FY 2018 Arts and Cultural Heritage

Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council has summarized the list of questions in the online application, which includes project questions and data collection questions. Start with your Organization Name and Amount Requested.

Application Questions

Organization Name*

Provide name of your Organization for filing purposes (less than 10 words)

Amount Requested*

Amount Requested

Total Project Expense*

(from budget form)

Total Annual Expenses from last fiscal year.*

FY 2018 Arts and Cultural Heritage Grant Guidelines

PLEASE READ THESE GRANT GUIDELINES FIRST! They contain important information that must be reviewed prior to starting an application: ACH GRANT GUIDELINES

1.We recommend that you write your answers in a word-processing document first; thencopy and paste them into the appropriate fields in this application.

2.Here are the application questions in a Microsoft Word document: ACH Application Questions

3.For most narrative fields, the character limit is 10,000 characters. The PLRAC Board appreciates clear and concise answers, while still answering the questions fully.

4.Call the PLRAC office for assistance regarding grant program eligibility andcorresponding applications.

5.We recommend that you review the GRANT REVIEW CRITERIA used by the PLRAC Board to score your application.

6.Remember you need to convert documents from hard copy format to digital PDF format, Word or Excel in order to upload them to your application. Contact the PLRAC office ifyou need further assistance.


Project Description*

List the individual activities, programs, and dates you will undertake in this project and for which you need Arts & Cultural Heritage funding. This list of activities will also be expenses on the project’s budget. If you plan to sponsor a group, you must list the name of the group, contact name, address, email, cost ofthe group and type of group, i.e. music, theater, dance, visual artist, etc. If you plan to present music groups, you must list the music genre per group, and cost as noted in the guidelines. Later in the application you will be asked to upload the artists(s) resume. You must include all dates.

If you are focusing your grant primarily on equipment and/or facilities updates answer these questions.

1. Describe how these equipment items will improve or increase the artistic capabilities of your organization and allow you to create an arts legacy for the community.

2. How did staff or board members determine the need for this equipment and/or facilities improvement? Explain.

Arts Education School Grant Applicants Only

School Grant Applicants continue their Project Description by answering one of these questions. There are 3 main types of school projects, and they are included below.

Residency: What core group or class of students will work daily with the artist; how will this be integrated into the current arts curriculum; how will you present the teacher in-service training and set up the schedule?

Live Arts Performance or Mini-workshop: Will this activity be presented to the entire school and in what location? How do you plan to invite the general public to this activity?

Field-trip: What group or class of students will participate and what preparation will be done prior to the field-trip?

Project Start Date*

The start date for a PLRAC grant is defined as the point at which the project is set in motion (e.g. rehearsals, advertising and public notification, payment of fees, ordering and/or paying for supplies or printed material, etc.). No expenses can be incurred prior to the project start date.

Earliest start dates for FY 2018:

Deadline 8/1/17, Review 8/17/17, Earliest Start Date 9/1/17

Deadline 2/1/18, Review 3/22/18, Earliest Start Date 4/1/18

Project End Date*

Projects must be concluded by June 30, 2019 (or as directed in your contract) and as described in the grant application and budget. Any changes must be requested and cleared in writing in advance with PLRAC. A final report must be submitted within 60 days of the project end date.

When determining a project end date, applicants should allow time for all project bills to be processed.

Location of Activity*

Where will the grant activity take place? List the location, address, city and zip code where the grant activity will take place. If more than one location is utilized, list all of them plus each address.

Dates of Activity*

List the number of days the grant activity will take place at each location.

List of all Events related to this application, and use of funds.*

Yearly Programming Description*

Organizations must have yearly programming that fits within the areas of Arts Programming, Arts Education, and Arts and Cultural Heritage Festivals. Give a brief description of your yearly programming.

Ability of Organization*

Provide in paragraph format the ability of the organization to carry out the proposed request. Describe your organization's governing body. Include the year the organization was started, when it became incorporated as a non-profit; and the mission statement.

List of Board Members*

List of board officers and members, and their qualifications, job, or community affiliation. (i.e. John Smith, President, Mankato - former teacher and visual artist.) Do you have committees; if so, list.

List of Board Members for Data Collection*

List your organization’s Board Members alphabetically, first and last name only separated by a comma.


Who coordinates the activities of the organization, are they volunteers or paid staff, and who's in charge of this project? Include the names of the directors, artists, and other salaried people for the project and include the resumes of any paid artist or staff person listed in the budget.

Resume of Staff*

Attach the resume of your staff.

File Size Limit: 1 MB


Is your organization a membership organization? If so, tell the number of members, how the membership drive is conducted, and the cost of membership. Are the fees generated by membership reflected in the budget (yes/no)?


Describe the marketing & publicity plan for the proposed project including how you will credit the grant funding, should you receive it. What type of publicity will you employ: newspaper, radio, direct mail, web, etc.? What are the timelines for your publicity?

Counties Served*

List the counties or communities your organization reaches (include participants and audience) and your efforts to gain participants/audiences around the region.

Community Involvement*

Describe the community involvement and support for the project. For example, how are community groups showing their support of the proposed project (financially, through monetary or in-kind donations of supplies or space or personnel, etc.)? Detail the collaborations planned with community organizations, businesses, and community members. Explain what benefits will result to your community from this project.

Risk or Growth*

a. List the arts projects your organization has completed in the past three years; and list any previous PLRAC

arts grants received from Prairies Lakes during 2014-2017. (List the type of grant, year, and full amount.)

b. If your organization received a grant from PLRAC in the last three years how much risk or growth does this project represent?

Artistic Quality and Merit

**This section is available to applicants that need to provide more detail about the Extra Paid Artists involved in their project.** Applicants like concert associations and music series who pay artists, performers, music groups.

If you have already included the names of individuals who coordinate your activities and the conductors and their resumes earlier in the grant questions; you may not need to answer the questions below. Write:Not Applicable.

Extra Paid Artists Involved in Your Project

List the names and artistic disciplines of all artists, as well as the names and roles/responsibilities of other key personnel involved in the project. Note: If you have already listed paid artists/conductors/personnel previously, then answer this question Not Applicable.

Quality & Selection

Describe the rationale for selecting these extra paid artists and companies (if a presentation project) or program and selections (if a production project). How did you decide on the performer, theatre production, instructor, etc.?

Resumes: Artists for this Project

You are required to submit up-to-date Artist resumes documenting training and accomplishments in the art discipline being used in the project.

Resumes must be limited to no more than 2 pages per person. You are welcome to combine multiple resumes into one document since there are only two upload fields available for this information.

File Size Limit: 2 MB

Additional Resumes

File Size Limit: 2 MB

Artist Work Samples

Work samples, with accompanying work sample description, are required if you are paying an artist a substantial amount of money as part of the grant. For instance, a musician/group is being paid an artist fee of $500 to $1,000.

For Visual Art: If you have several artists as part of a gallery exhibition you may just provide narrative information about each artist. If you want to provide a work sample of the visual artist, select one or two images to upload.

For Written Materials: Submit up to 3 pages of literary work representative of the artist's work or provide narrative information about each artist in another section of the application.

For Audio/Video: Submit a single work or a series of works not to exceed a total running time of five minutes. List the names of the selected pieces below, including running time and the year it was produced.

Or upload a web link to a YouTube video.

Work Samples (upload #1)

File Size Limit: 6 MB

Work sample description

Character Limit: 1000

Work Samples (upload #2)

File Size Limit: 4 MB

Work sample description

Character Limit: 1000

Website / YouTube

You may include a website or YouTube web address that helps validate the artistic quality of the artists involved in your proposed project.

Additional web address

Web / YouTube description

Describe what the web address(es) you provided are meant to show.

Budget Clarification

Project Budget Form*

Download, save, and fill out the Excel budget form for your project: Art Project Budget Form

When the form is complete, upload it into your application.

File Size Limit: 1 MB

Cash Expenses*

Which cash expenses on the budget will grant funds be used for? These expenses collectively should equal your grant request. Be specific about how you would use these funds and prioritize them.

Equipment Clarification

If you are applying for equipment, list how it matches to programming/goals, etc. How does this purchase of equipment coincide with the mission of the organization and how will it increase their artistic ability? Describe the equipment, include timeline for completing. Include two quotes or estimates for equipment if the value is over $500 for a single item; otherwise one quote will be sufficient. List the other sources sought for funding this equipment if the PLRAC grant is only a part of the total cost? If you are applying for more than one item, prioritize your equipment expenses, with number one being the top priority.

Revenue Sources to Match Grant*

List the revenue sources to match this grant and what are the amounts (i.e. cash budgeted by the organization, grants, earned income and community fundraising).These amounts should be reflected on your budget.

Profit or (Loss) From Last Project*

What profit or (loss) was made on the last project? Applicants should refer to their previous year’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Final Report to Prairie Lakes. On the application budget page, account for any profit earned the previous year, as part of the organizational funds budgeted for the project.

Audience Numbers From Last Three Years

Provide audience numbers for the last three years.

Number of people and/or tickets sold:

Number of performances:

% of total capacity:

How Do You Plan to Break Even on Expenses and Revenue?*

Describe what methods you are using to breakeven on the expenses and revenue for this project (i.e. are you increasing participation by participants or audience, are you seeking additional financial support through community fundraising, registration fees, ticket sales or free-will offering at events?)

Outcome Evaluation Plan and Minnesota Legacy Goals

Having project goals and planning your evaluation methods is a critical part of receiving funding for your project.

The goals of the project you are proposing must support at least one of the '5 Main Goals' of Minnesota Arts Legacy funding:

1. Supporting artists and arts organizations in creating, producing and presenting high quality arts activities.

2. Overcoming barriers to accessing high-quality arts activities.

3. Instilling the arts into the community and public life in our region.

4. Supporting high-quality, age-appropriate arts education for residents of all ages to develop knowledge, skills, and understanding of the arts.

5. Supporting events and activities that represent the diverse ethnic and cultural arts traditions including folk and traditional artists and art organizations, represented in this region.

Arts Legacy Goals and Arts & Cultural Heritage Investment Summary*

Your answers to the following questions will be used to evaluate the impact of your project.

1. How does this project instill the Arts into your community and public life?

2. How does this project provide a high quality arts experience?*

3. How does this project overcome barriers so Minnesotans can access high quality arts experiences?*

4. How does this project help to develop knowledge, skills, and understanding of the arts?*

5. How does this project help to represent diverse ethnic and cultural arts traditions? (Optional, if this is not the focus of your project.)

When you answer the following questions, please make sure your answers are

SMART. S =Specific, M = Measurable, A = Achievable, R = Realistic and T = Time-bound.

For assistance in determining appropriate project goals and evaluation methods, please refer to the Guidelines.

*Your evaluation plan, as well as the actual outcomes detailed in your final report, are required by State Legislation and will be reported to a central website, available to the general public, maintained by the Legislative Coordinating Commission.*

How will you know that you Achieved your Goal(s)?*

Answer the following questions about your goals, methods for evaluating the changes that you anticipate, and how you will gather the results.

1. What are the Goals of the project (increase audiences or the number of arts activities), other?

Target Population*

2. Who specifically will be the target populations of your project?

How Will The Target Population Be Affected?*

3. How specifically will this target population be affected by the project?

4. How will you know?

5. How will the larger community benefit? *

Select at least one or two different “Goal Statements” that your organization will focus on as part of this project.

Goal Statements for Arts Programming and Arts Access 1

The number of Minnesotans who are able to participate in the arts increases.


Goal Statements for Arts Programming and Arts Access 2

The quality, types and number of arts opportunities in our region, and the organizations or venues that offer them increases.


Goal Statements for Arts Programming and Arts Access 3

Real or perceived barriers to arts participation and arts access are identified and addressed.


Goal Statements for Arts Programming and Arts Access 4

New relationships with members of groups that have traditionally been underserved by the arts or by the applicant organization are built.


Goal Statements for Arts Education 5

The number of Minnesotans who are engaged in arts education and learning opportunitiesincreases.


Goal Statements for Arts Education 6

The quality and types of arts education and learning opportunities in our region, and the organizations or venues that offer them increases.


Goal Statements for Arts Education 7

Real or perceived barriers to arts learning are identified and addressed.


Goal Statements for Arts and Cultural Heritage Festival 8

The number of Minnesotans who participate in arts festivals and folk and traditional activities increases.


Goal Statements for Arts and Cultural Heritage Festival 9

The variety and number of festivals and traditional arts activities in our region/state increases.


Select at least one or two different “Outcome statements” your organization will address with your project. These correspond with your Goal Statements.

Outcome Statements For Arts Programming and Arts Access 1

Minnesotans participate in the arts because arts experiences are relevant and accessible to them.


Outcome Statements For Arts Programming and Arts Access 2

Minnesotans learn, grow or change because they participate in quality arts experiences.


Outcome Statements For Arts Programming and Arts Access 3

Grantee organizations change, expand, or enrich the ways they connect to their communities.


Outcome Statements For Arts Programming and Arts Access 4