Annual ASB Conference, Exhibition and Awards
10 and 11 November 2015
St Johns Hotel, Solihull, Birmingham
Programme Day one
10th November
09.00 / Delegate Registration opensCoffee and Exhibition viewing
10.00 / Exhibition formally opened by Roger Griffiths, Chair of RESOLVE Antisocial Behaviour
10.30 / Opening address
Roger Griffiths, Chair of RESOLVE Antisocial Behaviour
11.00 / Breakout sessions
A1 / Getting in on the Act & Accentuating the positives
Post commencement of the Antisocial Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014, this session examines if the reforms are achieving their stated objectives of putting victims at the heart of the response to ASB, and giving professionals the flexibility to deal with any given situation.
Six months on from the commencement of the new ASB injunction, we look at how positive requirements are being used by practitioners and questions if more can be done to derive fuller benefits from this new provision. / Melanie Dirom
Croftons Solicitors LLP
A2 / The big noise
Noise nuisance consistently registers as the number 1 source of complaint to landlords across the UK. Noise is extremely damaging and exacts a high price in terms of community health and wellbeing. The cost to services called upon to resolve noise problems is similarly huge. This session highlights effective approaches to managing and investigating complaints of noise nuisance along with the expectations of complainants, particularly in light of the ASB Crime and Policing Act 2014. / Heather Fottles and Kathy Sheldon
Nottingham City Homes,
Jane Rose & Ian Blake
Slough Borough Council
A3 / Achieving better outcomes through improved information sharing”?
Established in October 2014, The Centre of Excellence for Information Sharing’s vision is for users of public services to achieve better outcomes as a direct result of improved information sharing between agencies. This session will overview the Centre’s work to date, the learning derived from it and exchange ideas and experiences on how conference attendees can contribute to realising that vision. / Jovian Smalley
Engagement Manager
Imogen Fuller
Engagement Manager
A4 / Improving services, reducing costs and producing better outcomes for residents
Since late 2013 the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham has undertaken a transformative journey during which it has revolutionised its approach to tackling and dealing effectively with Anti Social Behaviour. In this session Jonathan will explore how the Borough has achieved and sustained a dramatic and positive improvement in service quality, effectiveness and efficiency. / Jonathan Woodhams
LB of Barking & Dagenham
A5 / Addressing mental health-related ASB
ASB practitioners report that a significant proportion of ASB cases they are dealing with have a mental health dimension. The need however may or may not be formally diagnosed and this is one of the many issues that make dealing with ASB of this kind particularly complex. Other issues include effective information sharing and partnership working between agencies.
Drawing on examples of good practice this session demonstrates how a common approach can be developed and implemented across agencies thereby delivering better outcomes for individuals in need. / Mike Owen, Partner
Capsticks LLP
Suzannah Marsden
Mental Health Manager
Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Community Safety Team
12.25 / Lunch and Exhibition Viewing
13.25 / Conference Plenary – An audience Jan Luba QC, Garden Chambers.
Recognised as one of the country’s foremost experts on social housing law, Jan will examine how ASB law and practice has developed since RESOLVE’s formation in 1995. Identifying successes, key developments and the biggest challenges facing practitioners, the session will include opportunity for delegates’ questions and comments.
14.20 / Refreshments and Exhibition viewing
14.40 / Breakout sessions
Morning sessions repeated
16.00 / Conference and Exhibition Close
Day 1, Evening 10th November
18.15 / Pre-dinner Drinks18.45- 19.45 / Awards Ceremony
20.00 / Conference Dinner - After dinner speaker
Guests will be entertained by Shaun Wallace
Shaun is a highly regarded criminal defence advocate, TV personality and former Mastermind Champion. Also known as “the Dark Destroyer” "The Barrister" and "The Legal Eagle" on ITV’s The Chase
Programme Day two
11th November
Chair of the day Chris Lowe, journalist and broadcaster08.45 / Registration, Refreshments and Exhibition Viewing
09.30 / Opening Address / Chris Lowe
09.45 / Keynote Session:
One of the country’s leading barristers and an expert on human rights issues, will explain how changes to legislation and caselaw over the last year impact on ASB policy and practice. / Kuljit Bhogal
Joint Head of the Housing Team
Cornerstones Barristers
10.45 / Refreshments and Exhibition viewing
11.00 / 2 minute silence
11.02 / Breakout sessions
C1 / Incentivising behavioural change – is conditionality effective?
A core principle of conditionality holds that access to certain basic, publicly provided, welfare benefits and services should be dependent on an individual first agreeing to meet particular obligations or patterns of behaviour. Those in favour of welfare conditionality believe that individuals who refuse to behave in a responsible manner (e.g. ensure their children attend school), or who continue to behave irresponsibly (e.g. engage in anti-social behaviour, refuse to accept help in tackling the problems they may face) should have their rights to support reduced or removed.
Drawing on the latest research from the ESRC funded Welfare Conditionality Project, [Jane Bright, Impact Officer, Welfare Conditionality Project, University of York] examines how effective conditionality is and whether there are any particular circumstances in which the use of conditionality may, or may not be, justifiable. / Professor John Flint, Lead Researcher on ASB, Sheffield University
C2 / Enthusiasm
As we face significant challenges because of cuts to services, where does that leave our estates/ neighbourhoods? We face having fewer resources to engage with our young people in communities. Will this lead to an increase in ASB? The Enthusiasm Trust has developed a working practice ‘The Enthusiasm Local’ over the past 20 years that:
1. Empowers communities from within
2. Provides relevant and appropriate interventions for young people to see them fulfil their potential
3. Leaves a lasting legacy of community involvement and ownership
Joe Russo, the founder and Chief Executive of The Enthusiasm Trust talks about principles and workable solutions. / Joe Russo
Chief Executive of The Enthusiasm Trust
C3 / Assessing quality and planning improvement
This session will provide delegates with practical advice on and insights into conducting objective assessments of ASB services that are realistic, viable and help drive real improvement. / Jagveen Bagary, Resolve ASB
Nick Bale
Derby Homes
C4 / Using Closure Orders - Outside of the Norm?
This session will examine the use of Closure Orders and how effective they can be in dealing with issues outside of the norm. Inspector David Brennan from Merseyside Police will share his experience of using this tool for the first time in a case where there was a Safeguarding concern, how effective it was put to use in dealing with the alleged problem of Child Sexual Exploitation by collaborative working .The speed and effective outcome has led to more Closure Orders being used for a wide range of issues with Registered Providers keen to play a part in the process to deliver an effective outcome.
The session will be interactive and will give attendees the opportunity to discuss the barriers they maybe facing in utilising this effective tool in instances outside of the norm as more pressure is placed on the sector to deliver swift enforcement action to reassure communities. / Sharon McLoughlin Your Housing Group &
Inspector David Brennan from Merseyside Police
C5 / Policy & Procedures
“Following the overhaul of ASB legislation, it has become increasingly important for organisations to review their existing ASB policies and procedures to ensure that they are fit for purpose and allow full use of all available tools and powers. As some of the most important documents that any ASB service will possess, this session will share best practice in terms of content and wording, as well as exploring some of common mistakes made when drafting these documents, which can often lead to lengthy court hearings and undesirable outcomes” / Lindsay Felstead, Partner, Clarke Willmott LLP
12.15 / Lunch and Exhibition Viewing
12.20 / RESOLVE Antisocial Behaviour Annual General Meeting
Company Members only
13.15 / Keynote session: TBC
14.15 / Refreshments and Exhibition viewing
14.30 / Breakout sessions
Morning sessions repeated
15.45 / Conference close
Programme and Speakers may be subject to change