California Department of Education
Request for Application (RFA) - CRRL
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California Renovation and Repair Loan Program (CRRL)
Request for Application
Fiscal Year 2016–17
April 2017
Table of Contents
Purpose...... 3
Background...... 3
ADA Compliance Projects...... 4
Health and Safety Projects...... 5
Project Timeline...... 6
Disallowable Projects/Costs...... 6
- LOAN AMOUNT...... 7
Loan Repayment Period...... 7
Loan Disbursements...... 7
Expenditure Reporting...... 8
Submission Requirements...... 9
Formatting Requirements...... 10
Attachment 1 Application Cover Sheet
Attachment 2 Scope of Work
Attachment 3 Contractor Certification Clauses
Attachment 4 California Civil Rights Laws Certification
Attachment 5 or 5a Darfur Contracting Act Certifications
Attachment 6 Yes/No Check List
The California Department of Education (CDE), Early Education and Support Division (EESD), announces the availability of $22.4 million in the Child Care Facilities Revolving Fund (CCFRF) for the California Renovation and Repair Loan (CRRL) Program. The intent of the CRRL Program is to provide loans for the renovation or repair of existing facilities in order to help ensure eligible CDE contractors meet applicable health and safety standards for federal and state licensure compliance.
CRRL Program applicantsmust have an executed CDE child carecontract, or a funding award letter from the CDE. Applicants may apply for funds to be utilized at unlicensed sites, provided the applicant uses CRRL Program funds on eligible renovations or repairs to make the facility suitable for licensure for child care services.
The CRRL Program funds are interest-free loans and may be reimbursed, as appropriate, with contract funds. The CDE will accept applications continuously; however, the CDE will award funds based on the availability of funding.
In order to apply for CRRL Program funds, please complete the Request for Application (RFA). The RFA can also be accessed on the CRRL Program Web page at
Senate Bill 858 (Chapter 32, Statute of 2014) amends CaliforniaEducation Code(EC) Section 8278.3 to replace what was formerly known as the Facilities Renovation and Repair (CRPM) Program with the CRRL Program.
The CRRL Program funds will help child care contractors meetCaliforniaCode of Regulations, Title 22 (22 CCR), Division 12, Chapter 1, Subchapter 1 and 2 licensing requirements for health and safety compliance, and the federal health and safety requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. Additionally, EC Section 8278.3(a)(1) states that loan funds may be used for the renovation, repair, or improvement of an existing building to make the building suitable for licensure.
The CRRL Program funds are available to both Local Educational Agencies (LEA) and non-LEA contractorswho contract with the CDE to operate one or more of the following CDE, EESD child care services contracts: the California State Preschool Program (CSPP), the General Child Care and Development Program (CCTR), the Migrant Child Care and Development Program (CMIG), or the California Handicapped Child Care and Development Program (CHAN).
All CRRL Program applicants must: (1) possess or be in the process of applying for a current child care license; or (2) be exempt from licensure in accordance with 22CCR, Community Care Licensing, Division 12.
Applicants with executed CDE child care services contracts are eligible to apply for CRRL Program funds, except when one or more of the following conditions are applicable:
- The applicant is on conditional status because of fiscal or programmatic noncompliance as described in California Code ofRegulations, Title 5 (5CCR)sections 18303 or 18304.
- The CDE has conducted a compliance review pursuant to 5 CCR Section 18023, and the applicant has failed to clear items of fiscal and programmatic noncompliance identified in the review within 12 months of the issuance of the compliance review report.
- The applicant has an outstanding accounts receivable balance with the CDE.
- The applicant has a delinquent audit with the CDE pursuant to 5 CCR Section 18073.
- One or more of the applicant’s prior CDE child care services contractswas terminated within three years preceding the date the RFA was posted.
- CDE did not make an offer of continued funding as to one or more of the applicant’s prior CDE child care services contracts within three years preceding the date the RFA was posted.
In the event the CDE discovers that one of the conditions above applies, orthat the applicant has provided false or misleading information in during the CRRL Program application process, the CDE reserves the right to rescind and void all offers of funding received through this funding opportunity. In addition, if the CDE discovers an applicant evidences any of the acts or omissions described in EC Section 8406.7 and/or 8406.9, the CDE reserves the right to rescind and void all offers of funding received through this funding opportunity. The CDE also reserves the right to modify loan awards.
The following is a list of potentially eligible renovation or repair project(s).
A.ADA Compliance Projects
ADA compliance ensures accessibility for children and families with disabilities in CDE programs. All ADA repairs or renovations submitted with this application must comply with the ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities which can be found on the Information and Technical Assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act Web page at Below are examples of potentially eligible ADA compliance projects:
- ADA accessibility signs
- ADA compliant fixed storage equipment (i.e., cabinets, shelves, and/or closets)
- Appropriate access routes
- Children’s bathroom lavatories, fixtures, or controls
- Door casings or doors impeding access
- Elevated wheelchair access platforms
- Fixed or built-in seating or tables
- Parking surface(s) to establish required ADA accessible parking spaces and access aisles in parking areas designated for CDE and EESD programs
- Wheelchair access ramps, landings, surfacing, or transfer systems
B.Health and Safety Projects
Health and safety compliance projects are for repairs or renovations of a licensed child care facility, or a facility exempt from licensure pursuant to 22CCR, Community Care Licensing, Division 12, to resolve or improve any of the following: (1) health and safety code violations or concerns issued by the Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division, as found on the Laws and Regulations Web page at (2) health and safety code violations or concerns as found by the CDE; (3) health and safety code violations or concerns as found by the contractor’s local fire or health department; or (4) the contractor’s internal, self-assessment program. Below are examples of potentially eligible, health and safety compliance projects:
- Air conditioning or heating systems
- Carpet, linoleum, or tile replacement
- Ceiling heights
- Cushioned areas around and under play equipment
- Faulty electrical wiring
- Fencing
- Fire safety code items
- Industrial cleaning of facility
- Interior or exterior portable or permanent storage areas
- Observation windows in infant centers
- Outdated appliance replacement
- Outside surveillance cameras
- Playground areas and equipment
- Repainting building interior or exterior walls
- Safety lighting renovation, installation, or repair
- Shade structures
- Sinks
- Toilets, hand washing, and bathing facilities
- Unsafe sidewalk(s)
- Wallpaper removal or replacement
- Window screens, blinds, or other window coverings
- Windows, doors, or floors
C. Project Timeline
The performance period is the period of time proposed to complete the project(s) included in the approved Scope of Work. Renovation and repair projects financed with the CRRL Program have a performance period of one year from the date of the first fund release. See below for discussion of disbursement of loan funds.
The CRRL Program funds may not be used for renovations and repairs that do not meet the eligible project requirements outlined in Section III.
- Disallowable Projects/Costs
- Administrative costs
- Bonus payments for early completion of work
- CRRL ProgramRFA incurred expenses
- Capital outlay major projects
- Construction or purchase of a new child care facility
- Classroom chairs and tables
- Contractor claims against the grantee connected costs
- Costs incurred prior to the execution of the Local Agreement for Child Development Services contract
- Equipment or supplies such as books and dramatic play areas to meet curriculum needs
- Indirect costs
- Inspection payments (such as playground or termite inspections)
- Interest charges or payments on bonds or indebtedness required to finance project costs
- Land improvement, purchase, or lease
- Libraries, staff rooms, or other areas of renovation that do not directlyserve families or children
- Major improvement payments that increase the value of a child care facility
- Meeting, workshop, training, food, or beverage expenses
- Moving costs associated with projects
- Overhead expenses such as costs for rental/lease of space, utilities, office supplies, and other miscellaneous project costs
- Personnel costs
- Portable building replacement, relocation, or purchase
- Travel or per diem expenses
- Warranties
- Fines or penalties incurred by the violation of federal, state, or local laws, or of ordinances or regulations
Applicants may apply for the total cost of the project(s) provided that the total cost of the project(s) does not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the combined Maximum Reimbursable Amount (MRA) for CDE child care service contracts that are eligible for CRRL Program funds and are in operation at the proposed sites where CRRL Program projects will be performed. Maximum loan amounts will be based on the MRAs at the time of application. An applicant may not be awarded a loan that exceeds thirty percent (30%) of the combined Maximum Reimbursable Amount (MRA). The funding of a loan is contingent upon the availability of funds in the CRRL Program. The CDE does not guarantee to fund the total amount requested, and the CDE reserves the right to deny funding in part or in total.
- Loan Repayment Period
The loan repayment period will vary based on the total loan amount. Loans will be repaid on a monthly schedule, unless otherwise determined by the CDE.The loan repayment period will begin one year from the start date of the contract.
The table below provides an example of a tentative loan repayment period for various loan amounts. The CDE reserves the right to modify the information included in this table. Loan amounts, loan repayment period, and monthly payment amounts will be included in any contract awarded through this RFA process. The information included in the table is for illustrative purposes only.
Loan Amount / Repayment Length / Monthly PaymentUp to $40,000 / 5 years / Up to $667
$40,001 to $100,000 / 7 years / $476 - $1,190
$100,001 to $200,000 / 10 years / $833 - $1,667
$200,001 to $250,000 / 10 years / $1,667 - $2,083
B. Loan Disbursements
The CRRL Program funds are tentatively expected to be disbursed in three phases:
(a)The First Fund Release: 60 Percent of the Loan Amount
- Tentatively, the CDE plans to send theinitialdisbursementwithin six to eightweeks after the contractor returns the signed contract to the CDE Contracts Office. A loan contract is effective only after the applicant and the authorized CDE representative have signed the loan contract.
(b)The Second Fund Release: 30 Percent of the Loan Amount
- When the Loan Recipient has reported the proper expenditure of 80percent or more of the First Fund Release, the Second Fund Release may be authorized.
(c)The Third Fund Release: 10 Percent of the Loan Amount
- When the Loan Recipient has reported the proper expenditure of all of the First Fund Release and eighty percent (80) or more of the Second Fund Release, the Third Fund Release may be authorized.
C. Expenditure Reporting
The CRRL Program expenditures must be reported quarterly to the EESD using the CRRL Expenditure Report. The CRRL Expenditure Report and detailed instructions are available on the CRRL Program Web page at The quarterly report periods are September 30, December 31, March 31, and June 30, of each fiscal year. The CRRL Expenditure Report is due by the twentieth (20th) of the month following the reporting periods. All invoices, purchase orders, and receiptssubmitted must be reconciled to a specific pre-approved project in the Scope of Work.
The CDE may deny a loan, deny a disbursement otherwise due, or require more frequent reporting of loan expenditures if the applicant fails to submit a satisfactory report, as determined solely by the CDE, or a timely report.
Dates in the table below are subject to change.
Item / DateRequest for Applications Available / July 1 of each year
Loan Application Due to the EESD / Ongoing
Loan Results Posted / Quarterly
Loan Contracts Sent to Borrower / Ongoing
The cost of preparing and delivering the application is the sole responsibility of the applicant. The State of California will not provide reimbursement for any costs incurred or related to the applicant’s involvement or participation in the RFA process.
Only an individual who is authorized to contractually bind the applicant shall sign the Application Cover Sheet. The individual signing the application must indicate his/her position title, mailing address, telephone number, and fax number.
The application must meet and include all requirements specified in this RFA. Omissions, inaccuracies, or misstatements may result in rejection of an application.
The application and all related documents submitted in response to this RFA become the property of the State of California and are considered public record subject to disclosure upon request, pursuant to Government Code Section 6250 et seq. Any awards, contracts, and any attachments will become public record.
Prior to submitting a CRRL Program application, applicants are strongly encouraged to read the entire RFA and consider all requirements for eligibility listed in Section II, above.
A.Submission Requirements
Applicants must submit one (1) original and three (3) copies of the completed CRRL Program application package. A completed CRRL Program application package includes:
- CRRL Program Application Cover Sheet (RFA Attachment 1) must be completed and signed by an individual who is authorized to bind the Applicant contractually. The CRRL Program Application Cover Sheet Attachment 1 must be completed and submitted with the original application and a copy of the form included with each copy of the application.
- Scope of Work (RFA Attachment 2) must be completed by Applicant. Applicant may use additional sheets if necessary. The Scope of Work form must be completed and submitted with the original application and a copy of the form included with each copy of the application.
Pursuant to 5 CCR 18040, for applicants from private agencies, proposed CRRL Program renovation and/or repair projects in excess of $5,000 (including tax), unless performed by the applicant’s staff, shall have at least three (3) bids or estimates and shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. If the applicant cannot obtain three (3) bids or estimates, the applicant shall provide adequate documentation of the reason(s) why three (3) bids or estimates could not be obtained as well as the reasonableness of cost in the absence of competition.
Applicants from public agencies shall comply with the applicable sections of the Public Contract Code.
- Applicant must include any required supporting documentation. Applicant may use additional sheets if necessary. Supporting documentation must be completed and submitted with the original application and a copy of the form included with each copy of the application.
- Contractor Certification Clauses CCC-307(RFA Attachment 3) The CCC-307 is also available on-line at Page one must be completed, signed and dated with an original signature on the form and included in the original application and a copy of the form included with each copy of the application.
- California Civil Rights Laws Certification(RFA Attachment 4) must be completed, signed and dated with an original signature on the form included in the original application and a copy of the form included with each copy of the application.
- Darfur Contracting Act Certification (RFA Attachment 5) must be completed if the business entity (applicant) currently or within the previous three years has had business activities or other operations outside the United States. Or, if the business entity (applicant) has not within the previous three years had business activities or other operations outside the United States, then the or Darfur Contracting Act Certification Supplemental (RFA Attachment 5a) form must be completed. The completed form must be signed and dated with an original signature and included in the original application and a copy of the form included with each copy of the application.
- Payee Data Record Form STD. 204 - The Payee Data Record (STD. 204) must be fully completed by all non-governmental entities and must be signed and dated with an original signature on the form included with the original application and a copy of the form included with each copy of the application. This form may be accessed at
- Formatting Requirements
Do not attach additional covers or place applications in binders. Documents must be printed single-sided.Please ensure that each application is adequately secured with a staple in the upper left-hand corner.
Documents must be signed in blueink, by the applicant’s authorized representative.
The CDE will not accept electronic versions, files on computer discs, or facsimile applications.The application must be mailed or hand-delivered to the following address:
California Renovation and Repair Loan Program, Request ForApplication
Early Education and Support Division
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Suite 3410
Sacramento, CA95814-5901