The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) has established three separate funding categories for the Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17) Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-of-School Time (ASOST-Q) grant program.
An applicant may apply for funds in ONE of the following categories.
Please see the RFP for additional details about each of these categories.
Category A:Quality Enhancements / Category B:
Regional or Statewide Professional Development (PD) / Category C:
Service-Learning (SL) Curriculum Development
Primary Purpose / To support program quality enhancement activities related to the quality criteria areas established by ESE and the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC). / To support regional networks of out-of-school time (OST*) providers, particularly those selected to receive funding in Category A (ASOST-Q grantees), in enhancing program quality through professional development. / To support partnerships working with ESE to improve OST program quality by developing, piloting, documenting and sharing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), health, or social science service-learning (SL) curricula for OST.
Maximum Grant Request
For FY17 / $20,000 / $20,000 / $35,000
Expected continuation eligibility in FY18*
*for funded FY17 applicants / Up to $20,000 to support continuous program improvement in FY18 / Up to $20,000 to support professional development and networking activities in FY18 / Up to $35,000 to support the development, piloting and documentation of an additional new SL curricula in FY18 at the same or new program sites.
Approximate % of available funds to be awarded / 75-80% / 5% / 15-20%
Part III pages/questions / Questions A1-A7
(on pages 2-5) / Questions B1-B7
(on pages 6-7) / Questions C1-C4
(on pages 8-11)
- The term “OST” in this document refers to currently existing programs/services provided during out-of-school time (including after-school, vacations, weekends, before-school and summer), regardless of whether or not those programs/services are/were supported with a Fund Code (FC) 530 ASOST-Q grant in this current or previous fiscal years.
- Category A applicants that currently receive an FY16 FC 530 ASOST-Q (Category A) grant, must propose new quality enhancements to programming. Quality enhancements implemented during September 1, 2015 – August 31, 2016 should be identified/described in the current program description (Category A – Question A3).
- Applicants may delete the pages that are not applicable to the category for which they are applying.
Name of Grant Program: Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-of-School Time (ASOST-Q) / Fund Code: 530
A1. Category A: Quality Enhancements
(Applicants for this category must complete Questions A1 – A7, on pages 2-5 of the original version of this document.)
Amount Requested
($20,000 maximum): / School Year / Summer
$ / $
Applicant Agency:
Program Coordinator Name/Title:
Phone: / Email:
2016-2017 / Summer 2017
Total number of children/youth projected to be served at sites to be enhanced by this grant:
Grade Level(s)to be served: (check all that apply) / K-5 / 6-8 / 9-12
Targeted Population(s): For each category below, indicate the approximate percentage of children/youth who will be served at sites to be enhanced by this grant.
% Economically Disadvantaged (formerly known as Low Income): / % Students with IEPs: / % English Language Learners:
Total number of sites to be enhanced by this grant:
Please list each site to be enhanced through this grant below: (add rows if needed)
Site / City/Town / Site / City/Town
Will quality enhancements be implemented in a school or in partnership with a school(s) designated as Level 3, 4, or 5 under Massachusetts' District and School Accountability and Assistance System
Yes Please list school(s):
Which of the following applies to your program with respect to licensing?
EEC LicensedLicense Exempt
Public School OperatedOther Community Based Organization
Which of the following partners will be involved in implementing/supporting proposed quality enhancements?
public school(s) Please list:
non-public school(s) Please list:
community-based organization(s): Please list:
Does your program receive contracts and/or vouchers from EEC? No Yes
If applicable, do any of your partner sites receive contracts and/or vouchers from EEC? No Yes
Does your program charge tuition for participation in program activities?*
No Yes – IF YES, how much do you charge?
Do you have a sliding scale for families who may not be able to afford tuition? Yes No
*Please note that funded programs are required to ensure that scholarships, sliding scale fees, or other resources are available for families who may not be able to afford tuition.
Name of Grant Program: Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-of-School Time (ASOST-Q) / Fund Code: 530
Responses to the Questions A2-A7 must be completed within this document, cannot exceed 10 pages, and must maintain the existing margins, question text, and font style and size. All questions are highlighted in gray. Please complete responses in the white space following each question.
A2. Program Type: Which of the following best describe(s) the program that will be enhanced through this grant?
Comprehensive Program for which students enroll for a set number of days for the semester or the year. These programs provide a structured, formal program that includes a variety of activities for both academics and enrichment.Specialized Program for which students enroll for a set number of days for the semester or the year. These programs’ services are limited to a specialized activity. (For example, an arts organization offering a drama club two days/week.)
Drop-in Program for which students enroll, but are not necessarily expected to be in attendance every day or for a set number of days each week.
Other (Please describe):
NOTE: Activities supported by this grant must be enhancing programming that takes place outside of the regularly scheduled school day.
A3. Typical Day:
- Provide a one-paragraph, general description of existing OST program services offered that includes the grade level and number of youth served, the number of days/week and hours/day the program operates. (Note: This could be the description used to promote your program to families.)
- Provide a narrative (1 page maximum) describing what a typical day looks like at the proposed OST program. The response to this question should be in the form of a story that describes a student’s experience in the program. The narrative should address the elements of current programming or program practices that align to the quality areas (See Question A5 below.)
A4. Anticipated total funding to support OST programming in FY17: Please complete the chart below describing all funds that will support the OST programming provided by the lead applicant and partners. Please indicate the amount of funding, and in the “Detail” column list the sources. Please note: The amounts reflected here should, at minimum, reflect support for the operation of the existing OST programming that is being enhanced. Please do not include the amount you are requesting from this proposal.
Funding Category / Total Amount / DetailFederal (include 21st CCLC here)
State (include EEC subsidy funds here)
Private (include foundation grants, private donations, etc.)
A5. Proposed Quality Enhancements:
The quality criteria areas below have been established by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (Department) in partnership with the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) to guide collaborative statewide system-building efforts for OST* services that will help children and youth in the Commonwealth to be productive and contributing citizens. See the Guidelines for Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-of-School Time programs (also found in the RFP’s Additional Information section) for more details.)
These quality criteria areas encompass many of the elements measured through EEC’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS), and both programs have as a main goal the quality of OST programming. Applicants that are also part of QRIS are encouraged to propose quality enhancement activities that support advancement through the QRIS levels and/or that are part of Continuous Program Improvement Plans.
Applicants must propose activities to enhance at least one of the quality criteria areas listed below. Proposing enhancements in multiple areas is allowable, but is not required, and will not necessarily result in a stronger application.
For which quality criteria area(s) are you proposing to implement enhancements? (Put an ‘x’ next to all that apply)
A. Comprehensive Academic and Non-Academic ProgrammingB. Partnerships
C. Serving Special Populations
D. Family Involvement
E. Highly Qualified Staff
F. Evaluation Systems
A6. Program Capacity:
- (Maximum 1 page) Describe the agency/organization’s previous experience with similar amounts of funding at state, federal, or local levels through government, foundation, or private grants.
- Append to this application proof of fiscal responsibility, for example, a copy of the most recent annual audit letter (the entire audit need not be attached.)
The goal of this state funded grant program is to enhance the quality of OST programs and services to improve the academic, physical, social, and emotional wellness of public and non-public school-age youth during the school year and the summer months. Awarded applicants will be provided access to common statewide program evaluation tools/resources to support continuous program improvement. Grantees are required to participate in the following evaluation-related activities:
- Attend/participate in a Department-sponsored training on APAS* (A Program Assessment System) tools, in the Fall (2016).
- Use pre/post data about your program, gathered using the APT-O, APT-Q and any other existing program evaluation tools, to analyze areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.
*The APT-O and APT-Q are tools that are also used as part of the EEC’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS).
A7. Proposed Quality Enhancements (continued):Reminder: The activities proposed should directly align to the quality enhancement areas selected above, as well as the needs described (below).
Proposed Enhancements: Describe planned activities, supported by this grant that will enhance existing activities or programming. Please specify what will happen, who will do it and when. (paragraph form and/or bullets are acceptable)
Need for Enhancements: Describe the identified need(s), including any barriers to participation, which the proposed enhancements will help to address. Please include data, where appropriate, to demonstrate the need(s).
Anticipated Outcomes: Briefly describe what change(s) is (are) expected as a result of the proposed enhancement activities? / Baseline (# or %) / Target (# or %) / By when will you see these changes? / How will you measure change?
Budget Justification:
Describe how requested grants funds will support the proposed program enhancement activities.
Note: Applicants requesting funding to support existing staff costs must provide a clear justification for the allocation of these costs to the proposed enhancements.
Name of Grant Program: Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-of-School Time (ASOST-Q) / Fund Code: 530B1. Category B: Regional or Statewide Professional Development (PD)
(Applicants for this category must complete Questions B1 – B6, on pages 6-7 of the original version of this document.)
Total Amount of Grant Funds Requested
($20,000 maximum): / School Year (through 6/30/17) / Summer (7/1/17-8/31/17)
$ / $
Applicant Agency:
Program Coordinator Name/Title:
Phone: / Email:
Proposed number of educators to be engaged in PD through this grant:
Proposed number of PD sessions to be offered through this grant:
B2. Regional or Statewide: Please indicate the region(s) in which proposed PD and networking will occur. The Department’s District and School Assistance Centers regions will be used as a framework to determine regions. Schools/programs in Commissioner’s Districts will be considered part of the region in which the city/town where they are located lies.
Statewide (To be considered for “Statewide” implementation, applicant must propose professional development (which includes opportunities for networking) for all regions listed below. Opportunities offered may be virtual.AND/OR
Greater Boston
West (Includes “Berkshires” and “Pioneer Valley”)
B3. Quality Criteria Areas:
The quality enhancement criteria areas have been established by the Department in partnership with the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) to guide collaborative statewide system-building efforts for OST services that will help children and youth in the Commonwealth to be productive and contributing citizens.
Professional development (PD) activities must meet the Massachusetts Standards for PD and include opportunities for networking. PD may include training/webinar series.
Programs applying for funds in this category must propose to offer PD in one or more of these quality areas. Applicants in this category are expected to align PD offerings to the current needs of the OST field. A summary of the results from the Department/EEC’s most recent survey of PD needs of OST providers can be found in the Additional Information section of the RFP.
For which quality criteria area(s) are you proposing to implement PD? (Put an ‘x’ next to all that apply)
A. Comprehensive Academic and Non-Academic ProgrammingB. Partnerships
C. Serving Special Populations
D. Family Involvement
E. Highly Qualified Staff
F. Evaluation Systems
Name of Grant Program: Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-of-School Time (ASOST-Q) / Fund Code: 530
B4. Experience: Please describe current or previous experience providing professional development for OST programs. Include specific experience in providing these opportunities related to the quality areas selected above.
B5. Proposed Activities and Timeline: Please describe the proposed PD offerings to be provided using this grant funding. Include the following for each:,
- Session Title
- 1-paragraph description
- Session Format (face-to-face, webinar, hybrid, etc.)
- Target Audience (program administrators, direct staff, etc.)
- Timeframe (including time of year/date, if known, # of hours)
B6. Program Capacity:
- (Maximum 1 page) Describe the agency/organization’s previous experience with similar amounts of funding at state, federal, or local levels through government, foundation, or private grants.
- Append to this application proof of fiscal responsibility, for example, a copy of the most recent annual audit letter (the entire audit need not be attached.)
Name of Grant Program: Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-of-School Time (ASOST-Q) / Fund Code: 530Category C: SL Curriculum Development
FISCAL YEAR 2017 PROGRAM OVERVIEW(Applicants for this category must complete pages 9-11.)
Service-Learning (SL) is a teaching and learning methodology that engages students in identifying, researching, proposing and implementing solutions to real needs and problems in their school or community as part of their curriculum.
Funded applicants and their partners will receive professional development (PD) and coaching from, and work with the Department to develop SL curricula to be piloted during an existing summer program.
Funded applicants will identify a curriculum writing team, including representatives from the participating OST programs and partners, which will:
- Participate in Department-provided PD sessions and coaching (up to 7 days, including two on-site at the program(s) – see below for more details);
- Pilot the newly developed SL curriculum during the summer, engaging youth in the SL curriculum for a minimum of 25 hours over a minimum of 4 weeks. (This project may be one component of a bigger summer program, and may include additional hours/weeks as determined by the applicant.); and
- Work with the Department to document and submit curriculum materials developed to serve as examples for other summer programs. The Department and its partners will provide a template for the curriculum and lesson plans, and will also support the publication of developed curricula. Note: The curriculum materials developed may not include copy-written resources and must be in a format for other OST programs to replicate free of charge.
Applicant teams must include the following representation:
- A project coordinator (lead applicant);
- Staff from the OST site, ideally who will also pilot the curriculum, and
- At least one teacher (with grade-level and content area experience aligned with the proposed content area and targeted student population)
Teams are required to participate in Department-sponsored PD and coaching, which will tentatively include:
- Team members participating in the curriculum writing must attend (or have attended) a 2-day or 4-day SL training. It is recommended that team members that will implement the curriculum also participate in this training as well. The Department will offer multiple 2-day SL trainings throughout the year.
- Late-Fall: 1-day Kickoff
- Winter: (January – March 2017) On-Site/Virtual Coaching Visits (1 day per grantee on-site)
- Winter: 1-day Lesson Sharing, Feedback and Planning
- Spring: Team planning on-site/Virtual (Department staff/partners will be available as needed for technical assistance)
- Summer: Program visit / Documentation support (1-day per grantee on-site)
- Summer: 1-day Reflective Practice Session
Unless noted as “on-site,” the sessions above will bring together all teams (likely at a central location).
Name of Grant Program: Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-of-School Time (ASOST-Q) / Fund Code: 530C1. Category C: SL Curriculum Development
(Applicants for this category must complete Questions C1 – C5; on pages 9-11 of the original version of this document.)
Total Amount of Grant Funds Requested ($35,000 maximum): / School Year
(through 6/30/17) / Summer
$ / $
Lead Applicant Agency:
Grant Contact/Coordinator Name/Title:
OST Site Information
School or Organization:
OST Program Name (if different from site name)
Site Contact Name/Title:
Program Type (e.g. school, CBO, etc.)
Students to be served: Please provide the following information about the projected number / percentage of students who will engage in the summer service-learning (SL) project.
Grade-level / # of students / Sub-groups / % of students
K-5 / Economically Disadvantaged
6-8 / English Language Learners
9-12 / Students with Disabilities
Please indicate which of the following Content Area(s) will be covered in the proposed curriculum. (Put an ‘x’ next to all that apply.)
NOTE: All applicants are expected to identify English language arts (ELA) and mathematics standards that will be covered.
In addition, through the PD and curriculum writing process, the Department and its partners will help funded applicants to make explicit connections to civic and social and emotional learning (SEL) skills/competencies supported through the curriculum. / Science, Technology/Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Social Sciences
Service-Learning Topic: to be covered in the proposed curriculum. (If known.)
The service-learning topic is the community need or problem area that the students will work on. For example, students might focus on: hunger/homelessness, environment, school safety, bullying, etc.
It is not required that a topic is chosen prior to applying, however, funded applicants will finalize the topic during planning.
Responses to the following questions must be completed within this document within the indicated page limits, and must maintain the existing margins, question text, and font style and size.