FY09-10 Strategic Planning Form – GOALS, ACTION PLANS, ASSESSMENT
Program/Unit/Area: / Off-Campus Programs / Preparer: Juan Lujan / Supervisor: F. HerzekFY 2009-2010 Program Goal 1 Unit Goal 1 Area Goal 1 (Check Appropriate Box) / College wide Goal
1. / Enhance quality and availability of student support services at EVC Indio and MTC. / 1
2. / Develop strategies for strengthening and promoting existing course offerings at all Off-Campus Program / 2
Goal # / Obj # / Objectives / Responsible Unit/Area
1. / 1.1 / Collaborate with Student Services deans in strengthening and maintaining A&R, Counseling and Financial Services at EVC and MTC facilities. / Office of OCP
1.2 / Expand linkages with east valley educational partners in promoting EVC and MTC college opportunities / Office of OCP
2. / 2.1 / Work collaboratively with the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Instructional Deans on / Office of OCP
enhancement of Off-Campus Programs course offerings
2.2 / Develop marketing and promotional plan for Off-Campus Programs courses pursuant of / Office of OCP
college goals.
Obj # / Action Plan # / Action Plan (What specific steps will you take to implement your goals and objectives) / Responsible Unit/Area
1.1 / 1.1.1 / Maintain communication and meetings with Student Support Services deans. / Office of OCP
1.1.2 / Provide student surveys at EVC and MTC assessing Student Support Services / Office of OCP
1.1.3 / Expand availability of college materials and information to east valley residents / Office of OCP
1.2 / 1.2.1 / Work in close collaboration with ESLN Office in promoting ESLN courses in east valley / Office of OCP
1.2.2 / Promote student learning and success at EVC and MTC
2.1 / 2.1.1 / Finalize new EVC Liberal Arts Degree flyer / Office of OCP
2.1.2 / Finalize new WVC course offerings flyer for 2009/2010 / Office of OCP
2.2 / 2.2.1 / Work collaboratively with Thermal and Mecca communities in promotion of MTC facility / Office of OCP
2.2.2 / Work with campus P.I. office in advertising of OCP course offerings / Office of OCP
1.1, 2.1 / Why should this goal/objective/action plan be done?
Will this goal/objective/action plan benefit other areas of the college? If so, how?
Will this goal/objective/action plan impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how?
Does this goal/objective/action plan fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how?
Does this goal/objective/action plan address a safety issue? If so, how?
Resources Requested Action Plans
Plan # / Staff/Faculty / Operations / Equipment / Facilities / TOTAL
1.1.1 / $ 0
1.1.2 / $ 0
1.1.3 / $ 0
1.2.1 / $ 0
1.2.2 / $ 0
2.1.1 / $ 0
2.1.2 / $ 0
2.2.1 / $ 0
2.2.2 / $ 0
Assessment (how will you measure the “success” of your objective) and Indicators (the specific information that will be collected)
Action Plan # / Who is Responsible? / Assessment Interval (When will you measure?) / Method of Assessment (How will you measure?) / Target Result (What will change and by how much?) / Indicator (What are you measuring?)
1.1.1 / Lujan/Gonzalez/ Loera / June 2010 / Scheduled meetings and dialogue / Attend 85% scheduled meetings / Effective coordination and oversight of Student Support Services at EVC and MTC
1.1.2 / Lujan / June 2010 / Assessing contact and interaction with east valley communities / Increase by 30% community contact with EVC and MTC facilities / Enhancement of Student Services component at EVC and MTC
1.1.3 / Lujan / June 2010 / Assessing contact and meetings with east valley groups / Enhanced community awareness of EVC and MTC / Effective promotion of college resources to east valley residents
1.2.1 / Lujan/Ryerson / June 2010 / Increased enrollments of ESLN students at EVC and MTC / Growth of ESLN FTES at EVC and MTC / Effectiveness and efficiency of promotion of ESLN Program at EVC and MTC
1.2.2 / Lujan / June 2010 / Assessing college-wide data on EVC and MTC enrolled students / Increased value and benefit of COD to east valley residents / Support of student learning and enrollment growth at EVC and MTC
2.1.1 / Lujan/Gaughan / October 2009 / EVC AA flyer completed and distributed / Increased exposure of EVC AA degree / Student and community response to availability of AA degree at EVC
2.1.2 / Lujan/Gaughan / September 2009 / WVC flyer completed and distributed / Increased exposure of WVC course offerings / Enhancement of community response to WVC course offerings
2.2.1 / Lujan/Herzek / June 2010 / Meetings and interaction with east valley community groups / Enhanced awareness of MTC facility / Increased enrollments of MTC course offerings
2.2.2 / Lujan/Jones / June 2010 / Completion of EVC & WVC student surveys / Assessment of & follow-up of survey results / Effectiveness & efficiency of OCP publicity & advertisement
For CPC use only: CPC Initials ______
Approved contingent on available funding Approved w/no funding Re-submit with noted changes Not approved