Sra. Grélé
Spanish 1 Syllabus 2017-2018:
Course Description:
Spanish 1 is a standards-based course designed to provide instruction that continually encourages students to use Spanish to communicate for authentic, meaningful purposes. The development of the skills needed to understand spoken Spanish and communicate thoughts, needs, and feelings will be emphasized. Writing activities will encourage students to convey their ideas in written form in an organized, accurate, and thoughtful manner.
Classes are held as much as possible in Spanish (with numerous visuals, gestures, props, interactive technology, etc., to aid in comprehension) and students are challenged to think critically in order to construct meaning. Classroom activities in Spanish require teamwork as students use the language for communicating and for developing intercultural competence.
Students will have opportunities to experience the products, practices and perspectives of Spanish-speaking cultures through holidays, foods, music, and more.
Assessment will be on-going and may include tests, quizzes and performance tasks that allow students to demonstrate what they know and can do in Spanish in real-life situations- dialogues, journals, monologues, projects, etc. Both formative and summative assessments will be given. Some of the technology that will be used is videos, Powerpoint grammar explanations, audio for listening activities, and response clickers.
In addition to the above assessments, students will be recorded speaking Spanish at regular intervals and their speaking proficiency level will be assessed and tracked, using the ACTFL levels of Oral Proficiency. By the end of the year, students should reach at least a Novice High level of oral proficiency.
Course Materials:
Students will bring the following materials to class every day:
· A 3 ring binder with 5 section dividers
· Notebook paper
· A blue or black pen
The text we will use is Avancemos 1. Additional materials will be provided as needed and may include authentic readings or videos, print ads, audio recordings, etc.
Units of Study:
Instruction is centered around thematic units that incorporate a broad spectrum of everyday topics such as:
Semester 1:
· Greetings, Introductions and Leave takings
· Numbers
· Classroom objects and expressions
· Weather
· Likes and dislikes
· Foods and beverages
· Activities
· Physical descriptions and personality traits
· Telling time
· Expressing feelings
· Family & pets
· Days of the week
· School Schedule & Classroom Objects
· Time, date and seasons
· Clothing and shopping
· Colors
Semester 2:
· Getting around town
· Ordering in a restaurant
· House and furniture
· Planning a party
· Chores
· Sports equipment
· Health and body parts
· Technology
· A trip to the Amusement park
The grammar that will be taught in each unit will be what is necessary to achieve the functions of language of each unit. For example, in order to describe people, a function (skill) to be mastered in the language, students will need to understand the verb ser (to be) as well as adjective agreement and placement. Each unit will have several functions of language to be mastered.
Grading will follow the Collierville Schools grading policy and weights for year averages, which are as follows:
Semester 1:
Qtr 1= 40%
Qtr 2= 40%
Mid year exam= 20%
Semester 2:
Qtr 3= 40%
Qtr 4= 40%
Final exam= 20%
The year grade is the average of the two semesters. In accordance with Collierville Schools policy, students with 3 or fewer excused absences and a 90% semester average may be excused from the mid-year and/or final exams.
Classroom rules and expectations:
· There is no food or drink allowed in class other than water.
· Students may not chew gum in class. It interferes with pronunciation and often ends up places it should not be, such as under a desk or on the carpet.
· Cell phone use is not permitted during class unless the teacher gives specific permission to use one. Cell phones should be out of sight, either in a pocket or bag, not out on the desk top.
· Students should be in their seat working on bell work when the “bell rings.” Since we are in the portables, there is not an actual bell so the expected start time will be discussed and must be adhered to.
· Cheating in any form, including copying of homework, will not be tolerated and will earn a zero for that assignment. Cheating on any assessment (quiz, test, project, etc) will also earn a referral to the grade-level administrator, as per Collierville High School Policy.
· Late work is accepted only if we have not gone over the assignment in class already. If we go over the assignment in class, I will not accept it late for any credit. For work we do not go over, the assignment will lose 15% credit for one day late and 30% credit for two days late. Work more than 2 days late will earn no credit. This does not apply to absences. If you are absent and turn in work the day you return, it is not considered late.
The course is a standards’ based course with all objectives- those for the quarter and the semester, as well as the daily objectives- being targeted to meet the Tennessee State standards for World Language. Those standards are listed below with the Student Performance Indicators.
I. Standard Number 1: Communicate in a Language Other Than English
1.1 In the target language, engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
1.2 Understand and interpret both written and spoken forms of the target language on a variety of topics.
1.3 Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
II. Standard Number 2: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
III. Standard Number 3: Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information
3.1 Reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.
3.2 Acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures.
IV. Standard Number 4: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
4.2 Recognize that cultures use different patterns of interaction and can apply this knowledge to their own culture.
V. Standard Number 5: Participate in Multicultural Communities and Global Societies
5.1 Use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2 Show evidence of becoming lifelong learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.