CODE / COURSES / Theoretic / Practice / Total / ECTS
TAR101 / Principles Of Ataturk And History Of Revolution I / 2 / 0 / 2 / 1
BEG101/ GSN101 / Physical Education I
/ Fine Arts I / 0 / 1 / 1 / 1
BİL111 / Computer I / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
TEK103 / General Weaving and Knitting Technology / 2 / 1 / 3 / 3
TEK105 / General Thread Technology / 3 / 1 / 4 / 5
MAT109 / Mathematics I / 3 / 1 / 4 / 5
TEK101 / Textile Materials I / 3 / 1 / 4 / 5
TEK107 / Textile Materials I / 2 / 1 / 3 / 3
TDE101 / Turkish Language I / 2 / 0 / 2 / 1
YAD103 /105 /101 / Foreign Language I / 4 / 0 / 4 / 4
CODE / COURSES / Theoretic / Practice / Total / ECTS
TAR102 / Principles Of Ataturk And History Of Revolution II / 2 / 0 / 2 / 1
BEG102 /GSN102 / Physical Education II
/ Fine Arts II / 0 / 1 / 1 / 1
BİL112 / Computer II / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
TEK102 / General Ready-Wear Clothing Technology / 3 / 1 / 4 / 5
TEK104 / General Improvement Technology / 3 / 1 / 4 / 5
TEK108 / General And Technical Communication / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
MAT110 / Mathematics II / 3 / 1 / 4 / 5
TEK106 / Textile Materials II / 3 / 1 / 4 / 4
TDE102 / Turkish Language II / 2 / 0 / 2 / 1
YAD104/106/102 / Foreign Language II / 4 / 0 / 4 / 4
CODE / COURSES / Theoretic / Practice / Total / ECTS
TEK245 / Quality Guaranty And Standarts / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
İŞL204 / System Analysis And Design I / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
TEK247 / Products and Examination of Textile / 3 / 1 / 4 / 5
TEK255 / Preparation of Textile / 0 / 4 / 4 / 4
TEK251 / Constuction of Textile I / 2 / 0 / 2 / 3
TEK253 / Analysis of Textile / 2 / 1 / 4 / 4
TEK201 / Machines of Textile I / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
TEK203 / Workshop of Textile I / 2 / 1 / 3 / 4
Elective Courses / - / - / 6 / 4
TEK257 / Surfaces with not Tissue / 2 / 0 / 2 / 2
TEK259 / Technology of Carpet and Towel / 2 / 0 / 2 / 2
TEK261 / Spin Systems of Ring and Openend / 2 / 0 / 2 / 2
TEK263 / Textile Education Basic Procedures / 3 / 1 / 4 / 4
TEK265 / Knitting Machines and Technology / 3 / 1 / 4 / 4
TEK267 / Basic Art Education / 2 / 0 / 2 / 2
CODE / COURSES / Theoretic / Practice / Total / ECTS
TEK204 / System Analysis and Design II / 3 / 1 / 4 / 3
İŞL206 / Business Management / 1 / 1 / 2 / 1
TEK226 / Examination of Physical Textile / 3 / 1 / 4 / 4
TEK228 / Mistakes and Quality Control of Textile / 3 / 0 / 3 / 3
TEK232 / Constuction of Textile II / 0 / 4 / 4 / 3
TEK230 / Special Textile Technologies / 2 / 0 / 2 / 3
TEK202 / Machines of Textile II / 1 / 1 / 2 / 1
Workshop of Textile II / 8
Elective Courses / - / - / 6 / 4
BİL238 / Mistakes of Knitting and Quality Control / 3 / 1 / 4 / 4
İŞL103 / Entrepreneurship / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
TEK238 / Textile Machines Attendance Technique / 2 / 0 / 2 / 2
TEK234 / Analysis of Textile II / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
TDE 101Turkish Language I (2-0) 2 (ECTS:2)Year/Semester / 1st Year/Winter semester
Course Type / Compulsory
Course Description / What is language? The theories about the born of the language and culture and society relationship; Language reform: Turkish language association; Languages of the World: Language families, Position of Turkish on the World Languages; Properties of Turkish Language:Voice properties, Format properties, Sentence properties; Punctuation; Correspondence; Phonetics, morphology, Syntax; Spelling; Business Letter.
Prerequisite/Recommended / No
Objective of the Course / It is aimed to give the basic structural and functional characteristics of the Turkish language and to teach the use of Turkish Language Properly and accurately to the university students. It is also aimed to raise the student consciousness of their native language.
Textbook / Recommended Reading / Boz,E.,Gülsevin.G.,ve Yapay, M., Turkish Language
Form of Teaching / Lectures
Form of Assessment / One midterm and one final exam are scheduled at the semester
Language of Instruction / Turkish
Instructor / Teacher; Çetin Küçükayvaz
TAR 101 Atatürk’s Principles And History Of Turkish Revolution I. (2-0) 2 (ECTS:2)Year/Semester / 1st Year/Winter semester
Course Type / Compulsory
Course Description / Reforms in the Ottoman Empire; Trablusgarb Battle; Balkan Battles; the Fist World War; Mondros Cease fire Treaty and Fall pf the Ottoman Empire; beginning and Organization of National Struggle by Mustafa Kendal Paşa throughout Anatolia: Mustafa Kemal Pashas arrival in Samsun, Amasya Circular, Congresses of Erzurum and Sivas ,Opening of the First Grand National Assembly; Sevres Peace Treaty; Foundation of Regular Army.Fronts of Independence War; Eastern Front, Southern Front, Western Front, Battles of Sakarya, Major Offensive; Mudanya Cease –Fire Treaty; Lausanne Peace Treaty; Declaration of Republic; Revolution and Counter Revolution Foundation of Constitutional System politics during Turkish Republic: Domestic and Foreign Fundamentals of Turkish Republic and Background Intellectual Movements; Foundation of Democratic Judicial State; Innovations in Law Education Economy and social Life Atatürk’s
Prerequisite/Recommended / No
Objective of the Course
Textbook / Recommended Reading / 1-YÖK Komisyon, 1989, Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi 1/1.
2- YÖK Komisyon, 1986, Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Atatürkçülük.
3- Komisyon, 2003, Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi
Form of Teaching / Lectures
Form of Assessment / One midterm an done final exam are scheduled at the semester
Language of Instruction / Turkish
Instructor / Teacher;Bünyamin Tetik
GSN 101 103ART I.
GSN 103 Art I. (0-1) 0 (ECTS:0)Year/Semester / 1st Year/Winter semester
Course Type / Elective
Course Description / Definition of the art. Development of arts at the world and Turkey. It is being taught the advances made on turkish made fabrics, rugs, and architectures
Prerequisite/Recommended / No
Objective of the Course / This course is to acquaint the firts year textile vacational school students with the branches of the art and let them have get acquanted with turkish arts’ style
Textbook / Recommended Reading / 1. Şükran Komşuoğlu, Arsal imer, Seçkinöz Mine, Sabiha Alpaslan, Etik Serap, Resim I. II. Moda Resmi ve Giyim Tarihi Ankara 1986
2. Aslanapa Oktay, Türk Sanatı El Kitabı (İslam ÖNCESİ SANAT, Mimari Heykel, Kumaş Çini Halı Keramik ve Minyatür, İstanbul
3. Tekstil Konfeksiyon Süreli Dergileri E. Ü. Bornova İzmir.
Desenler, Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi, Teskstil Bölümü,Asır Matbası, İstanbul Türkiye 1999
Form of Teaching / Lectures
Form of Assessment / One midterm an done final exam are scheduled at the semester
Language of Instruction / Turkish
Instructor / Teacher;Abdullah Akçan
YAD 101 English I. (4-0) 4 (ECTS:4)Year/Semester / 1st Year/Winter semester
Course Type / Mandatory
Course Description / Articles; Prepositions: Place, Time, Movement; Singular and Plural nouns: Countable and Uncountable nouns; Tenses: Simple Present Tense; Present Continuous tense , Past Simple Tense, Future Tense; Present Perfect Tense ; Modals: Will, Should,Shouldnt, Must Musnt Can Comparisons Subject,Object Demonstrative , Possessives; Adjectives, Positive Negative, Questions Conjuctions:And,but,when,While, Because
Prerequisite/Recommended / No
Objective of the Course / This course is a complete course for students studying English at beginner level. This lesson provides extensive, systematic and well integrated practice in the productive and receptive skills necessary for successful communications in both oral and written forms of the language.
Textbook / Recommended Reading / 1.Anadolu Üniversitesi Açık Öğretim Fakültesi ingilizce ders kitabı
2.Undertanding English Grammar I, Betty Azar
3.Undertanding English Grammer II, Betty 4.AzarUndertanding
4. English Grammer III, Betty Azar
Form of Teaching / Lectures
Form of Assessment / One midterm an done final exam are scheduled at the semester
Language of Instruction / Turkish
Instructor / Yrd. Doç Dr. M. Emin Yüksekkaya
MAT 109 Mathematics I. (4-0) 4 (ECTS:4)Year/Semester / 1st Year/Winter semester
Course Type / Mandatory
Course Description / Numbers: Arithmetical Operations, Power and root calculation, Binary, octal and hexadecimal systems; Algebra: Algebraic operations, Formulas, Transformation of Formulas, Factorization, Simplification of rational expressions, Equation and Unequalities:Equation systems and their solution; Functions: Derivation of values, Graphic plotting; Logarithm: Exponential functions, Operation with powers; Trigonometry: Transformation of angles; Trigonometric rations; Function Skipping :Geometry: Area and volume calculations.
Prerequisite/Recommended / No
Objective of the Course / This course aims at teaching basic mathematical skills required in other courses. During the course, students learn fundamental mathematical concepts and methods.
Textbook / Recommended Reading / 1. Naci Cangül İ.-Çelik B.- Çelik N.- Bizim O. Öztürk, Temel Matematik I. Paradigma Akademi Yayınevi Yayın No 7 2003 Bursa
2. Richard S. Paul Ernest F. Haeussler, Jr. Introductory Mathematical Analysis, Reston Publıshıng Company INC.A Prentice Hall Company .Box. 547 Reston Virginia 22090
3. Sherman K. Stein. Calculus In The Fist Three Dimensions Library Of Congress Catalog Card Number 65-28827
Ronald D. Jamison, Modern College Algebra, With Applications, Library Of Congress Catalog Card Number 75-21841
Form of Teaching / Lectures
Form of Assessment / One midterm an done final exam are scheduled at the semester
Language of Instruction / Turkish
Instructor / Özkan Köse
BİL 111 Computer I. (1-1) 2 (ECTS:2)Year/Semester / 1st Year/Winter semester
Course Type / Mandatory
Course Description / Windows Operating System: Introduction and using of desktop and objects, Options of Start Menu Microsoft Office Suite: Opening File Preparation, Arranging, Preparation of top and bottom information with MS Word Cell Line Column, Page layout, Cell forming and formula editing with Ms Excel Slide Editing And slide Shows operations with Ms Power Point Using of Dairy and option, Mail importing and exporting with Ms Outlook, Explorer objects and searching the web with Internet Explorer.
Prerequisite/Recommended / No
Objective of the Course / The Aim of the lesson is to inform all the student about information Technologies, Office software and also give them computer knowledge enough for learning to use internet for their.
Textbook / Recommended Reading / 1. Millhollon, Mary; Murray, Katherine, 2001, "Microsoft Word 2002 Inside Out", Microsoft Press, ISBN: 0-7356-1278-1
2. Dodge, Mark; Stinson, Craig, 2001, "Microsoft Excel 2002 Inside Out", Microsoft Press, ISBN: 0-7356-1281-1
3. Bott, Ed; Siechert, Carl, 2001, "Microsoft Windows XP Inside Out", Microsoft Press, ISBN: 0-7356-1382-6
4. Clark , Scott H. A., 2003, "Doludizgin Kişisel Bilgisayarlar", Çeviri: Tayfun Evyapan, Serdar Özkaya, ISBN: 975-509-350-8
Form of Teaching / Lectures
Form of Assessment / One midterm an done final exam are scheduled at the semester
Language of Instruction / Turkish
Instructor / Dr. Erkan Türker
TEK 101 Scientific Principles of Technology (3-1) 4 (ECTS:4)Year/Semester / 1st Year/Winter semester
Course Type / Mandatory
Course Description / Material Properties. Chemical operations in burning and oxidation, prevention from oxidation, elasticity of material and Hooks Law; Static: Static balance state, Vector and scalar quantities, Moment, Center of Gravity, Dynamics: Path, time, velocity and acceleration; Mechanic and Electromagnetic Wave Movement: Wave length Frequency; Fluid Pressure: Pressure and its units, Absolute pressure, Relative Pressure; Electric and Magnetism: Simple circuits With serial and parallel connected resistances, Current voltage difference and resistant problems.
Prerequisite/Recommended / No
Objective of the Course / The aim of the course is to define essential Physical and Technological subjects.
Textbook / Recommended Reading / 1. Mesut Şengirgin- Kadir Çavdar, Teknolojinin Bilimsel İlkeleri Paradigma Akademi, Bursa 2003
2. N. Rosenaurer,A H. Willis Mekanizmaların Kinematiği Bornova İzmir 1981
3. Keşelioğlu Galip, Mekanizma Tekniği, Bornova- İzmir 197
4. Ülkü Semra, Klasik Termodinamik Izmir 1990
Ülkü Semra, Termodinamik II. Bağlantilar ve Karışım İzmir 1988
Form of Teaching / Lectures
Form of Assessment / One midterm an done final exam are scheduled at the semester
Language of Instruction / Turkish
Instructor / Özkan Köse
TEK 103 General Weaving And Knitting Technology (2 - 1) 3 (ECTS:3)Year/Semester / 1st Year/Winter semester
Course Type / Compulsory
Course Description / -Description, classification of fabric and introduction of basic knitting types.
-Introduction of the weaving components and fabric formation on a weaving machine
-Weaving preparation processes for different fabric types
-Basic weave types, drawing plan and dobby plan
-Knitting fabric definition, classification of knitting and basic knitting types
-Introduction of basic knitting components of a knitting machine
-Formation of knitted fabric
Prerequisite/Recommended / No
Objective of the Course / The aim of the course is to enable students to teacher the production methods techniques, and fabric analyzing
Textbook / Recommended Reading / 1. Zahide İMER, Dokum tekniği I.II. Ankara 1987
2. Ali Demir, Tekstil Üretim Yöntemleri, İTU Yayınları 2004
3. Dr Altuğ ACUNER, Tasarımda Konstrüksiyon Esasları Ağustos 2001
4. Öğr Gör. Yılmaz BALİ, Dokuma Kumaş Analizi ve Desenlerdirme Bilgisi İZMİR 2000
5. Şeber Bahattin, Alpan Dilek, Kumaş Yapı Bilgisi, Istanbul1989
6. Von einem Autorenkollektiv Gewebwtechnik, Veb Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 1978
7. Marjorie A Taylor, Ali Demir, Melih Güney, Tekstil Teknolojısi(Elyaf, İplik, Dokuma, Örme, Halı, Dikiş İstanbul1999
Form of Teaching / Lectures
Form of Assessment / One midterm an done final exam are scheduled at the semester
Language of Instruction / Turkish
Instructor / Abdullah Akçan