FY 2016 Michigan Planning Program Emphasis Areas (PEA’s)

Developed Jointly by FHWA-Michigan Division and the Michigan DOT. Incorporates April 23, 2014 joint PEA’s developed by FHWA and FTA Headquarters.

Planning Program Vision

To have long-range plans and short-term programs in place which are transparent to the public, multi-modal in scope, beneficial to the user when implemented, and are efficiently managed by staff.

Specific goals to support this vision include:

•  Implement performance-based planning for both Statewide and Metropolitan planning

•  Encourage an intermediate plan element (10 years) within Michigan’s TMA Regional Transportation Plans

•  Promote the use of technology to facilitate program development and management

•  Strengthen the relationship between land use and transportation in plans

•  Improve the stability of the STIP.

Planning Emphasis Areas

MAP-21 Implementation: Performance-Based Planning and Programming (PBPP)

As the nation develops performance measures and targets, MDOT and MPOs should work cooperatively to set targets and implement PBPP before deadlines by:

•  Staying engaged in national discussions, providing comments during comment periods

•  Continuing discussions education with your committees and stakeholders

•  Reviewing your MTP/SLRP goals and objectives as a starting point for identifying possible performance measures targets

•  Inventorying what data is currently being collected or what data you might need based on the desired direction of your committees

•  Participating in the training provided for PBPP

Long Range Transportation Planning

•  MPOs should document unfunded needs as a part of their long-range plan efforts.

•  MDOT and MPO’s should work cooperatively to more accurately describe investments in the outer years of TMA long-range plans.

•  Create a better linkage between land use and transportation:

o  Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL)

o  Freight

o  Livability & Climate Change

S/TIP Improvements

•  STIP Streamlining – Develop methods to streamline the STIP development and project prioritization, amendment processes, and ways to reduce the number of amendments.

•  Web-based STIP/TIP - Every effort should be made by MDOT and MPO’s to implement the web-based STIP during the FY 2014 - 2017 STIP.

Models of Regional Cooperation

•  Promote cooperation and coordination across MPO boundaries and across State boundaries where appropriate to ensure a regional approach to transportation planning.

Ladders of Oppportunity

•  Access to essential services – as part of the transportation planning process, identify transportation connectivity gaps in access to essential services (e.g., housing, employment, health care, schools/education, and recreation)

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