments of anthropology, history, psychology, social foundations and education,. educational administration, and Latin American Studies at masters and doctoral levels. (24 such committees in 1975-76)



1.Academic Committees, University of Florida:

Chairperson, Curriculum Committee, Department of Anthropology 1969-70, 1975-76

Chairperson, Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid, Department of Anthropology, 1969-70, 1971-73

Chairperson, Examinations Committee, Department of Anthropology, 1971-74

Member, Financial Aid Committee, Center for Latin American Studies, 1969-71, 1973-74

Member, Research and Development Committee, Center for Latin American Studies, 1969-71, 1973-74

Member, Undergraduate Program Committee, Center for Latin American Studies, 1969-73, Chairperson, 1975-76

Member, Graduate Program Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 1972-73

Member, Executive Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 1969-70, 1971-72

Member, Graduate Fellowship Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 1969-70, 1971-72

Member, Graduate School Fellowships Committee, 1971-72

2.Academic Committees, University of Southern California

Council on Latin American Studies, 1978-1984

Letters, Arts and Sciences Committee on General Education, alternate delegate, 1978-79

Letters, Arts and Sciences General Education Subcommittee on Empirical Approaches, 1978-79, 1979-80

President's Advisory Committee on Culture Exchange with Mexico, 1978-79

Search Committee, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, 1979-80

Advisory Board, Joint Educational Project, Fall 1979 Wilderness Semester Steering Committee, College of Continuing Education, 1978-1979, 1979-80

Letters, Arts and Sciences Teaching Excellence Committee, Spring 1980

University Commencement Marshall, June Commencement, 1979-80

Chair, Department of Anthropology Search Committee, Spring 1980

Joint Curriculum Committee, College of Continuing Education and Letters, Arts and Sciences, 1979-80

Consultant, Center for the Humanities' Project, "Voluntarism in America," 1979-80

Faculty Salary Grievance Committee, Division of Social Sciences and Communication, Spring 1981, Spring 1982; Chair, Spring 1990, Spring & Fall 1991.

Ad Hoc Committee on Bilingual Education, College of Education, Fall 1980

Ad Hoc Commission on an M.A. in American Culture Proposal, Graduate School, 1980-81

FASTEN (Faculty and Student Enrichment Conference) Steering Committee, University Religious Life Office, Spring 1982, Fall 1982 participant, October 9, 1982

Advisory Board, Ethnic Studies Program, Letters, Arts and Sciences, 1982

Advisory Board, Center for Hispanic Media, Letters, Arts and Sciences, 1982

Graduate School NEH Faculty Grant Selection Committee, 1982

Program for Study of Women and Men in Society (SWIMS) Personnel Committee, Spring and Fall 1982

Food for Thought Program, Office of Student Residential Life, hosted seven freshmen for dinner, Fall Semester, 1982, 1983, 1984

University Committee on Extended Education, Spring 1982

Search Committee, Study of Women and Men in Society (SWIMS), (recruited Carol Jacklin to head Study of Men and Women in Society [SWIMS], and Lois Banner as Professor of History), Spring 1983

Search Committee, SWIMS, to fill a senior position in Men's Studies, Fall 1983 (recruited Walter Williams)

Council of Deans, Academic Administration Workshop, to study university governance, Fall 1983

Promotions and Tenure Committee, Division of Social Sciences and Communications, 1983-1984

Ad Hoc Committee, Division of Humanities to Evaluate the Associate Professors of the Spanish Department, Fall 1983

Ramón Sender and Joaquín Casalduero Scholarship Selection Committee, Division of Humanities, Spring 1984

Chair, Division of Social Sciences Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1984-85

Co-director, Institute for Urban and Applied Anthropology, Department of Anthropology. 1980-84.

Member, Board of Directors, Faculty Center Association, Spring 1986

Member, Selection Committee, Haynes Summer Faculty Fellowships, USC Graduate School, Spring semester 1986

Member, Fulbright Foreign Area Fellowships Selection Committee, USC Graduate School, Spring semester 1986

Member, Search Committee, for LAS Dean of Social Sciences and Communications, Fall and Spring semesters 1986

Chair, LAS Ad Hoc Committee to Review and Evaluate the History Media Institute, Summer 1986

Member, Division of Humanities, Del Amo Funds Award Committee, 1986-92.

Member, University Committee on the Colombian Quincentennial, 1986

Member, University Library Committee, Spring and Fall 1989.

Member, Boeckman Center Advisory Committee, Latin American Collections, 1986-present.

Department of Anthropology, Center for Visual Anthropology Committee, 1980- present

Chair, Department ad hoc committee on Promotions to Professorial rank, 1989, 1990

Chair, Departmental committee on evaluations and promotions, 1980-89.

Member, Departmental search committee for a position in primatology, 1990-91.

Member, Committee on USC's liaison with Adjunct Professor Jane Goodall, 1989-present.

Chair, Departmental Committee on the Doctoral Program, 1989-1990.

Member, University Committee on Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure, Social Sciences/Professional Schools Panel 1989-90.

Fellow, Senior Common Room, Embassy Residential College, 1990-94..

Chair, Division of Social Sciences and Communications, Faculty Merit Review Appeals Committee, 1990-91.

Member, Division of Social Sciences and Communications, Faculty Salary Grievance Committee, 1991-92.

Member, Division of Social Sciences and Communications, Dean's Emergency Budget Advisory Committee, 1991-92.

Chair, Department Graduate Admissions Committee 1992-present.

Co-chair, Academic Senate Committee on International-ization of USC, 1993-95.

Member, University Committee on International Education, 1994-96.

Member, Provost's Distinguished Visitor's Selection Committee, 1996-present.

Member, USC College Humanities Personnel Committee, 2005-06.


Guest speaker: "Regional Planning and Indian Policy in Panama," Multi-disciplinary Seminar on Development, Professor Jeff Nugent, Instructor, November 9, 1978.

Department of Anthropological Seminar (Last Thursday Rites). "Life in a Hammock: Doing Fieldwork Among the San Blas Cuna," October 26, 1978.

Guest lecture, Anthropology 201, March 30, 1979, on political anthropology.

Guest lecture, Anthropology 363, March, 27, 1979, on political anthropology.

Lecture "Casting out and Controlling Evil Spirits and Westerners: Cuna Indian Diplomacy and Ritual Exorcism," in the series, "The Modern Age: Historical and Social Perspectives" sponsored by the Division of Social Sciences and Communications, LAS, March 12, 1979

Anthropology departmental seminar, "The Cuna Indian Informe: Celebrating the reincorporation of the traveler," cultural performance at USC, April 1979.

"Urban Villagers: Latin American Rural-Urban Migration and Urban Squatments," UCLA Honors Collegium, "The City in Historical Perspective", Winter Quarter, 1980 (February 21, 1980).

"The Urban Villagers, Latin American Urbanization," a lecture in the Honors Collegium, "The City in Historical Perspective," UCLA Undergraduate Honors Program, February 21, 1980.

"Cuna Indian Admonitions in Social Drama," Roundtable in honor of Victor Turner, Anthropology of Performance, USC, February 29, 1980.

"Latin American Peasants, Revitalization Movements, and the Maya Cruzob," MDA 428, Latin American Senior Seminar, March 26, 1980.