Camp Bahamas Staff Application

Future Staff of Camp Bahamas,

As Directors of Camp Bahamas, we believe God brings just the right people to serve with us each summer. The most rewarding summers have been those with staff who are passionate about their relationship with God. We believe wholeheartedly that campers will only go as far as we are in our pursuit of God. We cannot lead teenagers to a place in their walk where we have not gone ourselves. Therefore, all staff must have a testimony of when they received Jesus as their Lord and Savior and must be currently growing in their relationship with Him, through personal daily devotions, and active in their local church.

Camp Bahamas believes that what an adult does in moderation, a teenager will do in excess. We want to set a standard at Camp for teenagers, giving them a counselor for them to model their life after. Therefore we expect every staff member to adhere to a high standard of living during their time of service at Camp Bahamas. We find it helpful to mention the following issues based on that as well as being sensitive to the Bahamamian culture we minister in:

Modesty-Ladies should be very modest in their dress- No bikinis, tight clothing or clothes that reveal cleavage or midriff.

Tattoos- All tattoos should be covered

Piercing-Male staff must remove piercings, and both male and female staff must remove any excessive piercing.

The impact that you make in the communities in which we live and minister in, whether positive or negative, will remain long after you leave As a Camp Bahamas staff member, it is important to not only represent the ministry of Camp Bahamas well, but more importantly to represent God well.

Our ultimate goal while we have these teenagers during their week of camp is to reach them for Christ and turn their life around. We are a non denominational camp with many staff and campers from different denominational backgrounds. We are Christ centered in all of our teachings. We seek to avoid any controversy or confusion. We ask that all staff refrain from publicly using or teaching any sign gifts (i.e. tongues, prophecy, etc) while at camp. Our agenda at camp is not to promote a specific denomination, but to keep Christ first. Staff must be willing to do their upmost in being a good witness during their time at Camp Bahamas.

Whether you join us for a week or an extended period of time, we know you become an important part of what God is doing to capture the heart of Bahamian teenagers and to fan the fire of passion for a lifetime of fulfilling God’s plan for their life.

Working at Camp Bahamas Ministries should be viewed as a missions/ministry opportunity. Because of this there is a weekly fee involved, which will be discussed during your interview.

Thank you for your interest in the Camp Bahamas Ministries

-- Richard and Andrea Albury

(After filling in your answers, please copy and paste the text into an email to us )


Date of Birth:

Social Security Number:

Mailing Address:

Phone #Home:

Phone # Cell:

Email Address:

Do you have Facebook? If so, what name are you listed under?

Church Information:

Home Church

How long have you attended?


Pastor’s phone #

Pastor’s Email

Current church (if different than Home Church)

How long have you attended?


Pastor’s phone #

Pastor’s Email

Education: High School and Beyond




Degree Granted

Ministry Experience






Camp Experience:As a Camper

Years attended



Camp Experience:As a Counselor/Staff







References: 3 non-family members and pastors having knowledgeof your character, work habits & ability.

1. Name

Phone #


Relationship/How long?

2. Name

Phone #


Relationship/How long?

3. Name

Phone #


Relationship/How long?

Dates Available: (May and June are mainly focused on Mission Teams and Work Projects while July and early August is focused on overnight 5 day camp for Bahamian teenagers with a few mission teams overlapping)

Positions interested in: Please list any of the following positions you are interested in. The needs of our summer season change from week to week based on the number of campers and size of mission teams. Flexibility is crucial in meeting the challenges as they come.

  • Camp Counselor
  • Support Staff: Kitchen, hospitability, set up/tear down
  • Mission team assistant
  • Work project assistant
  • Discipleship
  • Sports coaching
  • Praise & worship: If so, please list any instruments you play

Spiritual Information

Salvation: Briefly share your testimony about when you become a Christian.

Spiritual walk: briefly share your journey with the lord since becoming a Christian.

Spiritual growth: please share how you are currently cultivating a relationship with the Lord.

What are your beliefs, convictions and practice of the following issues?







Anything else you want us to know about YOU?

I agree to abide by all Camp Bahamas Staff guidelines set forth in this letter



Please attach a current picture when you email your application to