Fyvie, Rothienorman and Monquhitter Community Council

Minute of meeting held on Tuesday 30th May 2017

Held at Glebe House, Fyvie.

meeting minutes

Present: Gordon Duncan (Chair), Megan Smart (Secretary), Brenda Potts, Jim Porter, Gary Hughes, Harry Sleigh, Ian Gray, Linda Charles, John Mackenzie, Doreen Towler, Bill Miazek, Peter Thomson, Susan Neal, Graham Neal, Samantha Hendy, Sharon Duncan. Christopher Stewart. Stuart Berry

Apologies: Brian Cormack, Nicola Davidson, Arthur Reid, Angela Spence, Julie Ratter, Jennifer Bartram.

In Attendance: Cllr Anne Stirling, Cllr Sandy Duncan, Cllr Alastair Forsyth, Cllr Iain Taylor.

Visitors: Iain Catto (Foundation Scotland)

Press: David Porter

  1. Welcome:

Gordon welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  1. Minute of previous minutes:

The minutes from the previous meeting held on 28th March 2017 was approved by Doreen Towler and second by Linda Charles.

  1. Matters Arising:

The public toilets in Fyvie are still waiting for feedback on whether they will be re-opening, at the moment they’re still closed.Councilor Anne Stirling advised that the survey results had been received and was being analysedbefore a decision would be made if to open the Fyvie public toilets or not.

Defibrillator – Gordon Duncan said he would contact Fyvie health centre to see if they would install a defibrillator on their outside wall for public access.

  1. Police Report:

No e-mail report received from the Police or police attendance.

Gordon Duncan mentioned that he e-mailed them with meeting agenda and request for report.


Post meeting note. E-mail received from Police Sergeant Andy Sawers who is setting up ways to streamline communications links with community councils in the area. This may consist of the production of a monthly e-mail report covering all areas.

  1. Update on Community Council scheme and establishment:

Gordon Duncan attended a meeting on 16th May 2017 however, our Community Council missed out on some communications last year due to lack of secretory and chairperson. Now back in loop and receiving all necessary communications. Discussion held regarding proposed changes and how they would affect our Community Council where we might have to change our maximum number of members reduce from 24 to 18 over a 3 year period change to date of AGM from November to June each year. All can be possible but will require a change to our constitution. A discussion by members present resulted in a decision that they don’t believe a change is necessary, particularly the maximum numbers. For the first time as far as anyone could remember we are currently almost at maximum numbers. This was due to help receiver in 2016 from our area manager Elaine Brown when we had a problem with the lack of members from one area. It was said if it’s working why change it. Gordon Duncan will be attending the 2nd meeting on 31st May on the above and will report back at the next meeting.

  1. Vote to be held to reduce maximum numbers of members from 24 to 18 over the next three years:

The community Council were happy to stay as we are and asked Gordon Duncan to pass it on to the meeting he was attending on the behalf of the Community Council.

At the AGM in November 2017 there will be 6 members due to stand down having completed 3 years and apply for reelection Harry Sleigh, Ian Gray, Gordon Duncan Bill Miazek, Doreen Towler, and Brenda Potts. Also 5 co-opted members to apply for election. Stuart Berry, Christopher Stewart, Jennifer Bartram, Samantha Hendy, and Sharon Duncan

  1. Slow internet connection speed at Woodhead of Fyvie (Update from Peter Thomson)

Peter Thomson e-mailed three people, Jillian Martin, Fergus Ewen and Superfast Scotland.

Peter Thomson had no reply from Fergus Ewen.

Superfast Scotland replied and said they were working to improve broadband across Scotland Woodhead however was on an exchange only (EO) line which gave a slow internet connection speed. Unfortunately they do not have enough funds to cover everybody therefore cost effective technical solutions will be chosen to maximise coverage.

Gillian Martin – There’s two cabinets which have been upgraded to broadband. Residents have been transferred to the cabinets and fibre is available to use.

Cabinet three is in Woodhead. The cabinet should provide fibre to residents including people on EO lines once completed however there has been engineering problems but it is in the delivery plan in September this year but this may change.


St Katherine’s is also included in a further phase of the programme but won’t be delivered this year.

  1. Minutes of meeting/approval/issue time/how

The minutes to be produced within one week and circulated to members for comments. Updated as necessary and then issued as draft minutes with formal approval at the next meeting.


  1. Meetings attended

Gordon Duncan attended two meetings, 16th May – Scheme of establishment (report above 15th May – wind farm group funding.Waiting on formal approval from Foundation Scotland before report can be issued.

  1. Planning/Licensing

2017/1213 no comment

2017/08869 2 wind turbines West of North Haddo objection due to proliferation of wind turbines in area and closeness to Fyvie Station and Fyvie Castle.

2017/0457 - no comment

2017/1117 - no comment

2017/1193 - no comment

2017/1255 - no comment

2017/1264 - no comment

Harry Sleigh questioned how long the Community Council had to object the applications. It lasts up to twenty one days before the Community Council object to any application.

It was also suggested to have meetings about the applications and to also note the minute of the meeting as well. Plans to put in place a planning sub group at the next meeting to deal with planning matters.

  1. Correspondence

Letter received from Una Gill requesting support for a grant application .

Letter received from Gary Hughes to support a grant application for a Rothienorman group. Both agreed by all at meeting and support letters issued.

  1. A.O.C.B

Cllr Sandy Duncan advised that farmers would have liked the repairs to the Tifty Bridge to be completed before harvest time. However, Sandy explained that as tenders have just been put forward work will not be complete until the end of 2017.

He also advised that Methlick Bridge (Waterloo Bridge) will also be closed for ten weeks which will also be a problem for farmers during harvest period.

John Mackenzie suggested that the Community Council should acknowledge how much Marion Ewenson has done for the Community Council over the years as she has played various roles throughout her time being on the Committee.

The wind farm Sub Group has a vacancy following Marion Ewenson standing down.

Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 29th August at 7:30pm at the Glebe House, Fyvie.