FYE Leadership Committee MINUTES
September 14, 2012
Members Present:Andy Borst, Jessica Butcher, Jane Coplan, Sean Cordes, Katrina Daytner, Michelle Janisz, SharCarre Johnson,Pete Jorgenson, Bill Knox, Angela Lynn, Stacey Macchi, Ada Macias, Sue Martinelli-Fernandez, Jonathan McGee, Jen McNabb, Tera Monroe, Nancy Parsons, Andrea Patten, Sarah Schoper, Tim Sheridan, Craig Tollini
Members Absent:Tracy Scott, Megan Thurston, Algerian Hart
Guest: Sean Dixon
Additions to agenda:
Sean Dixon – Interpersonal Violence Prevention Initiative
- Sean Dixon reported on the Interpersonal Violence Prevention Initiative (IVPI).
- Grant funded initiative that includes a required education piece; in the past this was attempted to be done through a registration hold but this was found to be ineffective.
- Looking to make part of U100 so that students will be more likely to engage the content
- Have created an online program – idea was that this might be an assignment for U100 with some follow up discussion in the class (possibly with something on alcohol as well)
- Request to have Sean share the program with members of committee
SharCarre Johnson – Peer Mentor Experience
- SharCarre is opening to create a peer mentor training experience that is learning centered.
- Asked committee members to write down what they hoped peer mentors would learn from their peer mentor training.
Agenda items:
Update on Meetings with the Faculty Senate Councils
- Nancy has shared the 5 options with CAGAS, CCPI, CGE to determine their opinions about how to go about implementing the new U100 requirement
- CAGAS – one member stressed making graduation requirement
- CGE – felt the communication skills option did not make sense; some felt it was not general education because skill based not content based
- CCPI – concern about the human wellbeing option since may impact some of the departments also in that category (data from registrar’s office does not seem to suggest that Kinesiology would be impacted negatively
Update on Committee on FYE Classes Meeting
- Committee on FYE Classes (CFC) looked at the list we generated and made some recommendations/decisions
- Eliminated advising and residence halls from the list of topics for the class
- Decided to create a survey to get input from CFC and our members
- Seemed to want some flexibility in the course – possibly 2 weeks where faculty/staff could choose what they talk about
- Determined academic topics should be highest priority for class
- FYE Leadership Committee (FLC) members discussion
- We need to determine how and where we can provide students with additional resources – course might introduce but where is the follow up
- Need to be mindful of scope and sequence – we cannot overload the course
- Need to share syllabus with library so they can start building a resource library
- Some wondered whether we should share the survey with others on campus
Working Session
- Groups need to develop a plan for meeting as well as identify a leader; be sure to copy Nancy and Katrina on all correspondence
- Student Services/Housing Team
- Membership – Michelle, Ada, Jessica, Katrina, Bill, Tera, Craig
- Leader -- ? (Jessica offered to get group started)
- Responsibilities – determine current programming and whether it fits with the new U100 course; determine new programming that is needed
- Timeline – complete by beginning of April
- Peer Mentor Team
- Membership – Michelle, Stacey, SharCarre, Jonathan, Andrea, Sean
- Leader -- SharCarre
- Responsibilities – create PM application, determine PM responsibilities, create PM training
- Timeline – complete by end of February
- Course Staff Identification Team
- Membership – Craig, Stacey, Andy, Sean, SharCarre, Sue, Pete, Jessica
- Leader -- ? (Sue offered to get group started)
- Responsibilities – create application, determine characteristics
- Timeline – complete by December
- Couse Staff Training Team
- Membership – Stacey, Sean, SharCarre, Sarah, Jessica
- Leader -- ? (Sarah offered to get group started)
- Responsibilities – create training for U100 instructors
- Timeline – complete by end of February
- Assessment Team
- Membership – Craig, Andy, Jen, Bill
- Leader -- ? (Craig offered to get group started)
- Responsibilities – determine assessment process – start with 6 goals
- Timeline – complete by May
- Branding Team
- Membership – Jonathan, Andrea, Jen, Jessica, (ask Darcy to have someone sit on committee)
- Leader --
- Responsibilities – determine how to market the program
- Timeline – complete by end of March
Meeting adjourned at4:00.